Looking for Curse of Strahd (D&D 5.0)

Started by Roleplay Frog, September 09, 2018, 02:21:21 PM

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I suggest that me and Frog know each other from previous adventuring, maybe even be in the same party locally famous when Kathyan finds us.

GMD could be an other expert Kathyan's char found especially for the purpose of hunting vampires

And Stendarr's char...Idk :P


Quote from: Aenon on February 25, 2019, 11:13:28 PM
I suggest that me and Frog know each other from previous adventuring, maybe even be in the same party locally famous when Kathyan finds us.
Oh you two would know from a previous party, it would be interesting if Ludovika could have spoken with some of their dead comrades, or even ne present when one of they died, and then present to you as their supposed fallen comrade. :P

GMD could be an other expert Kathyan's char found especially for the purpose of hunting vampires
I found GMD's character particularly interesting since she spoke barovian and vistani at first, and thought they could have been real close. Her languages have changedso I don't they be that close now but they can still be close friends.

And Stendarr's char...Idk :P
Hard to tell with no background details yet. :P but I'm still willing to share some recent background with him too.


Quote from: Stendarr on February 24, 2019, 03:09:45 PM
Work in progress for now.

Faila Agusta

  Looks good so far, and I really like the picture. Mechanically she will fit in fine and so just waiting on her background story.

Quote from: Kathyan on February 25, 2019, 11:36:45 PMI found GMD's character particularly interesting since she spoke barovian and vistani at first, and thought they could have been real close. Her languages have changedso I don't they be that close now but they can still be close friends.

  Barovia isn't actually a language in this setting, its just a particularly thick dialect of the regional common, Lajdan. GMD remove Vistani because it was a secret language, but especially if she's friends with your character I don't mind if she starts with it. You can add that back in GMD.

Roleplay Frog


  Just need an idea of how everyone knows each other, if at all. Also some concrete examples of what everyone achieved would be helpful. I have some from Katarina and Andur. Then we can start with Ludovika bringing letters to the 4 other characters.


Eh, I don't know. I mean 6 levels are a lot, there should be many adventures for someone to reach that point. I imagine Miri helped dealing with local threats, for example saving kidnapped ppl from goblins, etc etc, and when not adventuring she would cook/offer food to the poor, she would help heal injured villagers etc. Not exactly personal achievements.


Quote from: Aenon on February 26, 2019, 01:42:47 PM
Eh, I don't know. I mean 6 levels are a lot, there should be many adventures for someone to reach that point. I imagine Miri helped dealing with local threats, for example saving kidnapped ppl from goblins, etc etc, and when not adventuring she would cook/offer food to the poor, she would help heal injured villagers etc. Not exactly personal achievements.

  Doesn't have to be every event, just 3 or so specific events. So Andur we have: killed the necromancer with a pitchfork, sole survivor of a bandit attack and intimidated a member of the kingsguard by drawing his sword and assuming a battle stance. There's obviously more, but naming those three events helps me imagine what their career as a adventurer has been like and also gives me some things to have NPC respond to.

  So for Miri we have rescued people from zombies, feeds the poor. So one more. What's the toughest creature she's ever fought, alone or as part of a group?


Lets say she had to 'dethrone' a corrupt mayor who tormented the villagers by persuading them to rebel. She helped the villagers to get rid of his hired bandits by burning them to death :P

Roleplay Frog

 I have tons o' backstory ideas beyond whats posted, I just like developing them organically in game though. As indicated, Aldur ended up punching down people far above his weightclass due to sheer luck *nodnod*


Quote from: LisztesFerenc on February 26, 2019, 01:59:06 PM
  Doesn't have to be every event, just 3 or so specific events. So Andur we have: killed the necromancer with a pitchfork, sole survivor of a bandit attack and intimidated a member of the kingsguard by drawing his sword and assuming a battle stance. There's obviously more, but naming those three events helps me imagine what their career as a adventurer has been like and also gives me some things to have NPC respond to.

  So for Miri we have rescued people from zombies, feeds the poor. So one more. What's the toughest creature she's ever fought, alone or as part of a group?
Aw, how nice of Miri. She is so good.

On contrast and about Ludovika I'd say she probably would have made justice on her own hand and killed a few villagers and captured their shadows to impersonate them to help with her investigation. She would have investigated about werewolves in barovia too but would not have dared to kill any without the help of foreigners as to not draw the attention of Stradh towards herself. She would have messed with as much outsiders as she could and fooled about with them but she would also have joined a few of them in adventuring and was even able to go into Stradh's castle once. And when no outsiders showed up by themselves she would have traveled out of barovia to have some fun with them as well as tempting them into stepping into the mist realm.


  So Mirri and Andur know eachother, having shared an adventure or two, and Katarina knows Ludovika, or a disguise of hers. What about Faila?


If Katarina and Ludovika are close friends I think Kat could know about Ludovika's tendencies of stealing and disguising so she might know the real her since the beginning while others would only know a disguise of her. As I said before I think it would be fun that Ludovika could know Mirri and Andur as one of their old (and slain) party members. She could have been interacting with Falia too, once he is provided a background, perhaps at his church?



  I think so for now Chulanowa I'm afraid, normally I wouldn't mind 6 players, but for gothic games I want to keep the number a little lower. I can however keep you in mind if a space opens up.

Roleplay Frog

Hmn. speaking about, anything more we need to set up?


I've got life stuff coming up and I'd probably hold you guys back. Imma pass on this one.


Quote from: Stendarr on February 28, 2019, 08:55:05 AM
I've got life stuff coming up and I'd probably hold you guys back. Imma pass on this one.

Well, that's sad to see, but... good for me, I guess?  :-\


Quote from: Stendarr on February 28, 2019, 08:55:05 AM
I've got life stuff coming up and I'd probably hold you guys back. Imma pass on this one.
Quote from: Chulanowa on February 28, 2019, 10:13:28 AM
Well, that's sad to see, but... good for me, I guess?  :-\
Yeah a sort of mixed feelings.

Quote from: Roleplay Frog on February 28, 2019, 08:30:27 AM
Hmn. speaking about, anything more we need to set up?
Perhaps things can be settled up while the fifth adventurer is ready and have him/her join us later that day?

Roleplay Frog

Quote from: Chulanowa on February 28, 2019, 10:13:28 AM
Well, that's sad to see, but... good for me, I guess?  :-\

Will you be able to post regularly?


Quote from: Roleplay Frog on February 28, 2019, 10:19:13 AM
Will you be able to post regularly?

Yes, actually.

Also this time I'm not making an old man who keeps butter in a satchel and uses "Mendiferous!" as an expression of joy and dismay.Mostly because you already took Wizard you rat bastard.

However I DO have to go to work in a few so can't hack out a character immediately, but what I CAN do is rolls.

Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide
At 2019-02-28 10:25:11, Chula (uid: 27361) rolls: 4d6k3 Result: 17
131429   Noone or Anyone   2019-02-28 10:25:08   At 2019-02-28 10:25:08, Chula (uid: 27361) rolls: 4d6k3 Result: 11
131428   Noone or Anyone   2019-02-28 10:25:06   At 2019-02-28 10:25:06, Chula (uid: 27361) rolls: 4d6k3 Result: 14
131427   Noone or Anyone   2019-02-28 10:25:03   At 2019-02-28 10:25:03, Chula (uid: 27361) rolls: 4d6k3 Result: 16
131426   Noone or Anyone   2019-02-28 10:24:57   At 2019-02-28 10:24:57, Chula (uid: 27361) rolls: 4d6k3 Result: 10
131425   Noone or Anyone   2019-02-28 10:24:39   At 2019-02-28 10:24:39, Chula (uid: 27361) rolls: 4d6k3 Result: 7

Or I guess I can make an NPC, does anyone want a one-legged half-blind gnomish barkeep tagging along?  ;D Damn, usually I roll crazy.

Roleplay Frog

Oh I just really wanted the portent ability. One of the few occasions where I want a nat 1 to save up and hand out...


  Yeah, Frog's character is only 33% wizard. A human is 50% half-elf, for a useless comparison.

  As for the stats, not the best, but still, a 16 before racial stat mods is better than you can do with point buy.

Roleplay Frog

In a nutshell, my build goes like this in a combat scenario

step 1: rage and chaerge the biggest, disapproving looking thing, thanks to ancestral guardian I give everyone resistance plus dodge actions if my newest best friend tries to attack 'em.

step 2: Apply rerolling ability as required to rp lucky hero and also help myself survive as I should be in the midst of things according to step 1.

Step 3: Apply sharp object to sort out dissent.

Repeat step 1 and 3 as necessary until A) all bad things are subdued, B) My character is knocked out and captured by a futanari-werewolf or C) Overwhelming odds against pc's are established, begin advancing in the direction opposite to the enemy.
I can do some spellcasting, but I see that primarly as utility and support, not necessarily stand back and blast or even eldritch knightly stand at the edges and blast. I mean, fed my AC up for a reason! :P


Quote from: Roleplay Frog on February 28, 2019, 10:42:55 AM
In a nutshell, my build goes like this in a combat scenario

step 1: rage and chaerge the biggest, disapproving looking thing, thanks to ancestral guardian I give everyone resistance plus dodge actions if my newest best friend tries to attack 'em.

  I assume you know this and just left out the details for brevity's sake, but just to be clear: you have to hit to ensure your allies are defended so, if you miss the enemy is unhindered. Reckless attack and portent can help with this though.

  My plan is to open with two group, in group one Katarina will be approached by Ludovika with a letter, whilst in group two the rest of the players should be together, as they know eachother prior to the game starting. After a brief intro scene,  Katarina and Ludovika will join them, and Ludovika will give the rest of the party their letters.

Roleplay Frog

QuoteReckless attack and portent can help with this though.

Luck feat, reckless attack, portent and strong physical scores should do the trick, yes.

Dun forget a plan to include Chula's character, also, heads up, Kath, Aenon and I are discussing if prior knowledge could be established there too.

*shrugs* either way, happy to go with whatever you think best for the planning, for my part. ^^