Looking for partners to write a hotwife/ccuckolded story.

Started by Blinkin, April 07, 2018, 11:39:47 AM

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Hello All:

I'm just going to put up a bare-bone story idea and see if there's anyone interested in writing it.

This is based off of one of my story ideas, but expanded just a little for a third, or even a fourth player with the understanding that whoever picks up the role(s) of the wife's lovers will have to play a number of characters in varying lengths of time. One or two may become steady lovers, but most will be one-off's or short term affairs.

My preference is to play the wife in question; a mother of three in her early 30's and in a marriage that, for reasons to be determined, has been unable to reach climax with her husband since the birth of their third child, a little over 2 years ago. She is deeply in love with her husband, but she can't continjue to fake it any longer. With emotions running high, she finally confesses to him her problem and they try a number of options, but to no success. It's not that she doesn't find him attractive and sexy... it's just that she can't climax before he's done and rolling over to bask in the afterglow of what he thought was mutual orgasms.

So, one of them (Which one is open for discussion) reluctantly suggests bringing a third person into the marritial bed and after some time of consideration, they settle on a friend or neighbor and the arrangements are made.

The problem? It works too well and she's had the best sex of her life and wants more. Her husband did participate in the threesome, but in the end was all but forgotten  as he watches his wife acting like she never has before in bed. The story surrounds the relationship that is altered between the wife and husband as she explores her sexuality; at first with him involved, then with his permission alone and eventually, without his knowledge with perhaps a relationship developing with one, or perhaps two of her lovers.

And, that's the barebones of the idea. I'm looking for someone to play the husband and someone to play the lover(s). As I mentioned, this can be more than one player, but we would need to work out how things go so that no one is hanging out without anything to do for stretches of time.

Note: While there are 3 children  as NPC's in the story, their appearances will be only for flavor and never, ever in anything approaching sexual content. As an example, picking them up from Grandma's house or at the dinner table when she gets a text or call.
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