Mutants & Masterminds 2E | Capes & Vigilantes

Started by PhantomPistoleer, August 25, 2018, 11:26:09 AM

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A Costumed Adventurer Pulp Romp

1.  Summary.  First and foremost, this is a grim, street-level superhero game set in a dystopian amalgamation of yesterdays and tomorrows.  Players will play as costumed adventurers in sensational, lurid, and exploitative stories.

2.  Themes.  The game is thematically set in a futuristic pulp noir world where all sorts of adventures can take place.  With that said, stories transcend genres.  As costumed adventurers, the vigilantes might fight gangsters, fascists, aliens, robots, werewolves, etc.  Expect the unexpected.  Pulp stories contained bigger-than-life heroes, pretty girls, exotic places, strange and mysterious villains.

3.  Setting.  In the year 2040, environmental disasters and the economic Resource Wars of the early 21st century have decimated the fragile ecological balance of an Earth once teeming with life. Everywhere, the privileged and wealthy continue to thrive in expensive real estate developments that tower above the suffering masses. The victims of Earth’s misfortune have been forced to subsist on scavenged refuse from the past on the mangled streets of forlorn city-states.

In Mega City (once known as New York City), the largest and most powerful of the city-states, the powerful robotics manufacturing corporation Maximum Inc., has slowly shaped a cold, steely urban center, consisting of huge, residential towers intertwined with TubeTrain tunnels.*

4.  Rule Set.  We will be using Mutants and Masterminds 2E.

5.  House Rules.  There are several house rules.

     a.  Do not godmode.  Godmoding occurs when one player either directly or indirectly forces another player's character to act a certain way without asking for permission.  Godmoding also occurs when one player has their character do something to another player's character without that player's permission.  Both warrant a warning.  Repeated godmodes warrant expulsion.

     b.  Do not cheat.  Cheating is self-explanatory.  Don't do it.  It warrants expulsion.

     c.  Communicate with the GM.  The GM doesn't like being led around by a carrot.  If you have a problem, tell him.  This warrants a warning.

     d.  Don't be a jerk.  The GM isn't perfect.  If he doesn't make a correct ruling, please don't get up in arms about it or act passive aggressively towards him.  This warrants a warning.

     e.  E-sexual assault.  Before your character sexually assaults another character, REQUEST PERMISSION FROM THAT CHARACTER'S PLAYER FIRST.  Unsanctioned e-sexual assaults warrant immediate expulsion.  Furthermore, such conduct will be reported to staff.  It is absolutely unacceptable.

     f.  Cite your abilities.  The GM doesn't know every effect in the game.  Please make resolving the game easy by citing your abilities.

     g.  No futas.  Self-explanatory.

6.  Character Creation.  Characters will be using Agents of Freedom rules for character creation, meaning that characters will be PL 6 characters with 120 power points.  Characters must donate 2 power points towards the group's equipment pool, in order to access vehicles, weapons, allies, and other necessary gizmos.

     a.  Attributes.  Characters can be humans at peak condition.  They can achieve an attribute score of 18. 

     b.  Skills.  Characters can only be the "best in the world" in only one skill.  To be the "best in the world," a character will need a base score of 18 in the underlying skill's attribute, 11 skill points in the skill, the skill focus feat, and an additional feat that awards an additional +2 to the skill, for a total of +20.  No two characters can be "the best in the world" in the same skill.

     c.  Skills.  Characters get five skill points for every power point.

     d.  Combat.  As PL6 characters, characters are capped to +6 attack, +6 defense, +6 damage, and +6 toughness.  Characters are encouraged to meet their caps in interesting ways.  Characters can perform trade-offs, but only a single character can achieve a +10 in any of the four categories. 

     e.  Saves.  As PL6 characters, characters can have a max save of +12.

     f.  Powers.  Powers are not prevalent in this world.  Characters do not have a natural access to powers.  Please make street-level heroes.  Obviously, characters will have access to equipment and minor devices which might grant powers.

     g.  Character sheet.  TBD.

7.  Posting Conventions.

    a.  Post rate.  Players are expected to post twice a week.

    b.  Post length.  Post length is immaterial.  However, the GM is not interested in massive walls of text.  This is a pulp game, not a literary one.

* This setting has been cribbed from Phantom 2040.
Always seeking 5E games.


Master of the Skies: The Enemy Ace
Real Name: Aldux Closer  Occupation: Adventurer, Crime Fighter, Pilot
Base of Operations: Global, Mega City

STR 12 (+1) DEX 18 (+4) CON 15 (+2) INT 13 (+1) WIS 17 (+3) CHA 13 (+1)

Toughness +4/+2* Fortitude +5 Reflex +10 Will +6

Acrobatics 2 (+6), Bluff 6 (+7), Climb 4(+5), Computers 4 (+5), Concentration 4 (+7), Diplomacy 6 (+7), Disguise 2 (+3), Drive 2 (+6), Gather Information 6 (+7), Intimidate 1 (+2), Knowledge (Current Events) 8 (+9), Knowledge (History) 2 (+3), Knowledge (Military Tactics) 9 (+10), Knowledge (Technology) 2 (+3), Notice 5 (+10), Perform (oratory) 2 (+3), Pilot 12 (+21), Profession (Pilot) 10 (+13), Search 4 (+5), Sense Motive 6 (+10), Sleight of Hand 5 (+8), Stealth 6 (+10), Swim 2 (+3)

Defensive Roll 2, Distract (Bluff, Intimidate), Dodge Focus 2, Elusive Target, Equipment 3, Evasion 2, Hide in Plain Sight, Improvised Tools, Inspire 2, Luck 5, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory).

Skill Focus (+3 to Pilot), Enemy Ace (+2 to Notice & Pilot).

Additionally, Enemy Ace spends 12pp to purchase a VSTOL Folding Jet, and an additional 5pp to arm it.

Blaster pistol (+5 damage, 50 ft. range energy weapon), armored uniform (+2 Toughness), handcuffs, commlink, fire-extinguisher, microphone gun, gas mask, binoculars, computer (19ep/3pp).

VSTOL Folding Jet  STR 50, Speed 9, Defense 6, Toughness 11, Size Gargantuan (59ep/12pp).  Armed with machine guns (Blast 7, Autofire) and air-to-ground missiles (Blast 7, Explosion) (22ep/5pp).

BAB:  +4
DAM:  +1 (Unarmed), +5 (Blaster Pistol)
Grapple:  +5
BDB:  +6 (+2 flat-footed)
Initiative: +3

Abilities 28 + Skills 22 (110 ranks) + feats 40 + Powers 0 + Combat 16 + Saves 12 + Donation 2 = 120

When governments ruled the earth, the Enemy Ace was a decorated air force officer and served with distinction in countless dogfights.  Now, he fights against corporate tyranny, providing the other heroes with transportation, air cover, and medivacs when called to duty.
Always seeking 5E games.


Good morning Phant.  Think I could join you?  :) 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)


The game is open for everyone.  But there isn’t much interest yet.
Always seeking 5E games.

Pumpkin Seeds

Found an image for my character at least.  Just need to get the sheet made.


This game has not garnered any interest.  Thank you to those who wanted to play, but it doesn't look like this game will ever see the light of day.  I will go ahead and lock the thread now.
Always seeking 5E games.