He's a Demon in the Sack [M lf F, Modern Supernatural]

Started by TheVillain, April 28, 2018, 07:48:18 PM

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What's a neighborhood without a few juicy secrets?

Take the Grey's for example. Herman and Kate Grey certainly have a doozy of one for sure. Behind the facade of a suburban couple living happily in their well-deserved home rumors abound about their sex life. The couple has no children, but rumor has it Herman has had sex with women other then his wife. Some of the rumors go as far as to claim that Herman and Kate are secretly swingers and that Kate encourages Herman to have sex with other women as long as she gets to at least watch.

But the truth about the Greys is even more bizarre then that.

The Supernatural World is actually very real but deeply hidden. Vampires, Ghosts, Demons, all of it is real. The Grey's would definitely know, Herman is actually an Incubus. A literal demon from Hell, meant to encourage sexual sins in mortal woman and sustaining his existence by feeding on their life energy during intimate contact. Herman isn't a monster, he usually only takes life energy too the point that the partners find themselves weirdly tired for a few days but they can usually chuck it up to vigorous sex.

The amusing part is that their affection for each other is completely genuine. The marriage technically isn't legal since Herman lied about his species but it's as close as the supernatural community will allow. And yes, Herman has to also have sex with other women because if he was truly monogamous with Kate the repeated drains would kill her but every relationship has it's challenges if you think about it.

But then the word spreads among the supernatural community that they intend to "come out of the closet" so to speak, and things are going to get interesting.

Loosely based on the pictured comic, basic idea is that the supernatural world is real and hidden but considering coming out into the daylight so to speak. Our characters are a happily married couple, but with the challenge that my character is an Incubus and as such he has to have sex with other women as well to prevent accidentally killing his wife.

Many points are negotiable, PM me if you have any thoughts or ideas.
My O/O's / My A/A's / My Ideas
Update - Apologies to all my partners, real life is exploding and I've gotten far behind.