Phishing Alert

Started by Rebelle, October 27, 2018, 03:33:06 AM

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When logging onto E tonight, I get a warning from Avast that states 'we've safely aborted connection on closed[dot]loopia[dot]com because it was infected with URL:Phishing.

Is this a false positive from Avast or what is going on with it? I'm about to head to bed, but I figured I would post up here and see if anyone has had the same happen, or if I need to send this to avast as it's a false positive.

Thanks in advance


Editted to add, after removing tampermonkey, it seems as if the Phishing alert from Avast has ceased.


Which page were you on when you got this message? It's possible that it's due to an image that got hotlinked instead of rehosted, so knowing where to look would be a big help!


It was here:

And it just would pop.

I was able to disengage tampermonkey, and it seemed to stop the alert from coming.  I enabled Tampermonkey once more and then I was hit with the alert.

I removed tampermonkey from the extensions on Chrome and it doesn't seem to be happening any longer.

Fingers crossed.


Thank you for the quick reply, if the issue is with tampermonkey that is quite worrisome


Agreed.  I'm not entirely too certain how to go about testing this any further.

Or what should be done next.

I used to be like "oh hell, reformat the computer"

But.. I'd really rather..not.


Sorry for the additional question, but how did you get to the log in page? Did you input the url directly to the address bar or click a link from elsewhere, or maybe use a bookmark?


Oh that's quite all right for the questions!

The sooner I figure this out the better.

It's from a bookmark that I have been using since I've come to E.  right on my bookmark bar.


Okay, thanks! I'd be spooked if it was via an email, and obviously you didn't log into a fake Elliquiy because you're here. I'd not reformat your computer yet, let me show this to Veks and see what he thinks.



I've ran Malware Bytes and so far nothing for this has popped up. 

I'm doing a little bit of digging as well.

And so far, I've been cruising around E without any alerts or warnings.

I'm wondering if perhaps it was something with Avast tripping out on Tampermonkey all of a sudden and it's false.

I'm trying to be an optimist about this :)


There's no reason for any Tampermonkey script to be accessing that site.

What tampermonkey scripts do you have installed?


Just the Greasemonkey script that Ssieth has been so diligently working on for a long time.