M/M Noncon - Seeking Kinky Dom Professor

Started by Maizie, June 03, 2018, 05:00:53 AM

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Hello there!

If there are any takers, this will be my first RP on Elliquiy -- but far from my first RP!

I'm craving some coerced noncon. Here's the setup:

My character is from a wealthy, well-known family and attends a prestigious university. To his family, reputation is everything. So when my character's brother, who is a complete fuck-up, starts failing out of the prestigious university that they both attend... his parents demand that my character do something to make it right. My character has been cleaning up after his brother's messes for nearly his whole life, so he agrees. After all, he's the perfect prince of the family -- always well-groomed, well-behaved, with excellent grades and manners. He's also fairly naive after being raised in a bubble.

Your character is the professor who controls my character's brother's academic fate. When my character approaches him to beg him to let his brother pass, your character demands my character's body in exchange. He wants to mess with this perfect prince, and dirty him in all kinds of ways.

Your character personality is up to you, but I do prefer that you put a good deal of thought into their character. I will do the same with mine. As for sex acts, the kinkier the better. Almost nothing is off limits -- see my preferences page for more details. Eventually, I'd like this to turn into kind of a romance (despite how fucked up that would be in real life).

I have a first post ready, so if you'd like to take a look, read on!

Please do not write a post back without messaging me first so we can start a thread together!

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Rowan let out a long, steady sigh as he looked around the lecture hall. As he was in the back, there was a sea of the backs of heads in front of him, but none of them belonged to his brother. Class was half way over, and he had never showed up. He stared at his notebook, knitting his brow and grimacing in misery. Damn it, Joel... of all days to skip...

At the end of their discussion last night, Joel had sworn up and down that he'd be here today so they could talk to the professor together about his grade. All of the other classes Joel had been taking were lost causes, as his grades were so terrible that he had been forced to drop out of them. The grade of this class was the only thing that was standing between Joel and being kicked out of the university entirely.

Joel was three years older than Rowan, who was a freshman at this university, and yet they were in the same class together. This was both because Joel hadn't done well enough to progress to the classes that he should have been taking, and because Rowan was already taking advanced classes despite being a freshman. They kind of met in the middle, and had ended up taking the same English class.

While Rowan was a quiet, intelligent, and dedicated student, Joel was anything but. They both came from the same wealthy family, but they showed it quite differently. Rowan was polite, clean, and well-dressed, usually wearing nicely-fitting button down shirts and slacks, while Joel wore tattered jeans and hoodies while also driving around outrageously expensive sports cars. Neither of them had ever had to perform physical labor — that much was clear.

Rowan was the middle child, with Joel being the eldest and their little sister, Sophia, as the youngest. The three siblings looked alike, despite how different they were; they were half Asian and half white, and had ended up all with the same dark brown hair and dark eyes, and all of them had naturally slender bodies. Rowan had ended up with a dusting of freckles on his cheeks, as he had fairer skin than his siblings.

Their mother was Korean, and in her case, the stereotype of Asian mothers held true: she wouldn't accept less than absolute perfection from her children. Their father was just the same, though. In fact, their entire family was like that; obsessed with perfection, particularly in the public eye. To have their eldest son fail out of the prestigious university, after pulling so many strings to get him there... that was a shame that the family would never recover from, according to them.

Hence, Rowan's current predicament. His mother had been bombarding him with phone calls every night for the past week, demanding that he do something to help his brother. One would think that it was the older sibling's responsibility to look after the younger ones, but this was not so. Rowan had been tasked with keeping an eye on Joel ever since grade school, mainly because Rowan was one of the few people Joel would sometimes listen to.

And so, as a final attempt to save Joel's academic career, the two brothers had agreed that they would talk to the English professor today after class. They had no choice but to beg him for a way to change his grade, which would start with an offer of doing some kind of extra credit, and if necessary, end with offering a bribe of money. Rowan was terribly uncomfortable about this, but his parents had insisted that he try.

Here he was, about to go through this alone. When class ended and students started trickling out, Rowan looked at the door, clinging onto one last thread of hope that Joel might show up. But then the classroom was empty, and this was his chance to speak to the professor before he left.

"Ah, Sir... Could I speak to you for a few moments, if you have time?" Rowan asked, approaching the desk at the front of the room.