Don't call it a... it's just... - LGBTQ friendly

Started by jeflint, October 22, 2018, 10:06:58 PM

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In the tradition of Boku Girl and Ranma 1/2 this is a game where a powerful individual has decided to torment our characters. Involving with at least one character, Reico, being turned into a petite female and learning how to deal with this new life.

1) God (Anasi, Coyote, Aite, Loki) - Some deity or vastly powerful magic entity has taken an interest in the story and will be directly/indirectly having an impact upon the characters.
2) Reico - My character - Rei will be given the chance to be slowly, within a few days, into a much more petite and female version of himself
3) The best friend - Reico's friend for the past 4 or so years of Private school
4) The Girlfriend - The best friend's girlfriend a new development
5) The Roommates - The folks who live with Reico and the others
6) Teachers/Authority Figures - The folks who at the college and the surrounding area are in charge

Player Name: JEFlint

Name: Reico (Pronounced Re-Ko) Kameāloha, Rei (Pronounced Ray) to his friends
Gender: In Flux
Sexuality: Straightish
Age: 19
Nationality: American

Appearance: Reico is the average height of a japanese adult, roughly 5’7”, and weighs in at a puckish 150lbs. He has very smooth features, brown eyes with a pleasant smile. His hair is a raven black and smells slightly of coconut and tropical flowers. Reico as a woman is actually much shorter than his male form, roughly a foot smaller and about 90 pounds soaking wet. Unfortunately for Reico his looks fluctuate a little because of the pendant he's been given.

Faceclaim: Unknown

Relationship status: Single

Personality: To those who don’t know Reico he can be very standoffish, but to his friends and family he’s a good loyal friend with a caring heart. He’s also something of a planner.

Personality Flaw: Reico sometimes gets lost in the details when he’s working on things and his standoffish nature makes him seem to be reactive instead of proactive.

Talents: Practitioner of Kudo (Japanese MMA), Suijutsu (Water Skills/Swimming) and dance

Area of Study: Reico has an interest in several areas of study but he has a love of Sports Medicine and Biology/Physiology.

Basic History: His mother, Himeko, was a traditional Japanese woman while his father, Akamai, was a native Hawaiian American. The two met on the communications base that was located in Tsugaru, Aomori. The two had a child early in their relationship that Akamai got to name Healani, the little girl looked very similar to her mother and was doted on constantly by both both parents. By the time Healani was three the couple were expecting another bundle of joy. Since Akamai got to name the first child they agreed that Himeko should name the boy. The delivery was pretty standard and Himeko let Akamai spell the boys name. His father spelled the name wrong, and Himeko was too tired to comment when it was spelled back. As the name she’d picked had female cononitations in its native japanese she left it with the soft C instead of the K since she had just given birth to a boy.

Shortly after Reico was born the family was transferred back to America where Healani, going by her middle name of Lily, and Reico started school. Being military the family moved every few years, not getting overly attached to schools or classmates. For Lily this was a bit harder but Reico found it easier. Mostly because his mother believed in a more traditional japanese upbring and encouraged him to hold himself aloof from his classmates until they had really grown to know each other. As it was Reico didn’t count any of the other base kids as his friends, though they tended to move as a group from one base to the other.

To pass time while not at school Reico and Lily were enrolled in swimming and Reico took a fancy to Mixed Martial Arts, partly because he was picked on for being smaller than the others and partly because he looked pretty girly when he was young. With both his parents blessings he began learning the Japanese MMA that was taught by some of the schools on base, they were close to Japan and Japanese people and so it was easy to get into a class. Rei was decent at the sport but he held himself back, observing more than participating. Having started to develop an interest in the human body and the way it worked. Which was unfortunate for his sparring partners as Reico knew intimately how to end a fight in short order. Nerves and joint locks with throws catapulted the little boy into the limelight.

Akamai was a pretty relaxed father, he was Hawaiian after all and a pacific islander so he had a different outlook than his wife. He never pushed Rei into things he didn’t want, but he doted mostly on Lily leaving Himeko to, for lack of better words, raise Reico. But his mother wanted Reico to be proud of his heritage and to excel at a sport. So she pushed him to be better and to compete. And he probably would have been ok with that if he didn't have to constantly fight. When he asked if he could withdraw from the martial arts class his mother didn't like it, she would only agreed if he agreed to focus on his school work. Reico promised to focus on his school work.

It was her decision to send Reico to a private boys school well away from his family. On his own for his first time the already standoffish Reico seemed to withdraw a bit more. In reality he was simply observing those around him. He never missed a sporting event or a chance to watch athletes at play, taking notes. When asked he would simply say he wanted to study sports medicine. Even though he was equally partial to watching both men and women training his classmates started to circulate that he was a little… gay. It was easier to watch the guys since it was an all boys school after all. If he wanted to watch the women he'd have to get on a bus and go across town.

The rumors about the way he swung ramped up and soon Reico was being tormented by a large teen on a daily basis. Reico didn’t start that fight, but he certainly finished it. Using his skills he put the much larger boy on the football team down, he’d been accusing Rei of checking him out during gym class. A discussion with his parents and the parents of the boy cleared up any misunderstanding. But the rumor continued to circulate that Rei wanted to be more than a doctor. The teen decided to ignore it and spent more time on his own with his notes.

He spent time learning the movements of ballet dancers, gymnasts and cheerleaders by himself in his dorm room. Something that didn’t help his reputation of being gay. But headstrong had become something of descriptor for Reico. And as his school year progressed he only really gained one friend. With the occasional visit to his family in Hawaii, his friend tagging along, Rei made it through high school and with his grades could apply to his choice of colleges.

He decided that he would go to whatever college his friend went to, and would, if he could, apply to be his roommate. It felt nice to have a friend that he could talk to and relate with finally and he didn't have much of a reason to move back to Hawaii. His friend was accepted into The Imperial College London, and Reico was accepted as well, though not into the same courses his friend had selected. He had gotten in for his passion of sports medicine and physiology. Everything seemed to be going well, here was finally a chance to make friends with men and women. And there was little chance his parents would visit him on the other side of the world.

Reico, in biker gear, rides a Suzuki Gixxer most places

Theme Song: Mogwai - Take Me Somewhere Nice And Daft Punk - Veridis Quo

The artifacts of change, where they came from the cast doesn't know, but it gives the wearer of the ring the ability to change the pendant wearer. What would happen if both were worn at the same time? Who currently has the ring? Is it the best friend? Is it the girlfriend? Or perhaps it's on the ring of the god.

Does this sound like an interesting premise? Do you feel you could add to the dynamic? Do you just want to mess around with a boy turned girl?
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