A Dracula seeking his Bride {MxAny} [taken]

Started by Blythe, August 28, 2018, 05:50:24 PM

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Edit: Currently in talks on this one, so I've edited 'taken' into the title! I'll open it back up if it is available later!

I am looking for a plot for this character! I want to RP him, in case that wasn't clear. <3

I know, I know, it's a lot to read! I'm sorry--I didn't mean for this to become such a wall of text; I just really get excited about Dracula! Anyways, as you might have surmised, this is my historical/horror/fantasy take on Dracula. Obviously I'm mixing in a lot of history from Vlad Tepes, who ruled Wallachia at certain times in history, with other far more fictional elements. This isn't meant to be accurate, it's just meant to be inspired by history. ^^  :-)

Slower posting rates only, please. I can't do fast posts for this one--I want to try to do the very best quality posts I can. I'm also going to be striving for fairly detailed & long posts, which is why I'd like a slower posting rate for this.

About Character History: Several of my plot ideas involve various 'spots' in Vlad's history; it may be that our game takes him in a different direction at a divergence point! That's okay! The 'history' section serves as a guide to his life and a potential treasure trove of ideas.

Genres: Vlad III could easily be played in a historical, horror, or modern era game, depending on partner interests. I'd like to include romance of a sort. I want something dramatic, with a build-up, something heart-wrenching. Vlad is ultimately a ruthless sophisticated nobleman whose spirit is Damned, and any romance that he's involved with will invariably be corrupted. A slow, seductive, winding descent into secret decadence is the ultimately the tone I want for the story.

Kinks: I can probably go just about anywhere with this character, within the rules of Elliquiy, of course, provided a kink would make sense in the context of whatever relationship we're writing for Dracula. It really depends on the story we want to tell. Of course, any Offs from my Offs list are definitely a no-go. In addition: this is not a smut-driven RP, so if you hit me up and only talk about kinks, this is not going to be the story for you.

Pairing Types For This Character I Am Open To: MxF, MxM, MxT*. Be aware that the way I will write this character will generally be as a top & a Dominant.

Read my O/Os, linked in my signature. If you are interested in a tale with this character, by all means, hit me up with a PM! :)

Name: Vlad III

Other Monikers: "Vlad Tepes," "The Impaler," "Dracula"

Born: 1429

"Death": 1477....as far as the average person knows.

Personality: Intelligent, witty, coldly courteous, charming, ruthless, courageous, irascible, stubborn, sacrilegious, possessive, cruel

History: Vlad III technically had three different points in which he reigned as voivode of Wallachia. The first reign, in 1448, was quite short. The second reign was his longest and most infamous, spanning from 1456 - 1462. The last was in his last year of life in 1476. His fanciful moniker of 'Dracula' was from his own father's 'Dracul,' as his father was a member of the Order of the Dragon, and as such, that made Vlad III the 'son' of the dragon. His exploits, particularly well known for their cruelty, inspired a wholly different interpretation to 'dragon' than that of the chivalrous order his father was part of, though he certainly shared the desire to limit the expansion of the Ottomans into Wallachia.

Early in Vlad III's life, his father was demanded to make a show of loyalty, however, to the Ottomans, and his father, himself, and his younger brother went to Gallipolli, where they all found themselves imprisoned. His father was released within a year, but the Sultan, Murad II, kept Vlad III and his younger brother, Radu, prisoner for many years after that. It wasn't until around 1447 when his father acknowledged Murad II's suzerainity and agreed to pay tribute, and thus his sons were returned to him. Vlad III was able to at last go home.

However, peace wasn't to last long. His father, Vlad II, and his eldest brother, Mircea II, were captured and killed by boyars from Târgoviște. Mircea II in particular died an especially gruesome death. But this changed things for Vlad III: he had a chance to lay claim to Wallachia in 1448, and briefly he could have been said to have lead it, but unfortunately, Hunyadi of Hungary had other plans.

It took a terrifyingly long time. John Hunyadi, voivode of Hungary, installed someone else as ruler of Wallachia, and Vlad III spent years as either part of Hunyadi's army, spending time in Moldavia with Bogdan II (one of his kinfolk), hiding out near the Ottoman Empire, or attempting to garner support among the boyars, though Hunyadi made this difficult. Reconciliation happened at some murky point, as Hunyadi eventually tasked Vlad III with strengthening the borders of Transylvania, and Vlad III finally claimed his birthright at the head of an army, invading his homeland of Wallachia and taking it for his own, where he ruled for many years. His ferocity and cruelty increased during this reign, and this was where he gained the frightful moniker of "The Impaler."

It is at this time that he began in secret, at night, consorting with strange entities, acquiring strange tomes, pushing into different and ever-crueller methods to keep the Ottomans out and keep secure his throne. He never wanted to leave Wallachia again; he'd left it enough times in his life, and rumors swirled that he was blasphemous, heretical in his views, even, though he never addressed such things openly. But unfortunately, his ever-increasing hatred and dislike of the Ottomon Empire lead him to refuse to acknowledge the suzerainity of Mehmed II, and in 1462, the Sultan sent an army of 150,000 strong to oust Vlad III and put his younger brother, Radu, on the throne.

Vlad III retreated to the Carpathians. Some say it was to garner support to retake Wallachia, but other more grim rumors held that it was so he could perfect his work with whatever fell entities he expected to aid him. Rumors of demons openly spread during this time, particularly given the especially bloodthirsty way Vlad III comported himself on the field of battle against Mehmed's forces. More rumors spread that he'd even been spotted lapping up the blood of his foes with a smile on his lips and dreadful fire in his gaze.

Regardless, he was captured and held prisoner in Hungary for a great many years, and as a captive he left all who spoke with him ill-at-ease. During this time, he grew paler, was known to speak to invisible entities who uttered sibilant whispers just on the edge of any witnesses' hearing, was known to begin shunning being out during the daylight hours, and generally grew thinner. He was released in 1475 in order to secure Wallachia against Ottoman influence, as even surrounding nations were beginning to think that the Wallachians were more Turk than Wallachian, and Vlad III's stance against the Ottomans was very well known. However, when he emerged in 1475 and took Wallachia back at the head of an army that attacked only by night. He held it for a year amid repeated battles in various places with Mehmed II.

His mortal "death" is...murky. No body was ever found, no gravesite was ever discovered. Rumors circulated that Vlad III had completed some fell bargain in 1475 that changed his fortunes, that he never really died, that the Devil had granted him immortality so that he never had to leave Wallachia again. Many fanciful tales emerged from Wallachia over the years, the most famous written by Bram Stoker, but they all had one thing in common even if they didn't agree on details: Dracula continued to exist. The name, the tale, became something of a popular icon, and the real Vlad III watched with amusement in his homeland as this fictitious version of himself gained popularity as a romantic horror cult icon...

...nonetheless, the rumors are true that he remains in existence. What he is up to, no one can say. But his soul is forfeit to the unholy forces that granted him his eternal life, twisted his body into undeath, and he owes them tribute.

Bran Castle: Dracula's residence, located on the border of Transylvania and Wallachia. The castle has a fell and strange power that makes it seem like it is no longer in lockstep with traditional 'time.' In truth, there are two castles--the castle that all humans know and is owned in the modern era by Archduke Dominic of Austria-Tuscany...and the true castle, a gift to Dracula from the Devil himself, a hideaway home meant to keep him safe and practicing infernalism. In many ways, the 'true' castle is the 'soul' of the place. It is a place between spirit and matter. At night, Dracula can, at will, pull anyone inside Bran Castle into this nebulous otherworld. The Bran Castle of this otherworld is a grim and gothic place, all dark and empty save for wolves and Dracula himself. He is also capable of exiting this location at will. He must touch someone to pull them into his home, however. It is quite difficult to kill Dracula in this 'otherworld' version of Bran Castle. It is the 'otherworld' castle that Stoker wrote about in his book & how humans can paradoxically 'know' Dracula has a castle while realizing that same castle is...owned by someone else.

Vulnerable to Sunlight: Dracula cannot go out any longer during the day. Over the course of his communication with unholy forces, he was still able though uncomfortable, but once the bargain was finally struck, the rays of God's pure and noble yellow sun seared his flesh.

Vulnerable to Faith: Dracula forsook faith in favor of immortality. If someone who truly believes in God brandishes an implement like a crucifix at him, he must immediately retreat from their presence or burn as if he were in the sunlight.  If a person lacks faith, it doesn't matter what they brandish at him; it won't work.  He is often very drawn to the faithful--he wants to tear them down, which is another weakness of his--being attracted to something he knows can cause him severe harm.

Invitation: Dracula may not enter a residence uninvited. This stems from his deep desire to remain home and to not invade the homes of others unduly. This respect is reinforced supernaturally via his many unholy bargains.

Blood: Dracula must drink human blood to survive. He must drink at least once a week. He cannot substitute any manner of non-human blood for this. He can function up to a eighteen days without blood, but he will grow progressively weaker as he tries to do so. If, after eighteen days, he has not partaken of blood, he sinks into a deathly slumber that lasts six-hundred and sixty six days.

Domination: One look into Dracula's eyes and he can attempt to assert his will and command over a mortal. He can only give simple commands. If he is able to command an individual successfully at least six times, they are likely to become devoted to him over a long period of time.

Strength: Dracula has the strength of many men; he can easily lift a thousand pounds with relative ease.

Speed: Dracula is quite fast; he can move faster than the eye can see.

Transformation: Dracula may, at will, change into a bat or a wolf. These forms are still subject to his sunlight, invitation, and 'blood' weaknesses/dependencies. He can also transform into a fine mist, which is not subject to his weakness to sunlight, or dependency on blood, though if a strong wind disperses and scatters him, he cannot reform for at least six days. He is still subject to his 'invitation' weakness in that shape, however.

No Reflection: Dracula does not cast a reflection in any reflective surface, nor will he appear on any recording devices.

Soil: Dracula must rest upon the soil of his home, he cannot find rest unless it is within this soil. As such, for him to travel is a monumental undertaking.

Children of the Night: Dracula has a rapport with bats, wolves, and insects. He can call them to him from a great distance and make them do his bidding. He can only control them by night, however; his control over them vanishes during the day. He is capable, at least in the case of bats and wolves, of seeing through their eyes if he is willing to devote his attention to the task. Physically being touched or his concentration being shaken can pull Vlad away from this task.

Plot Hooks

- The tale of Dracula during his most prominent 2nd reign in Wallachia. This is the Impaler, a courteous, aristocratic, yet ruthless individual hellbent on keeping Wallachia his. He begins his descent into unholy supernatural corruption during this era. Perhaps your character is Hungarian nobility and married to Dracula to force him into a stronger tie with Hunyadi. Or perhaps your character is the devilish consort seeking to further tempt Dracula into the power of Hell itself. Either way, Dracula is not a vampire yet, but his body is changing...

- The frightful 'last year' of Dracula, his 1476 reign in Wallachia, well after he succumbed to unholy power and is now a true vampire and servant of Hell. This would prove to be a very conflict-laden tale, full of tragedy as Dracula realizes he has sacrificed his birthright in return for his eternal home. Is your character a handsome or beautiful servant of the Ottoman Empire that is his prisoner? Are they an emissary of the Catholic church seeking to squash the rumors of diabolism in Wallachia?

- Dracula has woken from a long slumber into the year of 2018. He is world-weary from certain events in the 1890s, grieving the loss of Lucy Westenra and furious at the British, and seeks to lash out in vengeance at any descendants of the Harker family. The novel 'Dracula' written by Bram Stoker tells a tale, but is it wholly accurate? Perhaps your character is a descendant of Johnathan and Mina Harker.

- Van Helsing was one man who helped to hunt Dracula. The tome Bram Stoker wrote implies Dracula died, but of course, Stoker was aware audiences like a happy ending and don't like to think about a terror such as Vlad still roaming the earth. But it is 2018, Dracula remains, and no happy ending is in sight. It is possible that, as Dracula must feed, that someone will emerge and put the clues together about the anemia so prevalent in the settlements near Bran Castle and seeks to take up the mantle of 'slayer.' Is this your character, perhaps? Can they prevail, even as the Count begins to enjoy their deadly game and begins to court your hunter rather than destroy this threat to him?

I'm open to your ideas as well for plots, so don't hesitate to pitch them at me if you are looking for someone to write Dracula for you!