The Creature and The Bio-Android (F for Frankenstein's monster)

Started by LamentingQuill, June 11, 2018, 01:13:13 AM

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In this story, the future goes hurtling back in time to the past, the 1900s to be precise... the era of Dr. Frankenstein... and his creature...

You see, in the distant future, we have made huge scientific advancements (think like Star Trek kind of stuff) and no one is more highly regarded for achievements and intelligence than Professor Gwen Khan... his time traveling ship built for the strict purpose of observation and study was one thing, but then he went and wowed the scientific world again... he built the very first fully sentient Bio-Android, capable of learning, adapting... she even has the ability to feel emotions... the professor named her Melfina.

Professor Khan built this Bio-Android to be capable of connecting with the ship, enabling much more accurate and smooth navigation through the flowing streams of time...

Unfortunately, the Professor while brilliant... was not the kindest man and treated his prized creation like she was little more than a possession and a tool for his scientific studies... which made Melfina very sad and lonely... she dreamed of freedom, she wanted the right to individuality, to be her own person... to be allowed to call herself a person...

She begins to think she'll forever be just an owned possession... just a tool... especially when the professor talk to his colleagues about possibly disconnecting Melfina's ability to have feelings... and her free will... that evening considering those things was a mistake...

All seems lost... at least until a normal trip back in time, this time to the 1900s, is met by an unexpected time stream storm, throwing the ship wildly out of control and spitting them out at their desired destination... only crashing into a forest with systems malfunctioning...

The professor and his assistants unconscious and unable to stop her... Melfina doesn't even stop to think about it, she flees into the unknown time period of 1900s England...

My idea is that Melfina will meet The Creature one way or another and when she sees him, the first thing out of her mouth, that will surely pique his curiosity will be “You... you are artificial... like me...”

I was thinking that the creature (allow him to choose whatever name you want) would hide her from her pursuers ^.^