Kneel for me (M looking for f)

Started by Becca, May 29, 2018, 07:55:31 PM

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Before you read any further, I have to say this is very, very new to me. If anyone checks my on and off page, they'd notice quickly that I have never been partial to playing dominant characters. I enjoy my characters being the submissive side of a D/s, and this continues to very much be the norm...

I have developed a nagging interest in actually trying writing the other side of this equation. I keep talking myself off it, only for the temptation to return all over again ever so often. So, I thought I'd give it a try and see if it works.

I want to explore the dynamics of a relationship where the imbalance of power is the very aspect that defines it. I'd prefer it to be set in a mildly dystopian future, or a darker present. I am not entirely interested in them being a typical D/s couple, but find a twist to it, make it somewhat darker, more possessive, more intense. Not an entirely healthy relationship, perhaps, or not wholly consensual. I am not interested -at least not at the time- to try full nonconsensual, but some reluctance might be quite beneficial for the story.
I do need to clarify I do not wish this rpg to devolve into a series of smutty scenes with little substance. I need character development, reasons why the characters act the way they do, motivation, tension-building, feelings slowly growing and evolving. I am interested in the inner thoughts and feelings of the submissive when facing the different situation my dom would be putting them in, the anticipation, the foreplay, what waiting and obeying provokes in her.

Some scenes will feature no sex per se, no penetration, for instance, but be deeply erotic in many other ways, focusing on the training, punishment or activities he will have her perform.
I want to focus on the training and molding of a submissive into what my character desires her to become.

Though almost everything on this list is open to discussion, depending on my partner's preferences, elements I would enjoy being heavily featured in this story would be:

  • Cages, gags, retrains
  • Collars
  • Rules and punishments (including corporal punishment though nothing that would create permanent damage, and more psychological kind of punishment like forcing the sub to wait in a specific position, taking certain privileges from her or perform a specific activity)
  • Speech or movement restriction
  • Orgasm denial and forced orgasm
  • Blindfolds/sensory deprivation (though not too extreme)
  • Aftercare and romance... if only a darker, not-too-healthy kind of love.
  • Rewards
  • Clothed male/naked woman

I'd be willing to include plugs, certain kinds of humiliation (not too extreme), breath control, contrasts (rich/poor, tall/short, age difference, etc.), some kind of pet play and perhaps risk of pregnancy

My offs for this RPG remain the same as usual.

If any Lady is interested, do send me a PM, please do not post in this thread.

Some inspirational gifs are in order (NSFW)!

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I'm interested in giving this idea another go, if any Lady is interested please do send me a PM! I've gained a bit more experience playing male characters since I first posted this thread so I feel more confident with this dominant character than I did back in May.

I'm open to this being set in a modern setting with a more consensual premise to the begining of their relationship.
Perhaps a young woman searching for a thrill she has not yet managed to find in her life, and coming face to face with what she truly desired deep down all along.

She could also be "traded" by her family for some benefit they are in dire need to, taken to him for some sort of intense re-education process due to her rebellious and self-destructive tendencies or other options to be discussed. I'm interested in exploring different alternatives depending on my potential partner's preferences.