Quick Ben's Corner of Creativity

Started by Quick Ben, February 18, 2018, 04:49:05 PM

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Quick Ben

Mostly poems here, I think? Yeah, we'll go with that. Cool, man, cool.

Moths To A Candle

Flying, fluttering, floating,
wings beat fast to the sway;
seductive flame, never tamed.
Tender, these flickered whispers;
secrets so sweet we surrender.
Burned. Smokey flight. Unremembered.
We fly again.
The Crazy Den of Quick Ben

"We have a proverb," said Hadji MurĂ¡d to the interpreter, " 'The dog gave meat to the ass, and the ass gave hay to the dog, and both went hungry,' " and he smiled. "Its own customs seem good to each nation."

Mile High -- Redd & Hood -- Lana Cross -- Goblet of Murder & Mystery -- Naughty or Nice --  Princess Peach