Walmart and Zombies, What Could Go Wrong? (Recruiting)

Started by AmbrosiaPudding, January 21, 2018, 07:42:56 PM

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Solo Count 3/10
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Order of Lifeblood


I shall go ahead and get my own character sheet up tomorrow!


I posted mine here. Have a look and see if you approve this.

My Character

Name: Puja Gupta

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Puja is a cheery, happy and friendly girl. She is an extrovert and likes to party a lot. That means she gets to know the people quickly and always looking to make friends. She may be a weak to follow her instincts sometimes but she likes to think she is brave. She is very determined.

History: Puja is the only daughter of the owner of a steel mill in North India. She was sent to USA to live with her uncle for better education and upbringing. Her uncle had a music shop in the mall so Puja spent a lot of time at the shop instead of studying. She was introduced to smoking pot there. Her uncle was obviously cool with that being a regular weed smoker himself.

Working at the music shop, her extrovert personality flourished and many men took the cheerful personality as a sign and dated her. She dated a lot and partied a lot. Soon, she was into ecstacy pills and alcohol, far away from what her father envisioned when sending her abroad. Now a days, she attends several parties a week. She has no shortage of money. Her uncle keeps her father informed of her 'studies' so she wasn't worried about that. Her Uncle's moto is 'you only live once'.

On/Offs: Puja is pretty much vanilla. She likes to tease and basically is not into anything involving d/s. She is very good at flashing and playing party games like twister and spin the bottle. Puja likes the typical bad boy image in a man. She likes attitude and pretty much can get off to a good bad boy confidence.

Other Info: She was invited to a brand new house with new people. Only her friend was already there and she texted Puja to bring some alcohol. So Puja had to take a taxi to the local Walmart in her lovely dress and golden silvery high heels. She has to make an emergency alcohol purchase for herself and her friend to bring to the party.

I don't see the future. I don't worry about the past. Now's all I have.


Character sheet for Carlos García...

Carlos García
Name: Carlos García

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bi-curious

Personality: Carlos is a capable and resourceful individual who has a genuine concern for the safety and welfare of those around him. He’s independent and a little headstrong and loves to party, play drinking games and engages in occasional substance abuse, which is one of the main reasons he’s yet to settle down. He loves the outdoors and spends much of his free time on trail bikes; camping, hiking, drinking, fishing and shooting with his friends  during season.

Carlos is a bit wild and loose and often engages in flirtatious and risqué behaviour (especially when sufficiently warmed-up) and prone to exaggeration. He’s willing to try most things and often finds it funny to make crude jokes and innuendoes.

History: Carlos is the youngest son of a relatively well-off Mexican family. His father is a successful doctor and his mother a home-maker and socialite and he has never really wanted for anything. He has both an older sister and brother who both followed their father’s footsteps into medical careers. However, despite his parents’ funding and endless encouragement to follow the same path, Carlos found medical coursework too confining and the idea of being a doctor too restrictive for his lifestyle.

Instead, he reached a compromise and worked towards becoming a paramedic, where he could satisfy some of his parents’ wishes but still life with the energy and excitement that he wanted. He is fluent in both English and Spanish.

On/Offs: Here
"The imagination is the spur of delights... all depends upon it, it is the mainspring of everything; now, is it not by means of the imagination one knows joy? Is it not of the imagination that the sharpest pleasures arise?" - Marquis de Sade


The profiles look good but I'd like to remind everyone that this game is about survival and potentially community building.
Let me become your favorite partner ~

Solo Count 3/10
Ons and Offs
Order of Lifeblood


Survival with minimum smut and minimal zombie killing, you mean? I like the characters so far and would love to see how they cope with certain extreme conditions.
I don't see the future. I don't worry about the past. Now's all I have.


Here is my guy!

Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide
Name: Adrian Van Noitte
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: A bit of a absentminded genius Adrian frequently has his heads in the cloud. He is always working on something internally in his head and is well known to stop mid conversation and write or jot something down in the many notebooks he caries around at all times. He considers himself a pacifist and is against fighting or violence of any kind unless absolutely needed. Because he thinks so highly of his own genius he acts as if he caries a great weight around on his shoulders and rarely relaxes. When he does relax he tends to act a little awkward and unsure of himself.
History: A genius prodigy born to the very public very high class Van Noitte family. Adrian intelligence was apparent from almost the very start (even though his parents first thought he was autistic) Adrian group up in the lap of luxury with plenty of time and money to devote to his experiments and his burning drive to answers life's questions. He gets along fairly well with his mom but has utter distaste for his dad for reasons he will not go into. He was home schooled for most of his life and between 20 and 25 earned one college degree. He also has self taught himself a variety of different skills and has a wide range of hobbies that some times border on crazy.
On/Offs Adrian has had a few sexual experiences but not enough to know what he really likes


Quote from: CarnageIncarnate on January 23, 2018, 09:36:40 AM
The profiles look good but I'd like to remind everyone that this game is about survival and potentially community building.

Are you suggesting we should incorporate anything in particular?
"The imagination is the spur of delights... all depends upon it, it is the mainspring of everything; now, is it not by means of the imagination one knows joy? Is it not of the imagination that the sharpest pleasures arise?" - Marquis de Sade


I'm not suggesting that anyone add anything in particular but I feel as though some of us are making character profiles more for 'fun' and not rebuilding society so to speak.

I'd hate for someone to find that their character doesn't mesh well in a zombie world. 

Quote from: EroticLiteracy on January 23, 2018, 01:44:29 PM
Here is my guy!

EL, fair warning you've made a character who essentially seems like will never have sex in this game. You might want to do some editing unless that's what you were going for.
Let me become your favorite partner ~

Solo Count 3/10
Ons and Offs
Order of Lifeblood


I mean he is just a virgin and smart. If someone propositions him or he gets close I can see it happening.


These 'fun' characters will undergo changes. They have to.

Watching The Walking Dead, we learn a hell lot about civilisation and life than any other TV show. Characters change, they go positive or negative. They lose hope, they gain strength, they stick together. It is certainly a challenge.

Look at how different characters came together and built a solid society in The Stand by Stephen King and then they went on to fight the evil too.
I don't see the future. I don't worry about the past. Now's all I have.


Hopefully the RP will be more like the walking dead comic book than the TV series!

It will be interesting to me to see how people react and adapt to surviving and building a community for themselves.


Quote from: EroticLiteracy on January 23, 2018, 04:52:09 PM
I mean he is just a virgin and smart. If someone propositions him or he gets close I can see it happening.

The way you've written, I don't think it would fit. After all he's supposedly a genius who thinks sex is frivolous. I really think you should consider editing.
Let me become your favorite partner ~

Solo Count 3/10
Ons and Offs
Order of Lifeblood


Nah its okay. The idea is that he has never stopped long enough to get attached to anyone. Being in this sort of end of the world situation will mean he has to be a people person and work with someone. He meets a girl who values his intelligence starts to work with her BAM something different happens. I like the idea of him growing and evolving and moving out of his shell.


Quote from: CarnageIncarnate on January 23, 2018, 05:35:48 PM

The way you've written, I don't think it would fit. After all he's supposedly a genius who thinks sex is frivolous. I really think you should consider editing.

I'm sorry, let me re-iterate. I really think you should edit. I want EVERY DAY normal character. A 25 year old genius, who looks a bit like a model, who i a virgin? Not exactly believable. I've never met one.
Let me become your favorite partner ~

Solo Count 3/10
Ons and Offs
Order of Lifeblood


So just say you need to edit it.

Which part exactly are you saying I need to edit the model part of the virgin part? Cause I want the 25 year old genius part.


My apologies next time I'll be blunt and rude not polite and saying something three times.
Let me become your favorite partner ~

Solo Count 3/10
Ons and Offs
Order of Lifeblood


Blunt is always the preferred method since by saying you thought I should edit I meant it was more of you can do it or not.

Like I said I prefer to keep the genius part of my idea but did edit it and change the picture.


I prefer to be polite. Though when a GM of a game makes suggestions most of the time it's their polite way of asking those suggestions be made in my experience.

The updates seem fine.
Let me become your favorite partner ~

Solo Count 3/10
Ons and Offs
Order of Lifeblood



I'd love to get a few more people interested! We can definitely get this show on the road today. I'll create an OOC and an IC.
Let me become your favorite partner ~

Solo Count 3/10
Ons and Offs
Order of Lifeblood


I don't see the future. I don't worry about the past. Now's all I have.


What is the minimun age you are accepting? 16? The reason I ask is I am considering making a high school age gymnist. The core concept is that she is tiny (not quite 5'), too small to fight zombies but elusive enough to stay away from them. She would need to form alliances to survive, especially if you include hostile competition for the wal-mart. 


I don't see the future. I don't worry about the past. Now's all I have.


Quote from: wigglebiscuit on January 26, 2018, 09:10:20 AM
What is the minimun age you are accepting? 16? The reason I ask is I am considering making a high school age gymnist. The core concept is that she is tiny (not quite 5'), too small to fight zombies but elusive enough to stay away from them. She would need to form alliances to survive, especially if you include hostile competition for the wal-mart. 

It is 20 and over. I personally feel uncomfortable playing with teenagers sorry.

I'm also sorry I didn't get the OOC and IC up. My job is taking care of an elderly woman with Alzheimer's sometimes it takes precedence.
Let me become your favorite partner ~

Solo Count 3/10
Ons and Offs
Order of Lifeblood