M seeking F for fandom fun.

Started by backlash84, May 14, 2018, 12:40:45 AM

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Writing this first because apparently having it at the top of my on/offs isn't enough for people to take notice. I am looking for someone who can post regularly, on average at least once a day... I understand having days off, a life, I'm fine with breaks, I just usually like notice if they are going to be longer than three days.

My on/offs have most of my relevant information, feel free to ask any questions you might have via PM. The following plots are sorted by Setting, Pairing, and then plot in plain text.

Harry Potter

Hermione/Slytherin Student

This is set in a world where both Voldemort and Harry Potter died when Voldemorts death curse backfired, leaving the death eaters with a power void that needed filled, and Hermione without a friend. In this world a pure blood movement has started, in the beginning of our story it would start off mild, people being more bigoted in public, then a few bigoted teachers being hired... eventually leading to all our labour/death camps.

Your character being a mud blood, would be greatly effected by these changes. Not having met Harry means that she may have never met Ron, maybe she never made any friends... or maybe she made a new group of friends? How things change for her is up to you. The only important thing I'd like to keep is her being in Gryffindor, as it adds a "forbidden" element.

My character is a young potions genius, off the charts smart when it comes to mixing and inventing new potions... however is rather lacking in most other forms of magic. He is from a rich, pure blood family, and can be a bit arrogant, not really seeing the point in someone like him studying other forms of magic if he already knows he is going to devote his life to potion making. That said, he had been informed that if he does not improve his grades, he will not graduate, which will keep him from achieving some of his professional ambitions. So, he assigned a tutor... I think you can see where this is going.

My character will not be part of the pure blood movement, and actually defend her when she is confronted about it by bullies. They'll grow closer as things become more desperate, eventually leading to them fighting against the government to stop the discrimination against mixed blood witches and wizards.

Hermione/Pure Blood/Pure Bloods Father.

Character and world as above, but with a twist. The pure blood movement is much father along, and mixed blood witches and wizards are already second class citizens, forced to work remedial jobs and only taught the very basics of magic in order to better serve their "betters". Hermione is what some might consider "lucky", as she was picked to be a servant of a rich family. Little do they know, she has been spending her spare time in their library, practicing magic, and finding she has quite the gift for it.

Her previous master passes, resulting her being moved to my characters family. Things start off normal, with her expected to do chores around the house... however the father seems to have other... expectations of her that go beyond just cleaning. She of course can tell no one, and even if she did... who would care? Meanwhile, the fathers son takes an interest in her, being much more accepting of what she is, treats her kindly. Things would progress from there.

Teen Titans

Raven/ (Beast Boy/Cyborg/Robin)

I'm fine with playing any of the main team opposite Raven, focusing on their relationship, but also dealing with team dynamics and the kind of issues being on a team can have. There would be super villains, but also some more realistic crimes, and the sort of realistic consequences that can come with dealing with criminal organizations. Each member of the team has their own issues to explore, Beast Boy and his animalistic nature, Cyborg being quite literally half the man he used to be, Robin's obsessive nature when it comes to fighting crime, Starfire being an alien on a strange world... Raven probably has more issues than the rest of the team combined, making her a rather complex and interesting character.

I could see her realistically partnering up with any member of the team, so that's fairly flexible. Although I would want the focus to be on their relationship, we can always peel off on side stories that focus on other members of the team as well, take things wherever the story leads.


Inspired by the "Spellbound" episode of the series where Raven comes across a spell book that contains the evil dragon Malchior, who passes himself off as the hero of the book instead of the villain by switching the names in said book. The dragon gains her trust, and teaches her dark magic that can be used to free him.

In the episode, after he is released and Raven realizes what he is, they have an epic showdown... however I think it would be far more interesting if the dragon, having spent 1000 years trapped in a book, has learned to overcome his beastly nature. He was a villain in the past, but has had nothing but time to reflect on his actions, to learn (I envision him being able to read other books through some sort of magical connection... otherwise he just would have gone mad), and become a better person.

Yes, he will have tricked her, but only to show that once he was free, that once he had the power to escape if he chose... he instead gives her the choice of whether or not to put him back in the book. He knew that if he told her what he was right away she never would have trusted him, having intended to tell her the truth once she had gotten to know him for the person he had become, not the evil dragon she had read about. As they grew closer however, he had hoped he could simply leave that part of himself behind forever... that maybe he didn't have to tell her his deepest shame, for fear of it tearing them apart.

I figure that, after she's learned a few spells from him, she would be able to have him "manifest" in a humanoid form within a certain range of the book, not having access to all of his magical powers, but enough to teach her more powerful magic... He wouldn't have the power to free himself of course, but enough to guide her to free him. The whole her finding out what he truly is would be a mid-story chance for drama and conflict, something I think could be quite enjoyable to play around with.


In this pairing, Raven comes across an evil mage who is causing havoc in the city, using spells, and a powerful familiar to take what he wants, killing anyone who gets in his way. When things start to look desperate however, Raven notices that the binding spell on the mages impressive familiar has a weakness... it is attached to a charm on a bracelet. Whoever wears the bracelet, controls the familiar. All it takes is a little magic to send the bracelet flying towards her, snapping it onto her wrist, and giving her full control of the impressive beast.

The familiar is eager to take vengeance on his old master, having been forced to do all sorts of horrible things because of the binding spell that compelled him to follow orders... Once the evil mage is defeated however Raven is faced with a problem... what does she do with the familiar?