Star Wars: Story, Character and World Building (F for M)

Started by espendabelle, January 10, 2018, 06:16:46 AM

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Star Wars is my first great passion. It was my gateway into Sci-Fi and, through that, role-playing. It’s a universe I love, and that love has only been rekindled in the last few years with the release of new movies. I’ve tried my hand at role-playing in the Star Wars universe across various forms and locales, and I would like to add E to that list.

It is a universe that I am fairly well versed in (even if I am a bit behind on the newest stuff) and as such, I’m rather open to ideas and concepts. I’m not fixed to any one era or character type, and I’m flexible when it comes to story types and settings. Mostly I just want to take part in the universe, to explore it and enjoy it while building a character and story. I’d prefer something reasonably small scale, at least to start with. As the story grows, we could expand the scope as needed. I don’t feel the need to be strictly bound to canon either; it’s a big universe after all, and it’s easy to fit things around our characters and story.

I will say now that I’m looking to play original characters only. As well, I will admit that I’m only interested in playing (and playing against) human or near-human characters. I’m fine with aliens (or droids, or whatever) as background characters and the like, but not the leads.

I am not interested in games set in the Old Republic, New Jedi Order or Legacy eras, or tying into their events. Similarly, I am not interested in stories featuring Traviss-style Mandalorians. Generally I want to avoid a lot of the trappings of the old Expanded Universe.

I'm looking for engaging and well-developed RP that is centred around character, story, world and relationship building. I'm looking for slow-burn, long-term stuff that may not necessarily have a fixed goal or end-point. I don’t want our characters to fall in love on the first page. I don’t want them to be in bed on the first page either, but I need for there to be a genuine attraction between the characters. I am looking to play female characters paired with male partners; note that the gender of the player is irrelevant for me. (For more information and a better idea of my preferences, see my ons and offs thread)

Generally I will write about three mid-length paragraphs per post and I expect the same in reply. I don’t need every post to be a novel, but at the same time I want more than just a few broken sentences. I love descriptive text that helps get the reader involved in the scene and the characters and better create the world around it.

I am open to ideas; if you have one or are interested in starting something, please PM me and we’ll see what we can work out.


The following are a few character concepts; they’re nothing fixed, and can be changed or adapted to fit the needs of the story.

Larrisse is a Rebel Alliance X-Wing pilot. She's been fighting the Empire all her adult life, driven to end their tyranny and bring some sense of peace to the Galaxy. She's brave, determined and a risk-taker, not afraid to put her life on the line for others or to get the job done. Her biggest weakness is that she's let this drive become all-consuming; she hasn't once considered what she'd so with herself after the war is over, and might not be able to cope without an enemy to fight. The true enemy might not be the Empire, but her own lack of a life outside of her job.

Kiva was born to a power that she did not fully understand. Living in a remote world in the Outer Rim, to her concepts like the Force, the Jedi and the Sith were more legends and hearsay then reality. From a young age, she was able to ‘feel’ things that others could not. As she grew, she discovered other abilities, ones that were both frightening and fascinating at the same time. It was then that she began to hear voices, ones that lead her to a cave containing a pair of ancient weapons, once wielded by one of her ancestors…

Risa is a proud, independent hunter who has made a career out of stalking the most dangerous criminals and threats. If they have a price on their head, then she will take them down, regardless of who they are or what they may have done. Good or bad, light or dark does not matter to her, only how much she’s paid at the end of the day. However, she rarely thinks of the consequences of her actions, or if what she’s doing is right. And there might be a moment where she steps over the line, and her bounty turns out to be a part of something much bigger then she realises.
