Troubled Tidings of Yule [D&D 5e] (interest / Recruitments)

Started by Chulanowa, December 15, 2017, 12:21:08 PM

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An early winter has fallen on the borderlands between the warring petty kingdoms of Noutay and Nicce. Your band of adventurers happen upon a sleigh-ride of trouble while seeking shelter from the frosty night. Can they help the beleaguered gnomes of Baublewreath? Who, or what, is a Sondar Klax and what secrets does his workshop hold? Will you triumph over the challenges ahead, or will you end up like a roast beast on the table?

So! T'is the season for needlessly holiday-themed D&D games, I think! And what better place than E, am I right? I'm looking to run a somewhat short adventure for five players that will, obviously, drip with holiday schlock. Despite the comedic undertones, it's a "real adventure" - the monsters are fierce, the frostbite is nasty, the stakes are perilous, and yeah I plan for there to be a trap or two.

For setting, it's homebrew, and pretty fantasy-generic (think Forgotten Realms, basically). The borderlands between Noutay and Nicce are a rural semi-wilderness, mostly forested hills and shallow valleys, with low mountains to the northeast. It's early winter, and an unseasonably early snow has just fallen.

If you're interested, here's how I'm running character creation:
• 27 point buy
• Non-evil only
• Core (PHB) races only. No variant human.
• Classes and Backgrounds may come from PHB, Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide, Xanathar's Guide to Everything, and Xanathar's Lost Notes to Everything Else
• Spells can come from any officially-published material.
• Starting level 3; Max HP for first level, averaged past that.
• Utilize the Greyhawk or Eberron deity lists.
• Standard starting equipment for your class / background; I will also give a  present!
• Please, no anime or photo character images.


And since I forgot; this will be placed in NC-Exotic for reasons of violence and nonhuman monsters. The adventure is not going to be sex themed, but if you want to spread holiday cheer by stuffing stockings and sharing eggnog, be my guest :-)


I think this sounds like a perfect game for a chaotic good Wizard. ;D

I'll draw up a sheet for approval later tonight.

As promised, my character. :-)

Name: Levira Thorngage
Race: Stout Halfling
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Deity: Ehlonna
27 point buy: link
Character sheet:


Aspen Whitebear

Aspen is a druid closely attuned to the cold of winter. Most of the year, she secludes herself up in the mountains where the cold suits her, but whenever winter comes she journeys down from the peaks to spread warmth and cheer. While communing in her mountain home, the nature spirits revealed that winter would be coming early this year. She finds this both thrilling (Winter is when she gets to go out and meet people), but also alarming. She hopes this isn't the result of fell magic, but if it is she'll have to put an end to it.

Aspen tends to be perky and cheerful, enjoying this time of year when she can go out and make new friends.


Quote from: Caitlin on December 15, 2017, 01:05:44 PM
I think this sounds like a perfect game for a chaotic good Wizard. ;D

I'll draw up a sheet for approval later tonight.

As promised, my character. :-)

Name: Levira Thorngage
Race: Stout Halfling
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Deity: Ehlonna
27 point buy: link
Character sheet:

It's always good for a chaotic good wizard  ;D Hoping ot hear more about this one.

Quote from: clonkertink on December 15, 2017, 03:20:57 PM

Oh shit, bear cavalry?!
Aspen Whitebear

Aspen is a druid closely attuned to the cold of winter. Most of the year, she secludes herself up in the mountains where the cold suits her, but whenever winter comes she journeys down from the peaks to spread warmth and cheer. While communing in her mountain home, the nature spirits revealed that winter would be coming early this year. She finds this both thrilling (Winter is when she gets to go out and meet people), but also alarming. She hopes this isn't the result of fell magic, but if it is she'll have to put an end to it.

Aspen tends to be perky and cheerful, enjoying this time of year when she can go out and make new friends.


Heck yeah! Of course, I’m circle of the moon, so I’m the bear. We can fluff the Brown Bear wildshape to be a young polar bear, right?


Quote from: clonkertink on December 15, 2017, 10:48:44 PM
Heck yeah! Of course, I’m circle of the moon, so I’m the bear. We can fluff the Brown Bear wildshape to be a young polar bear, right?

Sure, it's just cosmetic, after all. And we'll have to find someone to ride your druid.

Anyone out here want to ride a wood elf druid?  >:)


Aspen's been up in the mountains all year. She's looking forward to a good ride now that she can come down and mingle.


Holly Silverbell
Character Sheet

Description:  Holly is a solidly-built 4'2 dwarf with a button nose, lively hazel eyes and a smile that tempts and entices as readily as the snap of cards or the jingle of coins.  When entertaining, she adorns her thick, silky black hair in flashy bits of glass and frippery that catch the light, framing her pleasant features flatteringly and drawing the eye to her most enticing assets.  Her entertaining costumes - one in shades of refreshing blue, violet, green and silver, the other in fiery hues of red, orange, yellow and gold - cinch tight around her rib cage and billow attractively around her stout, agile legs to her surprisingly delicate ankles.  The gauzy, multi-hued garments drape attractively along her arms and over her ample hips, but leave her bountiful chest bared so as to best show off the wonders that playing her favored instrument works upon the pillowy flesh.  When she is not entertaining, she wears more drab and utilitarian attire, though one couldn't call it any more modest, unless she is dressed in her armor.  One simply never knows when they will need to use every weapon in their arsenal to defeat a foe.

Personality:  Rare, is it, when there is a quiet tavern if Holly is in town.  She is the life of every party, even if she has to create the party herself.  A lover of wines and ciders, baked goods, stories and games of chance, she thrives in an atmosphere scented of fresh hay, stale beer, bad food and unwashed bodies.  Each night in a town will find her staying up to the wee hours, singing, drinking, eating and telling stories over card games with the locals.  She makes fast friends, and tries not to do her newfound buddies a bad turn, unless she discovers that they were not as honest about their intentions as she was,  Most of the time, her carousing has no ulterior motive, but she can easily pretend if necessary.  She's a risk-taker and a gambler, loving to dare the unlikely just for the rush of pulling off something unexpected.  There's a restlessness in her, and though she is loyal to the friends she makes in the towns she visits, that loyalty only seems to extend until she reaches the next town and makes a whole new crop of friends.  This free-wheeling lifestyle suits her, though it can cause problems, especially when she forgets former lovers as easily as she does drinking partners.


((Still working on her, but should be able to finish her up tomorrow.))


I'm going to withdraw from this game for now. I really like the concept, but I'm getting into more games than I can handle and I want to do the games I join justice, rather than lagging behind with replies and slowing everyone done.

Good luck with the game though, I hope you'll have a ton of fun.


Aww, that's too bad. I was looking forward to rolling with you again, Caitlin. Some other time, I guess.


Yeah, it'd have been fun, but I'm sure that there will be other opportunities in the future. I really enjoyed the way you played your character the last time we were in a game. I hope you'll get in with this one, I'm sure you'd make a great addition to it. :D


Well, that's a disappointment  :-\ But I totally understand. Thanks for the interest, though!


Actually, given how little interest this seems to have pulled up - and given that the "season" would likely be up before the game got very far anyway - I'm going to go ahead and shutter this one. Thank you, Caitlin, Clonkertink, and Bibliophilia for popping in and sharing your characters, though!