A Game of Traps (D&D 5e Recruitment) -Closed! It was a trap!

Started by Roleplay Frog, May 20, 2018, 03:20:11 PM

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Roleplay Frog

Inspired by: This request

Link to the OOC

The land of Anduris is in grave danger. The long banished and sealed away Dark Lord is moving again, casting a dark shadow over the lands.
However, few believe this possibly true. Certainly, not most of the heroes of old, they are too busy laying wenches and drinking beer. When a lone voice of reason comes to warn the world of the return of this mighty and wicked threat, only a new group of plucky, less intimidating seeming adventurers cares to listen and soon, they will find themselfs in an adventure that more than proves the cautious warnings right.

Synopsis:I'll keep the introduction brief, you'll be a group of burgeoning adventurers trying to defeat an evil overlord in a classic formula high fantasy game.
Story content: Moderate: I hope to tell a tell from start to finish, details and epicness will depend on player energy and involvement brought in.
Erotic content: Moderate. Meaning you'll face srs foes, but risk of erotic enslavement is high, risk of death low.
Specific fetishes:In order: Trap-pcs, Submissive pcs, Feminine men, might be allowing one or two futa/Females(Ideally, Females could be reverse-traps to keep with the theme?).
Meeting: Dominant, corruptive, tentacley and mind controlley monstrous humanoids. I imagine buff and forceful grunts and cunning and mind-domineering overlord types, direction wise.
Player numbers: Starting with 4, aiming for 6, closing down at 8, not gonna go with first to post will get a go, but going with quantity and cuteness of application. :P

Stats and mechanics:
Starting level 3, starting gold base of the class. Roll for hp or average. All official 5 e races, variants and sourcebooks are a go. Backstory wise looking for new and hopeful, or somewhat experienced adventurers and in between. Knowing each other to start things off is not discouraged, but not a necessity either.
Stats: 27 point buy allocation.

Character Sheets: [float=right][img][/img][/float]
[b]Class(es):[/b] Also the archetype you aim for!
[b]Description:[/b](If any different from picture)
[b]Fetishes:[/b] (Name a few things you want to happen to your character if not already covered.)
[b]Backstory:[/b](No need to write an essay but give a short idea of your characters history and their mindset.)
[b]Bonus questions![/b]
[i]What's a secret your character would never want anyone to know?[/i]
[i]Where do you see your character in ten years?[/i]
[i]How does your character react when in grave danger?[/i]
[i]You are trapped half-naked in a dungeon-cell! What might happen next?[/i]

[b]Ability Scores[/b](+Modifiers)

[b]HP:[/b] [b]Armor Class:[/b] [b]Initiative Bonus:[/b] [b]Speed:[/b]
[b]Strong Saves:[/b]
[b]Skill proficiencies and Feats:[/b]
[b]Class Stuff:[/b]
[b]Equipment and items:[/b]
[b]Attacks[/b] (Attack bonus +Damage with chosen weapon
[b]Spellcasting[/b] (Delete if your character has none)

Grade 1:


[spoiler=Random notez!]
[img]Post a picture of a frog here. Cutest one wins a bonus healing potion.[/img]


Poking my head in from the original request. I might like to snipe one of those futa/female slots!


Expressing interest in a trappy barbarian faux Red Sonja from a tribe of amazons to whom being a badass warrior means being a woman. :)

Will post the official stuff when I get a chance!
Apologies & Absences | Ons & Offs
May you see through a million eyes.

Roleplay Frog

To be clear, no rush creating them sheets, this will durdle around at least up until I finished another game-update on my lazy-end. *nodnods*

.. eh.. or until you guys tempt me too much.. :P


My general concept is a short, masculine futa/female who grew up on the street and has a dirty mouth.


Same here.  Not sure of my concept, but will likely be a male PC.  Will put the sheet up on this post:

Secret Identity: Jael

Arian's use of disguise self, changing only
hair color and minor facial features so that the
spell better fares against physical inspection.
Physical body shape and tone unchanged.
Name: Arrian Galrin (Mythweavers)
Class: Bard 1, Hexblade Warlock 1 (Pact of the Blade)
Race: Half-Elf
Alignment: CN.  Generally a friendly sort, most of the time, Arrian behaves as CG person in line with the heroes of old he tries to emulate.  However, his secret identity has also become an alter ego of sorts which is almost CE - 'Jael' is sly and manipulative, whilst being venomously seductive under a veneer of sinful innocence.  Although this is not a true case of dissociative identity disorder, it may well become so in time.

Description: General appearance as main picture.  Physique as in secondary picture.  Arrian is a lean, androgynous youth, who dresses fashionably, and acts valiantly.  As his alter ego, Jael, cultivates an air and appearance of false femininity and immodest innocence.

Arrian was born to simple peasant parents and seemed destined for a similar life until his forays into the woods as a young boy turned up a small crystal fragment.  Arrian found the black shard enthralling, delighting in the chime it made when struck, eventually discovering that if he fell asleep whilst listening to that resonance he would have strange and fantastic dreams where he could frequently be a heroic swordsman.  Many years of this eventually awoke something within him, yet, even with these minor magical (bardic) gifts, Arrian was unable to get far, instead ending up peddling song and tale in the local tavern.

Nevertheless, he made more money than farming ever brought him, and, in time, his eagerness for coin eventually led him to perform more lascivious services for transients, which brought silver and gold over coppers.  It was not to say that he was happy with the matter, as it conflicted with the deeply ingrained heroic image he had for himself, and, after his first time, he created a secret identity under which guise he found it easier to provide intimate entertainment discreetly without bruising his ego too much.

Over time, however, this disillusionment built a certain bitterness and resentment in him.  Sensing this new trend, the black shard resonated with the youth and one night he dreamed of a shadowy barren landscape, wracked with storm clouds and the ominous rumble of thunder.  Before him, a black sword of whispering shadow floated midair, and when he reached up to take it, a different, darker path opened up to him, offering him the chance to realize his dreams.  However, this second awakening fractured his personality; whilst inspiring Arrian with the confidence to be the hero he wants to be, it has also empowered his repressed side, and giving 'Jael' a personality of his own.

Fetishes: Arrian (vanilla top; chivalrous romance; passionate sex), Jael (being a power-bottom; being spanked; tempting/seducing straight men; exhibitionism; giving mild verbal abuse/taunting; giving/receiving dirty talk; dominating/topping bottoms; being pampered by rich/powerful men who hope to win sexual favors)

Bonus questions!
What's a secret your character would never want anyone to know?
> His secret identity.  Arrian's view of himself as a dominant male, doesn't mesh well with the femme-boy seducer of his alter ego.
Where do you see your character in ten years?
> Anywhere but the place he was born in, making his fortunes in fame and wealth.
How does your character react when in grave danger?
> Stand between it and his comrades, fighting if there's a chance or figuring out a safe way out of it otherwise.
You are trapped half-naked in a dungeon-cell! What might happen next?
> Have Jael seduce or trick the guard!

Ability Scores
Str 8 (-1)
Dex 14 (+2)
Con 12 (+1)
Int 10 (+0)
Wis 15 (+2)
Cha 17 (+3)

HP: 14 (2d8+2); Armor Class: 14; Initiative Bonus: +2; Speed: 30 ft.
Strong Saves: Dex +4, Cha +5
Skill proficiencies: Acrobatics +4, Deception +5, Insight +4, Perception +4, Performance +5, Persuasion +5, Stealth +4
Attacks longsword +5 (1d8+3), shortsword +4 (1d6+2), whip +4 (1d4+2)
Equipment and items:
(Starting Gold: 100 gp)

backpack (2 gp), crystal arcane focus (10 gp), hide (10 gp), component pouch (25 gp), fine clothes (15 gp),
flute (2 gp), longsword (15 gp), pouch [w/ 6 gp, 5 sp] (5 sp), shortsword (10 gp), traveler's clothes (2 gp),
whip (2 gp)

Cantrips: bard (minor illusion, vicious mockery); warlock (eldritch blast, mage hand)

Grade 1: bard (cure wounds, disguise self, feather fall, heroism); warlock (armor of agathys, hex, shield, wrathful smite)


Random notez!

Arrian is designed to be a bit like Griffith from Berserk, though he won't go so far as to sacrifice others for his ambitions.


Woo, the recruitment thread is up~

I should have a character relatively put together soon-ish


Um 25 points? Shouldn't it be 27 like in core book? Just asking to be sure

Seeing we are level 2 and most classes have no access to archetypes yet I'll ponder a little into what class/race to play but my concept is a flat chest girl who is always mistaken for a boy and who is envious of the girls (and this case boys too) that are sexier than her. ;D

Quote from: Karma on May 20, 2018, 03:31:00 PM
My general concept is a short, masculine futa/female who grew up on the street and has a dirty mouth.
A dirty mouth, huh. I wonder what she uses it for. :P

Roleplay Frog

Quote from: Kathyan on May 20, 2018, 03:55:49 PM
Um 25 points? Shouldn't it be 27 like in core book? Just asking to be sure

Seeing we are level 2 and most classes have no access to archetypes yet I'll ponder a little into what class/race to play but my concept is a flat chest girl who is always mistaken for a boy and who is envious of the girls (and this case boys too) that are sexier than her. ;D

A dirty mouth, huh. I wonder what she uses it for. :P

It totally is 27. you must have misread. Silly Kathyan

Also keep in mind, not too many female traps.. is what the mob wanted!


I can lock mine in as a futa and maybe we can just cut it off there to keep the desired balance.

Roleplay Frog

Quote from: Karma on May 20, 2018, 04:05:12 PM
I can lock mine in as a futa and maybe we can just cut it off there to keep the desired balance.

No first come first served basis. I go by a combination of promising roleplay, cuteness of character and frog-level.


Quote from: Roleplay Frog on May 20, 2018, 04:08:05 PM
No first come first served basis. I go by a combination of promising roleplay, cuteness of character and frog-level.

My character is now an adorable bullywug.
Apologies & Absences | Ons & Offs
May you see through a million eyes.

Roleplay Frog

Quote from: RedPhoenix on May 20, 2018, 04:10:19 PM
My character is now an adorable bullywug.

Good idea, but disqualified.

No bullies.


Does green hair adds something to frog level? :3

Maybe I should consider getting my character a frog familiar :P ... um now that I think about it that actually doesn't sounds like a bad idea

Roleplay Frog

Quote from: Kathyan on May 20, 2018, 04:17:14 PM
Does green hair adds something to frog level? :3

Maybe I should consider getting my character a frog familiar :P ... um now that I think about it that actually doesn't sounds like a bad idea


Hey, just a bit of a heads up, you kept the Darkonite/Rebel thing in the alignment description. That might confuse some folks. :P


I'm interested if you don't mind one more. I can play whatever is helpful.


Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide
Character Sheets:

Name: Bookay
Class(es): Ranger
Race: Tabaxi
Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Description:Has a very plump, round butt that's normally hidden by his cape but will often peak out.
Fetishes: Rimming/being rimmed, smothered by balls, booty, or boobs, likes being jerked off in front of others.
Backstory: Bookay was born within a small, nomadic group of Tabaxi and was raised from an early age to be good at melding into the darkness and with nature. He took to it quite well, earning respect amongst his tribe, even though he was often made fun of for his generous posterior on a male. When he was of proper age he would go off into the world on his own, seeking coin and magical artifacts above all else. He's gotten quite good at smoozing others and talking his way out of issues as well as sneaking his way and, on occasions, fighting his way out of a sour deal.
Bonus questions!
What's a secret your character would never want anyone to know? How much he really loves being spanked.
Where do you see your character in ten years? Rich with a big house full of rare artifacts he can covet.
How does your character react when in grave danger? Calm calculation followed by quick, decisive action.
You are trapped half-naked in a dungeon-cell! What might happen next? Depending on the captors Bookay would probably try to appeal to their lustful sides. He's in no way above using his body and admittedly appealing behind to lull guards into a false sense of security, sometimes even quelling their lusts with vigor until they're either too tired to fight or too distracted to see him slip away.

Ability Scores(+Modifiers)
Str 3
Dex 5
Con 4
Int 5
Wis 3
Cha 7

HP: Armor Class: Initiative Bonus: Speed:
Strong Saves:
Skill proficiencies and Feats:
Equipment and items:
Attacks (Attack bonus +Damage with chosen weapon
Spellcasting (Delete if your character has none)

Grade 1:


Random notez!

WIP feel free to tell me if I need to redo anything that's there, but again, this is a WIP :p


Due to my startling lack of good trap images, i will pretty likely be going the tomboy / female / futa route here.

Roleplay Frog

Quote from: ThatFantasticBard on May 20, 2018, 05:34:06 PM
Hey, just a bit of a heads up, you kept the Darkonite/Rebel thing in the alignment description. That might confuse some folks. :P

That's bullshit. I did not copy that description over. I did not. Oh hi bard.

QuoteI'm interested if you don't mind one more. I can play whatever is helpful.

Currently open.


Three notches too far on the sliding scale of furry for me, by pic alone. I'll accept things below 50%.
And things like this guy, this guy is awesome.

Quotemy startling lack of good trap images

Fem-picture hunt squad, to the rescue!


Pffft, you say that like I mind playing tomboys or futa  :P

Roleplay Frog

I say it in a way that implies that this campaign might turn into 'trap girl quest...

Though, tbh, if thats what the majority wants, I would not mind either *shrugs* Just means I need more undressy-villains.

So if thats what you lot -want- to play, go for it, Futa/femtraps are just a marginal direction adjustment, really. :P


'Kay.  I think my char sheet is more or less finished!

Roleplay Frog

Quote from: nomadsoul on May 21, 2018, 04:54:09 AM
'Kay.  I think my char sheet is more or less finished!

Looks cute.. will look at indepth laters though! ^^


Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide
Name: Victoria Marblegloom
Class: Life Domain Cleric
Race: Human
Alignment: Lawful Good
Description: Mostly flat chested, but he wears clothes that help push up his breasts. He is 5 feet and 4 inches tall. He weighs 150 pounds. He is 18 years old. He usually fools people into believing he is a girl with his naturally girlish figure and visage.
Fetishes: Mind break/control, stomach inflation through oral, orgasm denial/delay, being forced to betray his god, anything fun you can think of
Victor Marblegloom was abandoned by his mother at birth on a temple doorstep. Victor was raised by the monks attending the temple to follow the teaching of Helm. He loves Helm and agrees wholeheartedly with his guidelines. Victor lived a happy life with the monks in the temple, but he longed for a less passive life. He always pestered the monks about what tasks, missions, or quests he could set out to do in order to help the people of the world, but the monks always insisted he remains in the temple and attends his duties.

At the age of 17, Victor had the pleasure of meeting a traveler who came to pray at the temple. Victor and the young woman spoke about the worship they shared and quickly became good acquaintances. Victor asked the woman all about her travels and the good deeds she had done in the name of Helm. The more he listened the more he longed. The traveling woman departed the next day, but Victor could not forget her or the deeds she had done. One day, a mere number of weeks after his encounter with the woman, he decided he could no longer idle in the temple in which he grew up. To escape the temple Victor disguised himself. He disguised himself to look as similar to the woman who had inspired him as he could, even adopting a feminine look. He snuck out one night into the vast world. He had with him only his clothes, some stolen gold he promised to repay, and an amulet of Helm to remember his home and the kind people who raised him.

In the early stages of his travel, he discovered that he loved living as a woman. He was unfamiliar with attention because the monks never paid him much heed, and he loved the attention being a woman brought. He adopted the name Victoria to suit his new disguise. In order to better help people, he spent his initial gold buying equipment to become a Cleric. He found his temple duties had well prepared him to become a Cleric, and he used his abilities to amass more gold so that he may continue traveling and performing good deeds.
Bonus questions!
What's a secret your character would never want anyone to know?
He would be reduced to a sulking heap if anyone ever took his amulet of Helm from him.
Where do you see your character in ten years?
Welcoming new disciples into the temple of Helm where he grew up.
How does your character react when in grave danger?
He is quick to panic, but would always try his best to save a friend.
You are trapped half-naked in a dungeon-cell! What might happen next?
Were he to ever be captured, Victoria is likely to have a nervous breakdown and submit himself.
Ability Scores(+Modifiers)
Str 14 (+2)
Dex 9 (- 1)
Con 14 (+ 2)
Int 13 (+ 1)
Wis 16 (+ 3)
Cha 13 (+ 1)

HP: 17 Armor Class: 16 Initiative Bonus: -1 Speed: 30 ft
Strong Saves: Wisdom (+5), Charisma (+3)
Skill proficiencies and Feats:
History + 3
Insight + 5
Medicine + 5
Religion + 3
Disciple of Life:
Whenever you use a spell of 1st level or higher to restore hit points to a creature, the creature regains additional hit points equal to 2 + the spell’s level.
Channel Divinity: Once per short rest channel your divinity.
Channel Divinity: Turn Undead
Channel Divinity: Preserve Life
Equipment and items:
Starting Gold: 70GP
Backpack 2gp
Mace 5gp
Ringmail 30gp
Shield 10gp
An iron symbol of Helm affixed to the shield, used as a holy symbol 10gp
Traveler's clothes 2gp
A prayer book 1gp
A strung silver symbol of Helm 1gp
Coin purse 5sp, holding 8 gold pieces and 5 silver pieces
Mace + 4 to hit, 1d6 + 4 Bludgeoning damage
Guidance, Mending, Spare the Dying
Grade 1:
Command, Create or Destroy Water, Cure Wounds