Looking for bondage-themed Dungeons and Damsels adventures please!

Started by Ampere, June 26, 2018, 10:17:51 AM

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Hello everyone (and thank you for taking the time to read my request).

Many moons ago I took part in a Bandit Hunt using the Bondage Adventures system. Sadly I had to take some time away from the forum and in the interim the thread fizzled. But I still have a hankering for some good 'clean' bondage-driven fun.

Ideally I'd like a system-based game (though I'm not precious about what system) and (obviously) more players means more opportunities for entanglements.

I don't think anything like this is currently running, but if you're interested in GM'ng or joining me as a potential captive, please let me know.

Thanks again

Art is magic delivered from the lie of being truth.


Thufir Hawat

Well, tell me more about the kind of characters you'd like to play, and what kind of shenanigans you see them engaging in >:).
Please, leave the system and setting out of it - for now. There's going to be both of these, but for now, I'd like to see what you're interested in.
I advise you to PM me, but here would be fine as well :P.

(Fair warning, I tend to use systems that are pretty uncommon on E., for the most part, and have used some equally uncommon settings. Don't worry, I am going to help you with whatever system I decide to use!
Also, I don't run big groups. Three players is likely to be my absolute maximum, or it might be just the two of you).
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Thanks to Kathyan and Thufir for responding.

My personal preference would be to play a starting adventuress, usually someone magical rather than martial. With the hook that, while the party might be playing by the normal rules, the monsters/enemies/traps etc were aimed at capturing the heroines rather than killing. I tend to enjoy the process more than the 'bad ending' myself, so ideally the heroines would have chances to escape/be rescued (which, of course, would give them the opportunity to be caught again later). It's a remarkably fine line though, because getting got is more than half-the-fun, but having at least the illusion of being able to win through is also vital.

I particularly liked the 'bondage adventures' idea because the attacks and effects were all themed around different types of bondage, mind-control, arousal etc. Whereas traditionally it would be tactics like subdual damage (bruises and concussion don't do much for me) or poisons (needles and blow-pipe darts can be good, arrows and knives leave big holes) or magic (which is usually a winner).

As to group size, I will defer to you. But I'm certainly happy with two or three heroines taking on the world/dungeon.

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Art is magic delivered from the lie of being truth.



I'm good with going either martial or magical but was thinking to go probably warrior or some sort of rogue/hunter but that could depend on the system and I'm ok with learning new systems too.

Now As Ampere mentioned I also enjoy more the capturing and recapturing than the bad ending. Not saying I don't enjoy a bad ending but being able to escape only to be captured again is really fun, not to mention being molested while in a fight (or by a trap) even if you manage to win. =) And the tactics mentioned I enjoy too, grappling, binding, arousal, mind control, are all good. I prefer small groups, around four people, but I'm ok with three or just two as well.

Thufir Hawat

Magical, martial? Why do you assume you have to pick just one :P?
Sure, feel free to focus, if you want to...
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Probably would go both with the rogue/hunter, as I was thinking more something like more amazonian for a warrior, more skill than brute force so she could be grabbed, trapped and find it difficult to get free.  Not fully decided yet but I'm leaning more towards the first one as I also think some of her tactics could be reversed against her, making her fall in her own traps or using her own poisons in hers, or aiming at vital (or more sensitive) points as she usually does, that of stuff as tomake things more humiliating. Oh right I'd love some high dose of humiliation in this. ^^

Thufir Hawat

OK, I can work with that...>:)
So, the system is going to be "my" variant of d100 rules, based on Mythras. You only need Mythras Imperative, which is the free quickstart.
It pays to read it all, but you only need the character generation. I'll PM you with more info, and we might start a chargen thread.
We'll work a wizard-type if the professions don't fit what Ampere has in mind 8-).

Ampere, it's your call whether to lock the thread. I'd leave it open, personally, so people would feel free to express interest here or via PM to me :P!
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Thank you - I'll leave it open for the moment in the hope of attracting more victims I mean players.
Art is magic delivered from the lie of being truth.


Thufir Hawat

More Player Victims are always good >:)!
Well, at least up to a point. Of course, I reserve myself the right to turn people down if it seems (to me) they wouldn't fit well 8-)!
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Marie Reynolds

I would  be interested in joining this.  Sounds like this would be a place perfect to play a thrill seeking escape artist type adventurer!

Thufir Hawat

Quote from: Marie Reynolds on July 04, 2018, 03:22:52 PM
I would  be interested in joining this.  Sounds like this would be a place perfect to play a thrill seeking escape artist type adventurer!
Well, let's see how compatible we can be...

Would you PM me a character concept for an adventuress?
And maybe it's just me, but I can't find a link to your O&Os, so if you add it to your PM, it would be appreciated!
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Thufir Hawat

After a discussion on PM with the already-approved members, we decided to stick to two players and GM. Sorry it didn't work, Marie Reynolds!

This also means there's really little point in other people applying.
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Marie Reynolds

No problem thanks for the consideration and have fun everyone!


Thufir Hawat

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Quote from: Faeli on July 05, 2018, 09:12:32 PM
I was in that game!

Hey Faeli! I'm sorry I wasn't around to continue that game - I was looking forward to seeing Cali do some duelling (while not trussed up due to evil traps).
Art is magic delivered from the lie of being truth.


Thufir Hawat

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Quote from: Ampere on July 06, 2018, 07:08:58 AM
Hey Faeli! I'm sorry I wasn't around to continue that game - I was looking forward to seeing Cali do some duelling (while not trussed up due to evil traps).
I was looking forward to OTHER members getting trussed up in evil traps ^_^

Thufir Hawat

Quote from: Faeli on July 06, 2018, 06:10:13 PM
I was looking forward to OTHER members getting trussed up in evil traps ^_^
I'll see about adding an evil trap or two to this game >:)!
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Quote from: Faeli on July 06, 2018, 06:10:13 PM
I was looking forward to OTHER members getting trussed up in evil traps ^_^

That's pretty much a given here I think.
Art is magic delivered from the lie of being truth.
