Beyond the Reach: Smuggler's Run [Star Wars, Reboot]

Started by RegretNot, May 01, 2018, 10:23:20 PM

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Beyond the Reach : Smuggler's Run

Premise: Smugglers Run is a place that not all know about in that exists out in the Outter Rim, it is a Bastian of Free Trade and beyond the reach of the Empire.  It is made up of a large asteroid belt that is at the end of the Correlian Run, many of these asteroids being fitted inside with life support in their caverns or hollowed out.  These settled asteroids are called Skips and controlled by different smugglers, criminal elements, or even those with enough credits to make them their home, but to choose such a life it says something about your past.  It has remained unchecked for several centuries from its difficulty to get inside and its location not being passed around to anyone.  There are rumors that on Skip 39 there is plenty of work to be found and, yet something seems very off about it.  Talk over holochess and sabbac tables wonder aloud if the empire has finally found their way inside this hidden gem of lawlessness or if there is something more sinister about. 

Concepts: Characters involved in the game should be those who have come to Smuggler’s Run to call it their home or have been there for quite some time.  I am not looking for characters that are complete newbies to the life (unless you want the struggle) and have interesting backstories to enrich them.  I will not be looking for a novella but this helps create plot lines and connections to pull on in the overall game. 

System: I don’t plan on using a system for this game unless people would like to use one of the existing badly (Star Wars D6, SW D20 3.5, SW Saga, SW FFG, etc).  I would rather focus on writing and cooperative interactions and adventure than getting bogged down in rolling dice, a standard sheet with strengths, weaknesses, personality traits, etc is much easier in my experience in this medium. 

FAQ: (will update as it’s asked and answered here)

Can I have a Force Sensitive?
Yes, classically trained jedi might be a stretch but if you can reason it, pitch the idea. 

What Section Will this be Under?
This will likely be in Bondage: Exotic

What impact does the Empire have?
The Empire hasn’t reached the Run as far as people know but there are rumors of agents and the like now being talked about. 

What era is this in?
This game takes place 3 years BBY (Before Battle of Yavin).

Can I have a Canon Character?
No, I would rather we will fill in the gaps that aren’t already filled in this plus we are in a place that’s a lot more nebulous when it comes to canon. 

Can I play an Imperial?
No, we are keeping Imperials as NPCs but there are plenty of other factions in play. 

Character Sheet

Full Name:






Major Strengths: (3 at most, these are the major talents the character has)

Minor Strengths: (No limit but be reasonable)

Minor Weaknesses: (Atleast 2)

Major Weaknesses: (Atleast 2)





Hey, I am of course interested

I would like to bring back my force sensitive information broker.

This is awesome
