Looking for an Exalted 3e game!

Started by Alistair Leonhart, April 03, 2018, 05:06:11 PM

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Personally i'd love to give a Dawn a go, but trying to think of some good options to present first.

Alistair Leonhart

So far we seem to have a few pitches for Eclipse, Zenith and Dawn Castes. Sounds good!

Alistair Leonhart

Alright, we might have a Night Caste pitch coming in soon. Any ideas for a Twilight Caste you guys wanna pitch in? Apart from the ones who have already thrown in their own, of course. 


I'm leaning towards either Night Cast or Twilight Cast I think.

Been tinking around with charm combinations and potential ideas.

I've narrowed it down to the twilight cast exorcist monk idea or the night cast spy.

As for general feel, I'd say Scavenger lands and Gloam or the west like Onyx. Something that would provide a nice mixture of both the mortal world and the supernatural as well as laying the base for something that has intrigue and combat. Hopefully I'm being clear.

Alistair Leonhart

Alright boys, feel free to use this tracker to work on your character once you have an idea.


The game's taking place in Wu-Jian, after getting sheets for a Night Caste and Twilight Caste as well as a possible Eclipse Caste concept (since all of them work really well in Wu-Jian). We still have Dawn and Zenith slots + repeated ones once we hit a Perfect Circle, so if you have any ideas for those then put them here!


Zenith wise, I have a bandit princess concept and a pirate captain... Presence Supernal on the intimidation track, sword melee combat focus.  Which would fit better?  While it is the West, you and other players might not wanto spend a lot of attention on sea action.
Behold!  My O&Os
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Alistair Leonhart

Sea action is definitely a possibility, just probably not the main focus of the campaign. Pirate captain works just as well as a bandit princess, and Presence Supernal will surely help a lot with social influence. At least one of the characters should have a bit of Sail in case you want to move around the West, otherwise, you'll probably be limited to the main commercial routes going to and from Wu-Jian (which are a lot but might make you miss out on some places).


I'm definitely going to be bringing Sail to the table, just not as my primary focus.


Wu-Jian has essentially no open land, right?  It's some Realm estates and the city and that's it, from what I've read.  So being a roaming bandit would be hard there... that was a Hundred Kingdoms notion, with lots of kingdoms and lots of room to travel.

Could do a crusader against slavery idea, who uses piracy and seagoing warfare as one means to the end.  "Cut off the slave trade through Wu-Jian" could be a main motivation, since it is the gateway to and from the Realm for that part of the region.  Perhaps have a 1 dot ally as the sailing master of her ship (with a ship).  She fights on land and at sea, and isn't always at sea in her crusade.  The big question is can you fit a size 3 force of soldiers onto the island without causing trouble?

Another big question is about sex, nudity and fan service in the game... how much?   It's the West, so you can get away without wearing much.  Though armor does kind of get in the way of that. :)
Behold!  My O&Os
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Canon Character Roleplay and System-based Roleplay


So, I've done a bit of refining work and given a first draft of Summer Whisper a shot!

I hope this link works okay...

Relevant information: Summer protects his reputation at any cost, he will work for the Circle's benefit behind the scenes, he's got a bit of money and a great deal of influence.  He's not great in a fight but he's got a couple basic combat Charms and a smattering of utility in Sail, Presence, and Socialize plus his primary focus of "I can sway your heart and mind with words on a page."

I'm expecting we'll have time to get some XP under our belts and fill in a few gaps before we get thrown at the really hardcore problems, so I feel pretty okay with this sheet, but any feedback is appreciated!

I'll fill in more Intimacies towards members of the Circle once we've got some more solid information on more PCs!  But his current Intimacies revolve largely around not caring for the Realm, protecting his own reputation, and his desire to make the world better while hiding the shady shit he does to get there.

In short, he's a delightfully complicated subversive with a few surprises in store for people he needs to act against.  I'm looking forward to this,

Alistair Leonhart

Wu-Jian is a sprawling lawless island where criminals basically roam free and even the Dynasts seldom go outside alone, let alone at all. Criminals like a bandit princess are more than fit for the island simply because crime rules there.

As a 5 dot Ally, you could take Revana Quen, the Exigent of the God of the Shining Metropolis tasked with protecting the city from internal dissolution and external threats. Her mother is a smuggler and pirate captain and she inherited a lot from her and developed it even further, so you might know her as a rival (if you don't take her as an ally) or a friend from work/*insert any other relationship with her here* (If you do). As a 3 dot Ally, you could take a Dragon-Blooded Dynast who owes you more than their fair share of favors and would rather retain your continued support to stave off their crippling debts or an Outcaste pirate who pledged to serve under you. Those are just a few examples. As for a Size 3 army... I doubt anyone will mind just another large escort force, they'll just take you for a Pirate Queen or Dynast and mostly leave you alone. Mostly.

As for nudity and fan service, just try to follow the story instead of going straight for smut (as everyone tells everyone). Being nude indoors on your property is fine, doing so outdoors attracts all sorts of unwanted or wanted attention and it puts all sorts of penalties on all sorts of rolls you might probably not want. Skimpy clothing is absolutely fine, Wu-Jian isn't exactly known for their moral and reserved people so you can wear as little as you want while keeping in mind those clothes might not help when the Air Aspect causes a flash freeze. As for armor, remember armor can be as skimpy as you need it to be and STILL provide protection if it's an Artifact (because artifacts are weird) so those are exceptions, otherwise if you want armor soak and whatnot, you'll have to cover up a lot. Ignore most of that if you take Resistance and Survival Charms to negate those penalties and give you soak, in which case you might as well wear whatever you want xD

Krata: You need to click on the "Share" button and get a link there to share it with us xD The link you gave us doesn't work.


I usually go with a resolute crusader type, acting outside the unjust law against the forces of tyranny... though I'm now thinking of an actual bandit princess with a heart of gold, someone who protects those that are part of her family or "kingdom."  Now that she's a Solar, that group just keeps expanding, resulting in more and more trouble! :)  An actual Wu-Jian native instead of someone who wandered in from elsewhere.

A Manse might be an interesting background... possibly seized from a Dynast no one else liked enough to help when they were under attack.  Though they might rouse themselves for revenge now that the former owner is dead and gone, on principle.  Or a hidden Manse, carved deep in the rock back in the First Age... that'd be an ideal bandit kingdom.  Would that work?
Behold!  My O&Os
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Canon Character Roleplay and System-based Roleplay

Alistair Leonhart

If you want a Manse, those ideas could definitely work, although of course each of them carries consequences (The Dynast's family and reinforcements calling in a Wyld Hunt against you, or another Exalted finding the hidden Manse and challenging your attunement to it, those kinds of thing). But yes, as long as you explain how you got one they're fair game.


Going with this idea for a dawn:  Brawl supernal who comes from Wu-jian. Basic idea is that (s)he was part of a peace keeping group in one of the slum districts until they got caught up in a gang war and died to a man... Except him/her as (s)he exalted during the fight. Basically seeks to try and clean up Wu-jian now, having seen the worst of it and feeling it can still be saved... though the best way (s)he knows to fix it, is through his fists and taking the fight to the corrupt, the wicked, and the cruel. that's probably what i'm going with.

Not sure on gender yet.


Well I've got a character mostly finished. Only thing left is what the iconic anima looks like,  deciding on a gender and image for the appearance. Went with an ex monk of the Immaculate order who left after a difficult exorcism and exhalting. Went on his/her own for a while doing what he/she can on their own. Here


Let's see if this works:  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TSTYkLLQl1g-TdvhorkaqVNXhjoD7IVo8i_a6rM3cCE/edit?usp=sharing

No name yet, that and a good anima are hard to come up with, and needs a nicely polished background, but there's the build to see where I'm coming from.  Presence Supernal with the effect of "Ki" or "Haki" that can intimidate anyone.  The earlier charms are useful for a lot of other things as well.  Might mess with the Backgrounds some more... lots of troops, influence and money, very general.

Edit:  Link sharing updated
Behold!  My O&Os
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Canon Character Roleplay and System-based Roleplay

Alistair Leonhart

You guys need to click on the "Share" button to get a link, otherwise it won't work xD


I am officially a dumb, sorry, link is fixed above and also re-posted right here, where it should be functional now!

Sorry guys, I'm not used to Google Docs!

Alistair Leonhart

It's fine~

Quick suggestions: Influence 3 (Local Market) also includes Black Market and Piracy in my book, as long as it's a person who gives items in exchange for currency, other items or favors, so feel free to cash in those 2 dots of Influence (Black Market and Piracy) and use them elsewhere.

Otherwise, looks pretty good!


Sounds good to me!  Those two Merits came from Bonus Points so I traded them in for a third dot of Resources and a fourth dot of Presence. Sheet's been updated.

Alistair Leonhart

Tfw you are using a tracker and a different much neater-looking one appears.

If you don't mind quickly remaking your sheet somewhere else, there's a way to have all of them on the same spot without having to open a ton of tabs, which is Lot Casting Atemi! If you're not down for it, that's fine too, it's just an offer if you want a bit more intuitive interface. Link is here: https://www.lotcastingatemi.com


Had a breakthrough with her background. 

Lei Ming was the daughter of a prosperous Western merchant, brought up with a sophisticated education in all the social and refined arts in hopes she'd be a bride who could marry up into a noble family.  She was traveling with her parents to try and arrange one such match when pirates overtook their ship.  Ming was dragged back over the rail as she saw her parents bleeding out and taken to Wu-Jian.  The pirate captain was going to sell her to a brothel when a bandit gang attacked, drawn by the lure of newly-arrived sailors with treasure.  Ming seized an opportunity, snatching a knife off the belt of the captain and plunging it into the back of his leg.  This gave the bandit leader, Bai Leng, the chance to decapitate him. 

Impressed by her courage and quick thinking, Bai Leng brought her along and inducted her into his gang. "Just because we're bandits, doesn't mean we're heartless" he explained. She didn't have a lot of options... women didn't inherit back home so her father's assets would have been seized.   Bai Leng was no simple reaver, but a civic-minded patriarch.  His gang was his family and his turf was an extended family.  If people paid for protection, they got it.  Much of the spoils of war went into the community's coffers and the worst excesses by Dynastic family members often were met with retribution.

Ming's poise and refined manners resulted in the gang hanging the name "Princess" on her.  After a few years, she had a fearsome reputation as the "Bandit Princess," dancing through the battlefield and cutting down foes.  She had a talent for swordplay and for warfare she'd never have discovered otherwise, and a tongue that was both quick and sharp as needed.  Mercantile logistics and warfare had a lot in common too, and she'd grown up steeped in the former.  Within a few years, she had become Bai Leng's #1 lieutenant, planning attacks that made them one of the more successful bandit forces on the island. 

She was with Bai Leng and a dozen brothers and sisters when they hit a fancy palanquin traveling without an escort.  Then they learned why.  A blade slashed through the palanquin cut Bai Leng's head and both bearers clean in two!  There was a Dragon-Blood within, "Blazing" Tepet Vong, on the way for a torrid and forbidden liaison at another Dynast's estate.  Incensed at the delay in meeting his lover, he loudly resolved to cut down every single bandit there.

Ming stood fast against him and called for the others to run, sure she could at least delay him enough for her brothers and sisters to vanish among the rocks.  She'd never been so angry and so resolved at the same time and began her lethal sword dance.  The clouds parted and she felt the warmth of the sun on her, in her, a golden disc glowing on her forehead.  She felt stronger and faster than ever before, and a stronger sense of purpose than ever.  She battled Vong back and forth over a mile, cowing even his arrogant pride, gaining the upper hand and cutting him down, then burning his body away with the Sun's touch.  She walked away from the battle with his daiklave, able to easily swing the mammoth blade.

Ming is now the leader of the gang, and the Bandit Princess's gang is the toughest on the island... likely a match for any Dynast estate force, though neither she nor any of them have pressed a confrontation yet.  There were no living witnesses to her Exaltation and the rumors say that it was nearly five dozen people who attacked Tepet Vong, with him cutting down four dozen before he fell.  Ming continues to fight to protect and better her family and her city... though the size and scope of her responsibilities is growing with her new-found power. 

Updated Sheet  Fiddled with a few skills to make her more social, lowered Willpower by one to get a couple of languages, still need the War speciality.
Behold!  My O&Os
Highly interested in
Canon Character Roleplay and System-based Roleplay


Quote from: KrataLightblade on April 17, 2018, 12:19:05 AM
So, I've done a bit of refining work and given a first draft of Summer Whisper a shot!

I hope this link works okay...

He's got 4 dots in Languages and 4 languages... what's his free native tongue?
Behold!  My O&Os
Highly interested in
Canon Character Roleplay and System-based Roleplay

Alistair Leonhart

Looks pretty good! One question though: What is the Magical Material of your Daiklave? It's likely some color of Jade since you looted it from the corpse of a Dynast, and there are plenty of Jade Daiklaves statted in Arms of the Chosen, so I could grab one of those and see if you like its concept enough to use it. Since you know, grabbing a "generic" Daiklave is impossible, each one of them is different with unique powers and playstyle, etc.


Avatar is by Lemonfont. Will remove it if he asks me to.

Come check the Cyberpunk Images Thread!