Quill's Video Game and Anime pairing cravings -Looking for Dom M chars only-

Started by LamentingQuill, June 02, 2018, 12:36:01 PM

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These are all video game and anime pairings I REALLY want to do, some of them are even cross-overs and/or alternate universes to varying degrees. I am uninterested in pairings the characters with anyone else other than that listed.

All anime based characters (mine or yours) are to be aged up to eighteen or older.

I deliberately did not give any story lines as I want to craft something from scratch with my partner that we can both love and be excited about.

I do not play male characters in one on ones, unless I am doubling up, otherwise I play strictly the female character.

Please make sure to read my on's and off's before messaging me, I would appreciate it so, so much. The link is in my signature. Please read it well, it's always obvious when someone just quick scans your o/o's, hehe.

Street Fighter: Chun Li and Vega

Devil May Cry and Sailor Moon: Dante and Princess Serenity

Dragon Ball Z and Sailor Moon: Vegeta and Princess Serenity

Stardew Valley: The MC and Elliot

Inuyasha: Sesshomaru and Kagome