Seeking LT Roleplay

Started by Trueroleplayer30, January 29, 2018, 06:14:26 PM

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I’m looking for a partner to do a special storyline with me. First let me say that I’m female wanting to play a male character.  i want to try my hand at a sub culture of BDSM. It’s called DDLG. (Daddy Dom Little Girl). Before you run for the hills let me explain.
This is NOT and I repeat NOT incest. It’s a grown man (Daddy) taking care of a grown woman (Little Girl). The woman would sometimes go into what is known as her little space and daddy would have to take care of his little girl. It’s basically age play but with other kinks.
They are not related

The plot
WWE superstar Roman Reigns has been in the DDLG Lifestyle since he was 21. He is well known in the community. Because of his VIP status he is often invited to auctions but since his last little broke up with him over 2 years ago he hasn’t really been interested in finding a new one.That is until  someone brings up the fact that his Daddy personality is coming out when he sees others with their littles and maybe it’s time for him to find his own little again.

WWE superstar Alexa Bliss is not as well known in the community but is into the lifestyle. She’s what’s known as a True little someone who loves being little as much as possible as well as loving all aspects of the lifestyle. She hasn’t had a Daddy since her boyfriend said she was too needy for him and broke up with her. Now it’s starting to affect her job performance.
If you’re interested drop me a line and we can talk it over.
PS  I don’t care what your bio sex is as long as you are willing to play a female.
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