Rebranding NovaGen (noncon, cyberpunk, bdsm, corruption, cyborgtech, intrigue)

Started by kylie, January 30, 2018, 11:37:35 PM

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Looking for a partner to fill a sexually dominant/training and manipulative/conquering sort of role.  I don't like much vanilla porn or playing a complete pushover, but if you like forced and kinky with a lot of devices, outfitting, and simmering (okay, and driving!) conflict around the sexy, then I'm your girl.  PM, forums, or a distant maybe Chatzy or Hangouts (please no more "won't you add this app" requests, sorry).  I have some time now so I'm hoping for at least a couple solid, imaginative multi-para posts per week. 

I really prefer multi paragraphs and people who like to discuss and work out plans, so no bullet points today.  This may take a little reading.  There is also a quick starter portion.  PM is open for questions, and any offers/variants that do not go too far off the concept.

This is for a cyberpunk themed, corporate and potentially espionage or supervillain setting with a nonconsensual, cyborg and bdsm/corruption fetish focus.  I am also looking for someone who likes involving multiple characters and disrupting/corrupting a couple (namely, turning my character's lover against her and possibly placing him with a mistress, or else playing his former ex-lover and now-mistress as your main against both of us with him still more NPC).  That would mean one or two main characters each, and some more minor characters which could be mostly yours to rotate in and out as NPCs (possibly one or two more for me later, if you want another victim or two). 

Matching some "Kinks" and "Sexual story emphases" in my Ons is naturally, important (look under "What grabs me").  These have not been updated for a long time and there is a bit more of the cyber/techy side to be discussed with this story...  But it still helps to peek.

My character is the daughter of a tech company CEO; she works in the company as a test manager.  Your character could be either a competing company figure from the inside, or an outside aggressor (possibly a villain or bit of supervillain).  They're either a techie-engineer sort, or otherwise somehow skilled at controlling technology to suit their aims.  Someone with a desire to get perverse revenge against my family which runs the company.  You might get to take over the company (or at least its powerful cyborg and AI tech) in the process too.

All the concept characters so far are Korean, although that could probably be altered if you prefer -- except, my PC will probably be Korean or part Korean to keep with my claim:


Min-Ji Kyong 
(Kyong is the surname)
daughter of the CEO of NovaGen - a leading cyber implants, AI and light engineering company

fiance to Jae T'ae 
(Tae is the surname)
(who still needs a face claim)
(optionally: he is the son or cousin of some eccentric investor, who may have more history with Subin or her family than he knows?)


She ran the test again...  And again the little drone car reached the last intersection, and zipped off down a side alley before completing its trip through the model streets.  It was not a detour she had called for.  So why was Min Ji smiling while shaking her head?  It was not even the same detour it had taken to get to the goal on the test before...  Nor was it the route it had used on the test before that!  "Little bugger is almost creative," she murmured to herself in surprised amusement. "It doesn't make sense, but it looks like it's really trying."  The daughter of Nova Gen's CEO, the rising star tester and heir apparent to the company someday, had no idea how this could be...  But she couldn't help but admire the potential it represented.

She stepped around the glass dividers, into the chamber where the new bike sat fastened and running on its platform.  The artificial wind flying over it from the big fans made her firm up her stance.  Her starched lab coat whipped out and back around her form below the belted waist.  She paid it little attention.  Her eyes were on the bike, and it was rocking and leaning in odd ways.  So it was the same with the bikes?  It was supposed to adjust to the wind and land but not this.  Not... Improvise.  She adjusted the dials and put it on more of a slope.  It nearly jumped off the moorings to climb faster!  No, this was too much.  "How hard is it going to try?!"

She walked back out, over to the comm screen and tapped in her fiance's channel.  There was static.  She started for an instant.  (There was never static!)  Then the pixels shaped and partly cleared, like flying through a cloudy sky.  He was there, or the camera over the memory chamber was transmitting.  So he was working on the personal enhancements for memory capacity and clarity.  The sort of implants that also allowed her to recall not only the overall rituals and high points of her engagement to him, but every single little motion and touch and flutter of lips and lashes throughout the entire day, in crystal clarity, with the slightest focus of will.  Most everyone used them now in 2047 to keep track of all sorts of business and sentimental things...  Along with so many other physical and mental biology-enhancing implants, temporary attachables, and other products.  But like everything in NovaGen's labs, these in this lab were going to come out bigger, better. 

He was inside the safety capsule, and he looked aware enough but...  When he smiled that refreshing and world-brightening smile of his out at her, there was more.  She could see the outline of the implants in his cheek.  Alright, sometimes that happens with test pieces.  But she could see them glowing and were they...  Moving?  "Min....?"  he started, and the smile began to fade.  His voice seemed uncertain?  She tensed where she stood, fingers digging into the console.  "Jae!"  She shouted, almost pressing random buttons as she leaned too close over the screen.  "Get out," she cried, while her head still raced to comprehend just what she was seeing.  "Min...?"  he said again, but then, "...M--- Subin?!  Ohhh, Subin....!  Ohhh it's been so long, are you really..."  His voice faded out, his eyes were closing.  The pixels were getting thicker again.  The cloud was turning back to, would it be.... static?! 

She blinked in complete disbelief, unable to move.  Then she screamed it.  "Jae!! Get....out!!!"  It had been years since he had dated Subin, but that was nowhere near long enough for her.  It would never be quite far enough away for her -- especially if she had to hear that insidious, conniving woman's name.  But Jae had not spoken of Subin in such an adoring tone, never ever, since the two of them had separated.  Whatever was he seeing with that memory augmentation he had now, and why in the world could he be seeing it instead of me?!!  This after the tests in this lab behaving so abnormally??  Noooo, something is very, very wrong around here.

Before she knew it she was running.  She was on a bike and on her way to his lab.  This time, she had barely stopped to smooth the tight-fitting, black suit into place for the ride and the synthetic seams were crawling all over but she barely noticed as they nipped and settled in the wind.  She had chosen one of the older bikes, fast but not equipped with the newest compensators or processors.  It was bumping across the vehicle field in between like, she imagined, a wild pony upset to be suddenly back at work.  Just get me there faster!  Dear heaven, please may nothing else be out of the ordinary today in the development labs!  I have already seen far too much for one day...

She barely noticed how some of the machines closer to his lab were hovering closer, before she was nearly to the doors -- and them.  Huhhh.... Is anyone in control of them or are they crowding in?  But Min Ji was still panicked and incensed at once about hearing Subin's name on top of everything else she had seen.  The company's tester princess was in no mood at all for distractions now.  She hit the remote for the lab doors, kept driving ahead and prayed he would meet her inside with the usual warm smile and it would all just fade away. 

So she prayed, but the butterflies in her stomach knew better...