The RIFT (A RPO style world geek romance story) Need M or F character.

Started by orderNchaos, July 20, 2018, 07:55:31 PM

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I'm looking to find a writer who is interested in pursuing this story with me as the previous person who had agreed to write with me suddenly became unavailable.  I don't want you to take over their character as much as I want to reboot and discuss ideas with someone to make this a great story.  In all honesty, the story I'm presenting is MUCH different than the original idea we started with, so evolution is part of the plan. 

So what do I want to write...

The Rift...It had originally been meant as a training tool for the military to provide an immersive battle environment for soldiers to test out new systems and tactics without allowing those who would be at the receiving end of those skills and systems to gather intelligence.  As with ARPANET in the late 1960's creating an opportunity for Defense researchers to communicate secretly eventually leading to the creation of the internet, SMITS Strategic Military Innovations Training System) found it's way into the public domain when Virtek the company responsible for designing the system realized the potential in an immersive gaming platform.  User modifiable at a median level of control, the RIFT was originally provided as a way for MMORPG developers to build the next level of RPG, but eventually morphed into the core program for a world of interconnected RPG's, training environments and social media that essentially created a RIFT between reality and virtual reality. 

With super hyper definition graphics and coding available, the game world became almost more real that the world around those who live in it.  While society as a whole embraced the success and availability of the RIFT on some level from education to economics and trade, many saw it as the end of civilization.  To those who embrace the RIFT without question, many have found the typical barriers of society no longer exist as avatars represent any aspect of a person's imagination.  With limits on editing the base coding of the environment, the average user is still limited to certain societal norms of behavior, but what happens when the door to testing those norms is presented in a world with no limit to your imagination.

The premise of the story is The character story is essentially a geeky gamer girl who has a growing following inside the world but is fairly unremarkable in the real world.  Of course in the real world she's more attractive than she thinks and plays down her view of herself in both the real world and the virtual world.  The other side of it is that she has a friend, someone who she's grown up with, who shares many of her interests and ideas.  There's always been a bit of an attraction for her but either because of personality of society never acted on it in a way that really spoke to the deep feelings. 

The plot of the story is that MC suddenly finds herself in need of money because her parents partially cut her off until her grades come up.  She spends so much time online, she doesn't spend enough time doing what they think matters.  A situation arises that creates and opportunity for her to make money virtually which can translate back to real world money, but in the beginning the small bit that she can think of is just enough to get by. 

Who I'm looking for is someone who wants to play her friend.  This person has a background in coding.  More behind the scenes than out there running around although they are actively engaging in the worlds but not to the level or the reputation that MC has.  They know how to manipulate the code for the virtual world in ways that most users don't which creates some opportunities to make what MC wants to do "unique".  The ultimate endgame of this is that her friend gently pushes MC until she reaches a point where it's essentially turned into virtual live cam stripping and virtual sex, eventually opening the door for the characters to come together. 

In regards to my desires for this story, I want this to be more about the geeky view of the world and how two people who are notoriously socially awkward in the real world but have the know how and potential to be someone important in the virtual world find a way to look past the things that limit them and find what truly matters. 

I don't care about the gender of the writer.  I am looking for someone who is a fairly reliable writer who is not only going to brainstorm with me, but write a good story.  You MUST be able to write 2-3 thoughtful and articulate paragraphs and follow where we are going.  I WILL read your previous writing before agreeing to write with you and I WILL check your activity levels.  I've been on E way to long that I don't write with just anyone and I'm getting tired of people vanishing or dropping stories for random reasons just as things warm up. 

If you've reached this point and you think we'd be a good pair for this story, please PM me and let me know your ideas.  My O/O's are up to date so there should be no surprises. 

Thanks for reading.