7th Sea (2e): A Wedding and a Funeral

Started by PixelatedPixie, January 27, 2018, 11:57:36 PM

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Natia Kaczmarek

Brawn   2
Finesse   2
Resolve   2
Wits   4
Panache   3
Convince  4
Empathy  4
Intimidate  2
Notice   3
Perform  2
Ride  1
Tempt  2
Scholarship 2

Szablewo, Rzeczpospolita, Sarmatian' Commonwealth

You regularly attend the courts of your home Nation and act as a diplomat to foreign courts.
You act as an advisor to the entire voting body of the Commonwealth.
   - Earn a Hero Point when you turn the tide of violence with charm and flair.
   - Earn a Hero Point when you insist on democracy when it would be advantageous for you to not take a vote.

Spend a Hero Point to edit, redact, or otherwise alter something you or another Hero just said, “reinterpreting” the words into the kindest compliment.
When you are at a ball, feast, or similar high society function, spend a Hero Point to reveal you have a close friend also in attendance.
Spend a Hero Point to inspire a group to action. The group must be able to hear you, but if they can and they are of neutral or better disposition, they will do whatever you command so long as it is reasonable— they are unlikely to all throw themselves off a bridge to certain death, for example.
You studied rhetoric and debate, and refined you social graces at one of Théah’s many lyceums, finishing schools typically reserved for the social and noble elite.  When you make a Risk using Convince, Intimidate, or Tempt, all of your dice gain +1 to their value.
Spend a Hero Point to implore another character to follow her conscience, look the other way for the greater good or otherwise do the right thing when it isn’t in her best interest to do so.
Spend a Hero Point to capture the attention of another character. That character pays attention only to you until the end of the Scene or until you cease speaking/paying attention, whichever comes first
You speak, read, and write all Théan languages. Even the dead ones.

Virtue: Altruistic
Activate your Virtue to suffer a Risk’s Consequences in place of another Hero.
Hubris: Ambitious
You receive a Hero Point when you chase after power and the deal you’re after is  dangerous or causes trouble.

Step one: Gain foreign ally helpful to Sarmatia

Ending: Be declared an official representative of the Sejm and Sarmatia
Reward: This is a five step story resulting in the advantage "Together We are Strong"

Although she considers herself a plain woman, she is actually considered quite the beauty in her native Sarmatia. She has pale skin and dark hazel eyes.  Her long brown hair is brushed every day.  She often wears the colored dresses of her home country when out of the country representing her homeland. 

Born to a shoe cobbler and his wife, Natia believed it was inevitable that she would end up as a cobbler herself, or worse, a cobbler's wife.  Such a life seemed interminable to her.  When King Stanislaw declared Golden Liberty, she finally felt like she could do anything.   Her parents, also encouraged by the new spirit of social mobility, saw that their daughter had the intelligence and poise to be meant for greater things, the sacrificed everything they had to make sure their daughter attended a Lyceum.  The Lyceum, previously only open to the nobility, had opened it's doors to anyone who could afford it. 

She studied there for several years, and decided to get into politics, with the intention of making her country better for the people who lived there.  Upon graduating, numerous political organizations began cropping up.  She founded her own party of the Sejm, the Fawn Party, based on progressive principals of economic mobility, and fair treatment for women.   Although the party is new and very small, they have gained a few supporters and the chaotic nature of Sarmatian Democracy has allowed her to succeed in passing a few of her priorities.

Knowing that true change is only going to come if she makes a name for herself, Natia is now serving as a foreign diplomat.  Her hope is that her experiences dealing with statecraft and foreign nations will translate to an increased profile at home, and mean she has a better chance at a true ministerial position where she can enact the reforms she dreams of.

As much as she has her professional ambitions plotted and figured out, she hasn't spent a fraction of the time on her personal life.  She knows she must marry eventually, but finds the idea of a political marriage with no love a dreadful proposition.  Even more confusing, she has been questioning if she even desires to be with a man at all, and instead, only has eyes for the other women at court. 

Additional pictures


Hey, sorry, I'm getting some serious writer's block. Don't think I'll be making a character after all. :(
Savage worlds, proving it is entirely possible for someone with no skill in driving to pilot everything from a dune buggy to a flying submarine without failing once but the guy with a d8 in it is the one the other PCs don't let touch the steering wheel.


They look good so far!  I will try to get things organized this weekend. 


Any updates on when this might possibly get off the ground?


I'm still about an interested, just haven't been able to get a solid concept together yet.
Hairys Likes, Dislikes, Games n Stuff

Cattle die, kinsmen die
You too one day shall die
I know a thing that will never die
Fair fame of one who has earned it.


[td]Woo's and Won'ts / Absences
Stor-E Writers Registry[/td]


The original intent was to get it organized last weekend, but since I was in the hospital for a chunk of it that didn't work out  :P .  I have put up an OOC and Character thread, though not with all the details I wanted.  I will add those when I have time.

OOC is here: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=283046.0
Character Thread is here: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=283045.0

If you have posted a character concept here (and are still interested) you can post your character in the Character Thread and post in OOC.  If you are still interested but haven't yet posted a character please continue to post here. 


Quote from: PerpetuallyAnnoyedCleric on February 14, 2018, 09:07:34 PM
The original intent was to get it organized last weekend, but since I was in the hospital for a chunk of it that didn't work out  :P .  I have put up an OOC and Character thread, though not with all the details I wanted.  I will add those when I have time.

OOC is here: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=283046.0
Character Thread is here: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=283045.0

If you have posted a character concept here (and are still interested) you can post your character in the Character Thread and post in OOC.  If you are still interested but haven't yet posted a character please continue to post here.
:o  I hope you're ok!