Eternal Nights (VtM in Las Vegas, Nevada)

Started by SithLordOfSnark, December 17, 2017, 04:31:02 PM

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Okay, so this is a game I ran a very long time ago on IRC. I decided to move it over to E, because there seems to be a lot of fans of the system around here.

I will need help from a Co-GM, if anyone is interested, because I'd want someone running the Sabbat side of things, while I'll be running the Camarilla.

The Prince of  Vegas is Prince Christopher Farquar of Clan Tremere, also known as Sinner. He is also the Tremere Regent.

All other positions are open.

If anyone has a link to a good text based character sheet, that would be amazing.

Plot will be coming as soon as I can remember the details.

OOC Thread

Character Sheets

Always looking for roleplays, just keep in mind that I' m not a fast poster.

On's & Off's | Request Thread | A & A

Buffy the Vampire Slayer CYOA |
Eternal Nights (VtM) Interest Check  | Buffy: After the End Interest Check


Super interested, despite all my best attempts to resist. <_<

If you are using Revised or V20, I've got some fancy BBCode sheets, if you wanna use 'em, whether or not I end up getting to play in this. Not sure if these will suit your preference for text-based sheets, but they are what I use a lot. :)

Revised format

Name:    ? ? ?Player: ? ? ?
Clan:   ? ? ?Chronicle: ? ? ?
Nature:   ? ? ?Haven: ? ? ?
Demeanor:   ? ? ?   Concept: ? ? ?
Generation:   ? ? ?   EXP Spent: ? ? ?

Physical       Social       Mental
Strength:   ●○○○○Charisma: ●○○○○   Perception:●○○○○
Dexterity:   ●○○○○Manipulation: ●○○○○   Intelligence:●○○○○
Stamina:   ●○○○○   Appearance: ●○○○○   Wits:●○○○○

Talents       Skills       Knowledges
Alertness:   ○○○○○Animal Ken: ○○○○○   Academics:○○○○○
Athletics:   ○○○○○Crafts: ○○○○○   Computer:○○○○○
Brawl:   ○○○○○   Drive: ○○○○○   Finance:○○○○○
Dodge:   ○○○○○   Etiquette: ○○○○○   Investigation:○○○○○
Empathy:   ○○○○○   Firearms: ○○○○○   Law:○○○○○
Expression:   ○○○○○   Melee: ○○○○○   Linguistics:○○○○○
Intimidation:   ○○○○○   Performance: ○○○○○   Medicine:○○○○○
Leadership:   ○○○○○   Security: ○○○○○   Occult:○○○○○
Streetwise:   ○○○○○   Stealth: ○○○○○   Politics:○○○○○
Subterfuge:   ○○○○○   Survival: ○○○○○   Science:○○○○○

Backgrounds       Disciplines       Virtues
? ? ?:   ○○○○○? ? ?: ○○○○○   Conscience/Conviction:○○○○○
? ? ?:   ○○○○○? ? ?: ○○○○○   Self-Control/Instinct:○○○○○
? ? ?:   ○○○○○   ? ? ?: ○○○○○   Courage:○○○○○

Humanity/Path:   ○○○○○ ○○○○○Willpower: ○○○○○ ○○○○○   Blood Pool:? ? ?


Merits & Flaws



V20 format

Name:    ? ? ?Player: ? ? ?
Clan:   ? ? ?Chronicle: ? ? ?
Nature:   ? ? ?Haven: ? ? ?
Demeanor:   ? ? ?   Concept: ? ? ?
Generation:   ? ? ?   EXP Spent: ? ? ?

Physical       Social       Mental
Strength:   ●○○○○Charisma: ●○○○○   Perception:●○○○○
Dexterity:   ●○○○○Manipulation: ●○○○○   Intelligence:●○○○○
Stamina:   ●○○○○   Appearance: ●○○○○   Wits:●○○○○

Talents       Skills       Knowledges
Alertness:   ○○○○○Animal Ken: ○○○○○   Academics:○○○○○
Athletics:   ○○○○○Crafts: ○○○○○   Computer:○○○○○
Awareness:   ○○○○○   Drive: ○○○○○   Finance:○○○○○
Brawl:   ○○○○○   Etiquette: ○○○○○   Investigation:○○○○○
Empathy:   ○○○○○   Firearms: ○○○○○   Law:○○○○○
Expression:   ○○○○○   Larceny: ○○○○○   Medicine:○○○○○
Intimidation:   ○○○○○   Melee: ○○○○○   Occult:○○○○○
Leadership:   ○○○○○   Performance: ○○○○○   Politics:○○○○○
Streetwise:   ○○○○○   Stealth: ○○○○○   Science:○○○○○
Subterfuge:   ○○○○○   Survival: ○○○○○   Technology:○○○○○

Backgrounds       Disciplines       Virtues
? ? ?:   ○○○○○? ? ?: ○○○○○   Conscience/Conviction:○○○○○
? ? ?:   ○○○○○? ? ?: ○○○○○   Self-Control/Instinct:○○○○○
? ? ?:   ○○○○○   ? ? ?: ○○○○○   Courage:○○○○○

Humanity/Path:   ○○○○○ ○○○○○Willpower: ○○○○○ ○○○○○   Blood Pool:? ? ?


Merits & Flaws




What system do you have in mind for it? V20?

Also, if the various city hierarchy positions besides prince are open, are you looking for starting characters to fill them? Other?



I am a bit rusty on the VtM rules, but I should have my core rulebook somewhere still.
[td]Woo's and Won'ts / Absences
Stor-E Writers Registry[/td]


Quote from: Kolbrandr on December 17, 2017, 05:24:16 PM
What system do you have in mind for it? V20?

Also, if the various city hierarchy positions besides prince are open, are you looking for starting characters to fill them? Other?

Since V20 is what I know, yes, I'll probably go with V20.

I am playing the hierarchy on a case by case basis. Some people might get accepted already in position, while others will need to meet with Sinner and get offered the job after an "interview" of sorts.

Thanks Bly for those sheets and to everyone for their interest even before I have everything fleshed out. :)
Always looking for roleplays, just keep in mind that I' m not a fast poster.

On's & Off's | Request Thread | A & A

Buffy the Vampire Slayer CYOA |
Eternal Nights (VtM) Interest Check  | Buffy: After the End Interest Check


Ah, alright. I suppose to be clearer there, the idea is the prospective players are making starting build V20 neonates and what have you?


Quote from: Kolbrandr on December 17, 2017, 07:56:46 PM
Ah, alright. I suppose to be clearer there, the idea is the prospective players are making starting build V20 neonates and what have you?

Yes. Though with approval, I would allow someone to make an older character, likely, since it makes no sense for the city to just be full of neonates.
Always looking for roleplays, just keep in mind that I' m not a fast poster.

On's & Off's | Request Thread | A & A

Buffy the Vampire Slayer CYOA |
Eternal Nights (VtM) Interest Check  | Buffy: After the End Interest Check


If V20 is the system used, would V20's Lore of the Clans book be permitted as a source? There is a Merit from there I was hoping to take.

I am considering a Ventrue neonate character who might be quickly gunning to be a Harpy. :)


Quote from: Blythe on December 17, 2017, 08:14:50 PM
If V20 is the system used, would V20's Lore of the Clans book be permitted as a source? There is a Merit from there I was hoping to take.

I am considering a Ventrue neonate character who might be quickly gunning to be a Harpy. :)

I'll allow everything from V20 to be used, but I may have to ask clarification on some things if I'm not sure, since the only book I was able to get after a house fire was the core rule book, and everything else I have to look up online.
Always looking for roleplays, just keep in mind that I' m not a fast poster.

On's & Off's | Request Thread | A & A

Buffy the Vampire Slayer CYOA |
Eternal Nights (VtM) Interest Check  | Buffy: After the End Interest Check


*Sneaks in to plot out a little corner of interest*

I'll have to brush up on V20 rules though, but fortunately I work tomorrow so I'll have plenty of time to do it.


Quote from: Hades on December 17, 2017, 09:04:20 PM
*Sneaks in to plot out a little corner of interest*

I'll have to brush up on V20 rules though, but fortunately I work tomorrow so I'll have plenty of time to do it.

Awesome. Glad to have you here. :)

If everyone is okay with waiting, I was thinking about getting everything created in the proper forum on January 1st .. For now, I wanted to see who is interested but I'm not sure I can start things before then, due to my own time constraints.
Always looking for roleplays, just keep in mind that I' m not a fast poster.

On's & Off's | Request Thread | A & A

Buffy the Vampire Slayer CYOA |
Eternal Nights (VtM) Interest Check  | Buffy: After the End Interest Check


I certainly don't mind a wait, since the holidays are a very busy time. It gives me more time to think of the sort of character I want to play and lets me have a while to fiddle around with creating a character sheet. :)

Rummy Tum Tum


Always looking for roleplays, just keep in mind that I' m not a fast poster.

On's & Off's | Request Thread | A & A

Buffy the Vampire Slayer CYOA |
Eternal Nights (VtM) Interest Check  | Buffy: After the End Interest Check


Does anyone have any ideas as of yet, as to what they'll want to be playing?

I personally probably won't be playing a full time character, since I have Sinner (The Prince) and a bunch of NPCs at my disposal.
Always looking for roleplays, just keep in mind that I' m not a fast poster.

On's & Off's | Request Thread | A & A

Buffy the Vampire Slayer CYOA |
Eternal Nights (VtM) Interest Check  | Buffy: After the End Interest Check


Quote from: SithLordOfSnark on December 17, 2017, 10:14:19 PM
Does anyone have any ideas as of yet, as to what they'll want to be playing?

I personally probably won't be playing a full time character, since I have Sinner (The Prince) and a bunch of NPCs at my disposal.

Maybe Tremere (if we tweak the setting so that neonates may leave the Chantry. What are your thoughts on that SithLordofSnark? If neonates are not allowed to leave, would it be alright to take the age merit and start with ancillae?) Or perhaps a Toreador or Malkavian. I have a concept in mind for each of them. Not decided yet. There are so many options! I can't choose! :-)
[td]Woo's and Won'ts / Absences
Stor-E Writers Registry[/td]


Are you limiting the clans to just the base Camarilla clans, or are the independents an option as well?


Quote from: Imogen on December 17, 2017, 10:18:07 PM
Maybe Tremere (if we tweak the setting so that neonates may leave the Chantry. What are your thoughts on that SithLordofSnark? If neonates are not allowed to leave, would it be alright to take the age merit and start with ancillae?) Or perhaps a Toreador or Malkavian. I have a concept in mind for each of them. Not decided yet. There are so many options! I can't choose! :-)

I think tweaking it is an option.
Always looking for roleplays, just keep in mind that I' m not a fast poster.

On's & Off's | Request Thread | A & A

Buffy the Vampire Slayer CYOA |
Eternal Nights (VtM) Interest Check  | Buffy: After the End Interest Check


Quote from: Hades on December 17, 2017, 10:24:28 PM
Are you limiting the clans to just the base Camarilla clans, or are the independents an option as well?

Camarilla, Indies and Sabbat. I want a Co-GM to handle the Sabbat side of things, though.

Also, ghouls and mortals will be allowed too. I usually do mortals on a "no sheet unless you're gifted" type of system, but it depends on what others want.. Do you all want dice to be mandatory for every little thing, thus needing a sheet for mortals too, or are you okay with mortals not having a sheet?
Always looking for roleplays, just keep in mind that I' m not a fast poster.

On's & Off's | Request Thread | A & A

Buffy the Vampire Slayer CYOA |
Eternal Nights (VtM) Interest Check  | Buffy: After the End Interest Check


Quote from: SithLordOfSnark on December 17, 2017, 10:27:35 PM
Camarilla, Indies and Sabbat. I want a Co-GM to handle the Sabbat side of things, though.

Also, ghouls and mortals will be allowed too. I usually do mortals on a "no sheet unless you're gifted" type of system, but it depends on what others want.. Do you all want dice to be mandatory for every little thing, thus needing a sheet for mortals too, or are you okay with mortals not having a sheet?

Personally, I prefer sheets for every character. That doesn't mean that dice needs to be rolled, but it is nice to have their strong and weak points listed. This is especially important if there are more mortals/ghouls who might compete for the attention of a potential Sire.

Also, if anyone wants a ghoul, I am always happy to provide (if we're allowed a second character).
[td]Woo's and Won'ts / Absences
Stor-E Writers Registry[/td]


Quote from: Imogen on December 17, 2017, 10:34:15 PM
Personally, I prefer sheets for every character. That doesn't mean that dice needs to be rolled, but it is nice to have their strong and weak points listed. This is especially important if there are more mortals/ghouls who might compete for the attention of a potential Sire.

Also, if anyone wants a ghoul, I am always happy to provide (if we're allowed a second character).

Very true.

Also, I'm not really putting a limit on the amount of characters per player. The only limit I usually have is that one person cannot play more then one position of power.
Always looking for roleplays, just keep in mind that I' m not a fast poster.

On's & Off's | Request Thread | A & A

Buffy the Vampire Slayer CYOA |
Eternal Nights (VtM) Interest Check  | Buffy: After the End Interest Check


Quote from: SithLordOfSnark on December 17, 2017, 10:37:04 PM
Very true.

Also, I'm not really putting a limit on the amount of characters per player. The only limit I usually have is that one person cannot play more then one position of power.

That sounds more than fair!
[td]Woo's and Won'ts / Absences
Stor-E Writers Registry[/td]


Quote from: SithLordOfSnark on December 17, 2017, 10:27:35 PM
Camarilla, Indies and Sabbat. I want a Co-GM to handle the Sabbat side of things, though.

Also, ghouls and mortals will be allowed too. I usually do mortals on a "no sheet unless you're gifted" type of system, but it depends on what others want.. Do you all want dice to be mandatory for every little thing, thus needing a sheet for mortals too, or are you okay with mortals not having a sheet?

Personally, I'd like mortals to have a sheet, if only because it keeps things balanced in the advent of a vampire character using a power on a mortal.

Quote from: Imogen on December 17, 2017, 10:34:15 PM
Also, if anyone wants a ghoul, I am always happy to provide (if we're allowed a second character).

I am sorely tempted by this. I really like the idea of my Ventrue having a ghoul.  ^^

And I see you over there, Hades & Rummy! *waves!* OwO


Quote from: Blythe on December 17, 2017, 11:48:53 PM
Personally, I'd like mortals to have a sheet, if only because it keeps things balanced in the advent of a vampire character using a power on a mortal.

I am sorely tempted by this. I really like the idea of my Ventrue having a ghoul.  ^^

And I see you over there, Hades & Rummy! *waves!* OwO

Mortals will have sheets then. :)

Also, I'm game for Sinner having a ghoul. He's been known to need someone to do his dirty work during the day.
Always looking for roleplays, just keep in mind that I' m not a fast poster.

On's & Off's | Request Thread | A & A

Buffy the Vampire Slayer CYOA |
Eternal Nights (VtM) Interest Check  | Buffy: After the End Interest Check


*leaves an idea box on this thread, and will check periodically to see what fills it*
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

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