Des idées! Des idées! [M/M;M/F] Idée fixe...

Started by Einzig, April 01, 2018, 09:07:50 PM

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Einzig aches for thesaurean disciplines, with knotted plots and barb'ed knots and players too whose souls are like teeth, masticating.  I tend to write thick black plots, heavily coloured (even where grey) feasted on borderland detail and characters too who are complex, conniving, Byronic : Sade-an. I love the prose of Vladimir Nabokov and the Divine Edy and I spare my writers nothing of my wild phantasmagoria.

I can't sit here and flesh out prepacked stories; know that I write, I am extremely flexible and reasonably creative; or to put another way, I'm a fucking artist, you give me a piece of shit and I can design a culture for you out of it. So lets' write.

I like M/F, M/M, etc/etc of all dimensions.  I have a particular fondness for strongly aesthetic if unrealistic worlds, including worlds that are ancient, archaic, or have never existed at all. I love designing mythos. Give me your best wont.



FANDOM Idea: A Nightmare of Winter (Game of Thrones)

I adore "Game of Thrones" and "A Song of Ice and Fire" is my favorite series ever written. I love the prose, I love the themes, I love the feel of the world of Westeros. What I am seeking is a muse who feels the same and would enjoy constructing with me a "dark side" of the narrative, putting our own sinister spin on it.

Tragedy, horror, betrayal, dark romance, death. These are some of my desired themes.

We can portray canon characters or new ones, depending on the story we design. Contact me, I would love to flesh out some details with you.
I pledged myself to thee
And sacred is the gift
But ah, I feel in this was given
A blessing never meant for me.
Thou art too like a dream from heaven
For earthly love to merit thee.


Still looking desperately to purge these dark thoughts with writ that is blacker than ink. Accepting all ideas, just contact me.
I pledged myself to thee
And sacred is the gift
But ah, I feel in this was given
A blessing never meant for me.
Thou art too like a dream from heaven
For earthly love to merit thee.