Interest Check for a quasi light system, the 'Gene Splice Covert Program'

Started by Elven Sex Goddess, May 15, 2018, 10:53:53 PM

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Elven Sex Goddess

Gene Splice Covert Program

The Federal government of the United States, under the direction of the National Security Agency would engage in a covert operation called Gene Splice.   It is where individuals from either infancy as test tube babies or volunteer of convicted felons or injured soldiers are gene spliced with various other species from animal, reptile and insect and arachnid.

The scientist in charge of this is one Doctor Douglas Michael Moreau.  These subjects would be gene spliced with a particular species.  For example a subject gene spliced with a feline gene pool of say a lion.  Would gain the traits of retractable claws, the ability to pounce and a hunter instinct.   While in the same family of gene one spliced with a cheetah would gain enhance speed of being able to run up to 40 miles a hour instead of the pounce.   Or perhaps in the arachnid family, such as a black widow.   Would gain the ability to spin webs and cling to walls and ceilings along with having a venomous bite. 

Besides the obvious inherent traits of the gene splicing.  The subjects are trained to assassins.  Trained in seduction,  espionage, hand to hand combat and assorted weapons. 

They are also drawn to each other.  In a sexual manner,  it is a trait that was bio engineered by the doctor as he wish his creations to reproduce so he could have his enhanced agents procreate and create a next generation of super agents.   

Alas the covert operation becomes known and well the public out cry has the various labs shut down and the the  subjects to be terminated.   However a outside group would mount a rescue and a lot of the subjects find freedom.    The Doctor survives the outcry and is now creating super soldiers through a enhanced steroid program.  Killers that now are being used to hunt down the gene splice subjects that escaped. 

The rescued are placed in the Florida Keys at a safe house location.

Gene DNA Spliced with:  (Species DNA gene spliced with)

Description: (Describe your character's appearance and if any distinguishing marks.)

Gene DNA Spliced traits:

(Three traits are gained from the species that has spliced into the DNA from another species.  These traits will either give affect or give a +2 bonus to a skill or add a +2 to Physique or Will)

Skills:  (Skills are based in a Pyramid based scheme +1.  Skills that are everyday and not taken which do not need training are +0)

  • (+4)
  • (+3)
  • (+3)
  • (+2)
  • (+2)
  • (+2)
  • (+1)

Physique: 3
(Physique is the ability to resist damage.   And it is also the number of health points you have.  It also factors in to the damage for hand to hand and melee weapons.  The base value is 3 DNA traits can add to it as well as a skill.)

(Will power is the ability to resist such skills as seduction,  interrogation, intimidation.  Like physique the 3 is duel purposed as it represents strength level and defense level.
The base value is 3 and DNA traits and or skills can add to the value.)

Movement: (Is Physique and Will combined plus any skill or gene DNA spliced trait that gives a bonus for a particular type of movement and or skill.  For those that take a species that can give flight, it gives just that ability to use flight not the +2 bonus. However if taking another trait that to go with the wings such as hollow bones then the +2 to fly can be applied.  Also skill in flying can be taken. Same with the ability for clinging to walls and ceiling with movement.  For such skill of athletics would give a bonus to moving up walls and across ceilings)

Initiative: (Is based on the combine value of Physique and Will)

Bio: (A brief bio, whether a test tube or volunteer into the program.)

Weakness: (A weakness of the character that can have effect during the story)

Equipment: (This is for specialized equipment.  Everyone gets one item free at creation to choose.  Weapon,  device or defensive measure can be taken such as a flak jacket.  One because you been rescued from a lab)

[float=right][img height=269][/float][b]Name:[/b]
[b]Gene DNA Spliced with:[/b]  (Species DNA gene spliced with)

[b]Description:[/b] (Describe your character's appearance and if any distinguishing marks.)

[b]Gene DNA Spliced traits:[/b] [list type=decimal]
(Three traits are gained from the species that has spliced into the DNA from another species.  These traits will either give affect or give a +2 bonus to a skill or add a +2 to Physique or Will)

[b]Skills:[/b]  (Skills are based in a Pyramid based scheme +1.  Skills that are everyday and not taken which do not need training are +0)
[list type=decimal]
[li] (+4)[/li]
[li] (+3)[/li]
[li] (+3)[/li]
[li] (+2)[/li]
[li] (+2)[/li]
[li] (+2)[/li]
[li] (+1)[/li]

[b]Physique:[/b] 3
(Physique is the ability to resist damage.   And it is also the number of health points you have.  It also factors in to the damage for hand to hand and melee weapons.)

[b]Will:[/b] 3 
(Will power is the ability to resist such skills as seduction,  interrogation, intimidation.  Like physique the 3 is duel purposed as it represents strength level and defense level)

[b]Movement:[/b] (Is Physique and Will combined plus any skill or gene DNA spliced trait that gives a bonus for a particular type of movement and or skill.  For those that take a species that can give flight, it gives just that ability to use flight not the +2 bonus. However if taking another trait that to go with the wings such as hollow bones then the +2 to fly can be applied.  Also skill in flying can be taken. Same with the ability for clinging to walls and ceiling with movement.  For such skill of athletics would give a bonus to moving up walls and across ceilings)

[b]Initiative:[/b] (Is based on the combine value of Physique and Will)

[b]Bio:[/b] (A brief bio, whether a test tube or volunteer into the program.)

[b]Weakness:[/b] (A weakness of the character that can have effect during the story)

[b]Equipment:[/b] (This is for specialized equipment.  Everyone gets one item free at creation to choose.  Weapon,  device or defensive measure can be taken such as a flak jacket.  One because you been rescued from a lab)

Now I have taken and made my character as a example of how to build your character.  As for building your character and selecting a species.   As yourself what works and how it fits.   Does it fit, or does it unbalance the game.  If have questions just send me a message and I will answer and help to the best of my ability.

Name: Yemala
Gene Splice with:  Bottle Nose Dolphin
Age: 21

Description: Yemala is a Cajun African American female.  She has medium dark chocolate skin tone with black hair and dark brown eyes.  On her left fore arm she has a lab tattoo of a bottle nosed dolphin and her lab number. She is a beautiful young adult woman, with model like proportions.  Her feet and hands are webbed.  Noticeable up close is her ability to close off her nostrils with webbing just with each.  Her skin is also silky smooth and water resistant.

Gene DNA Spliced traits:

  • Enhanced density of the cranium at the fore head.  Allowing for lethal head butts in hand to hand combat +2 to damage.
  • Webbing between fingers and toes.  Her skin denser and more water resistant.  Allowing for increase with swim speed +2.
  • Webbing within her nostrils that can open and close with the lungs have a increased capacity and allows for her to hold her breath under water for longer periods that a normal person +2

Skills:  (Skills are based in a Pyramid based scheme +1.  Skills that are everyday and not taken which do not need training are +0)

  • (+4) Swimming
  • (+3) Diving
  • (+3) Hand to hand Jujitsu
  • (+2) Linguistics English/ Portuguese, French
  • (+2) Seduction
  • (+2) Marine Biology
  • (+1) Physique training

Physique: 4


Movement: 7  Swim 12

Initiative: 7

Bio: Yemala named after a African sea goddess.  Is from the Miami, FL lab.  She was one of the first some twenty years ago in the late nineteen nineties.  A test tube creation.  She has known nothing but her enclosed environment of the lab until her rescue.   Trained to be a covert enhanced operative a assassin for the Central Intelligence Agency.  She was rescued by the group that broke in to mutiple of the lab facilities freeing her and many of the others.   

The group has set up a safe house for the rescued subjects in the Florida Keys.

Weakness: No practical experience living with other humans.  Having been in a closed environment her whole life.

Equipment: Collar radio (walkie talkie 16 mile range waterproof)   

Its a idea for a science fiction game.  Of a moderate power level.  In the current time frame of today. That will be sexual and dark at the same time.  With multiple facets of plot lines.   From who is their benefactors that rescued and freed them.   The doctor that created them that now seems bent on destroying them with his enhanced super soldiers.  A country that does not recognize them and yet will call upon them to be the front line of defense in a ever shrinking world.

So if any like this idea and want to move forward with it. Or expand on the idea just let me know.

One thought is that the super soldiers of the doctor are actually zombies, soldiers brought back from the dead.  That are stronger, faster and more deadlier then when they were alive.     

This is a partial system game based on the Fate Core system.   Modify in a streamline fashion.  To allow a more quicker pace to the game and allow to negotiate conflicts and opposing contests.  Using one d6 dice for rolling.   Most of the game will be run as non system game.   Everyday aspects don't need to be micro managed with dice rolls.

Because of such characters can die in this.

Example of Equipment values:

Small caliber arms Damage value 3
Large caliber arms or automatic weapons and or a blast  Damage value 6
Flack jacket  Defensive value verse damage +2
(No other modiflier is added to the value of damage for the caliber of a weapon or type.

Small blades +1
Large Blades +2
(Your physique value is added into the damage value of the blade size)

Finally this game is open to anyone regardless of sexual orientation or sexual identity. All I ask is each person respect each other's views and on and off's that they have listed. Anyone that cannot abide in a civil fashion will be kicked from the game.   Also without saying no character can be under the age of sixteen. It will be automatically rejected.

Depending on how interest takes. I will do the base write up for the safe house.  An through it is in the Florida Keys.   The missions and such can and will take the characters around the world. 

One last thing, I am also looking for a co-GM for the game to help facilitate and create story lines along with help with the running of antagonists and other NPC.   That person can also have a main player character in the story. 

Game Mechanics
Game Mechanics

Baseline Target is set at 2+ or better for all rolls.  A 1 results in failure regardless of the additions added.  Failure gives a -1 to the next roll.

Exceptional results;  +5 or better for the target number is a exception result.  For attacks this gains a +1 to damage.   If it is for defensive contested roll, then the player gains a +1 for the next roll.  For skills the exceptional result will be based on the scene and skill used.

Moving and attacking gives a -2 to modifier

Have Surprise gives a +2 modifier

Damage is 7 or better on a d6.  Each success above a 6 is a point of damage.

Each point of damage is a minus to the all rolls.

Declaring defensive measures results gives a +2 to Defense modifier.  But next attack suffers a -2 modifier to attack roll.

Example of Combat

Yemala rolls a 8 for initative
Moreau's Super Soldier rolls a 10

The Super Soldier has initative and will go first.   

As he charges Yemala the Super Soldier will lay down a spray of fire from his semi automatic weapon.    He has a skill level of 3+ with a physique of 4, so his attack number is +7 however he is moving and firing as he charges her so a -2 is applied and his roll is now +5.   Yemala contested defense bonus is physique +4.  She declares a total defensive measure for the +2.   +6 to her contested roll.

Super Soldiers attack roll is a 8, Yemala counter defensive maneuver is a 8 which is miss for the Super Soldier.   

Yemala now goes on the offensive and she is going to head butt the super soldier that charged her while firing his weapon at her.   Her physique is 4 and she has hand to hand training of Jujitsu +3, however she declared defensive measures so a -2 to modifiers, for a +5 to her roll.   The Super Soldier has a physique of 4 and a helmet on for a +2 bonus. His defensive measure is +6

Yemala rolls a 7 for her attack, the Super Soldier rolls a 7 for defend so the attack is unsuccessful.  However his base roll was a 1 so his next roll will gain a -1 to the modifier.

The Super Soldier pulls out a knife to now attack Yemala.   He is trained in hand to hand combat with melee weapons of a +4.  With his Physique he has a 4 so with the -1 for the 1 rolled in defend.  He has a +7  He rolls a 2 so his attack is a 9.   Yemala does not declare defensive measure again.  So she is using her jujitsu skill of +3 with her physique for a +7 to defend roll.  She rolls a 6 giving her a 13.  She successfully evades the slashing blade.

Countering now with her own attack Jujitsu skill of +3 and physique of +4 she has a +7 to the roll.   The super soldier has a total modifier in defend of a +7.   Yemala rolls a 5 for a result of 12.   The  Super Soldier rolls a 3 for result of 10.  Yemala attack is successful so damage is rolled.   Her damaged is +7 to the roll while the Super Soldiers modifier of physique to the roll is -4.   Giving the damage roll a overall +3.   Yemala rolls a 4 giving the result of a 7 for the roll. So the super soldier takes 1 point of damage.  Which results in a -1 to all rolls for the duration of the combat.   So the super soldier now has a physique score of 3.   



I'd like to pitch an interest in this!  I'll have a think over for a character concept and see what I can come up with.  I now have the beginnings of a character concept.

Not sure if I can offer to co-GM since I'm about to launch a game of my own, but I'll might check into it in the future.

Name: Duncan "Duke" O'Connor
Gene DNA Spliced with: Toro Bravo (Spanish Fighting Bull)
Age: 33

Description: Duncan is a bulky man who's clearly no stranger to the gym, or strenuous physical hardship.  Standing at 6' 3", O'Connor cuts an imposing figure with wild hair, startling blue-grey eyes, and a tanned physique.  Intricate tattoos decorate his upper body, including arms and torso, but close inspection reveals stylized bull worked (or hidden) into the tattoos on left shoulder blade with a lab number.

Gene DNA Spliced traits:

  • Increased Strength. Melee weapon damage +2.
  • Increased Endurance.  Increased tolerance for pain and fatigue +2.
  • Increased Senses.  Development of an animal instinct for danger.  Perception and awareness +2.


  • (+4) Krav Maga
  • (+3) Physique Training
  • (+3) SAS Training
  • (+2) Outdoor Survival
  • (+2) Field Medic
  • (+2) Mechanics
  • (+1) Demolitions

Physique: 6

Will: 5

Movement: 11

Initiative: 11

Bio: (WIP) Duncan, a former SAS operative, volunteered to join the program after having reach his peak and was frustrated by the impositions age placed upon him.  He was not, however, completely aware that the actual process would require genetic modification.  Since adjusting, he's had a love/hate relationship with the splice program as he enjoys the increased physical prowess it has granted, but has lost the cool and discipline he was extremely proud of having before.  With his training and increased physical prowess, Duncan was intended for field operations in extreme physical conditions such as artic, desert, and jungle warfare, where he could kill guerilla leaders and insurgents whilst remaining blended in the terrain.

Weakness: Short temper and highly territorial.

Equipment: Eickhorn KM 4000 Advanced Combat Knife

Elven Sex Goddess

nomadsoul thanks for your interest.  Character is intriguing and is in the spirit of the game.  Looking forward to him being finished.

The trait with strength would give you a +2 to strength base skills and damage based on using ones strength in the attack.  Such as hand to hand and melee weapons. 

The increased senses would give a +2 to perception/awareness rolls. 


Im interested. Still a bit iffy with system games but if you don't mind that I'll put up a sheet.
Current Craving/Looking For: Romance, Adventure, Action, Humor, and Erotica. (F/Any)

Current Post Rate: Moderate

Current Posts Owed: 1/8

My O/Os

Elven Sex Goddess

Not at all mind that you put up a sheet.  Thank you for the interest and look forward to the concept.   My goal with the game is well basically not have the system rule the game.  But the story of the game and plots that arise.   Thus why I decided to go with such a basic system.


Elven Sex Goddess