Some Ideas [M seeking F]

Started by clockworkInferno, December 14, 2017, 06:00:58 PM

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Hello all, I have a few ideas in the making for a few RPs I am considering. Keep in mind these are just skeleton ideas at the moment. When I get a better flow of a storyline, I will gladly update this post. However, if you have any ideas about these and are interested in fleshing them out, please message me if you want.

Wizard/Summoned Demoness In Progress

Human Paladin/Elvish Ranger:
In the tides of war, a paladin manages to corner a frightened elvish ranger. He decides to take her prisoner in his camp, forbidding his fellow warriors from approaching her. As time goes by, the two get closer over their long hours together [the paladin trying to figure out where their camp is located]. What happens if someone discovers their relationship? Should these star-crossed lovers run for sanctuary with the ranger's kind? How will the war end?

Professor/Teacher's Aide:
An esteemed professor at a local college decides to take on an aide to assist him with the mountains of papers he has to grade. Upon finding one, the two get off to a rocky start, but his aide doesn't quit. Being divorced for five years, the professor tries to steer clear of any fraternization, lest it get out of control. One day, his aide walks in on him drunk off his ass, and leads to quite an interesting conversation.

Detective/Police Chief:
A gruff detective is assigned a case to search for a serial killer in a bustling city. He searches day and night for possible clues, but the police chief of the local station beats him to the punch every time, sending out her troops to lock down the area before he can get there. He gets fed up with the dead ends and approaches the chief. They eventually come to a compromise and work together after an arduous yelling match. They spend long nights alone in the office, compiling clues to find the killer. Tired by the day's events, the two go to a pub and get sloshed. Everyone knows the complicated relationship between the two crime investigators, but nobody would expect one of them to make a move on the other!

Please message me if you have an interest in any of these, and I will gladly message you back as soon as I can!
Romance doesn't go out with a bang, or a whimper. It doesn't die in a blaze, nor a snap. Romance dies in an INFERNO.


Edit: Added more details to my ideas. If you have anything you would like to add, I accept all critiques!
Romance doesn't go out with a bang, or a whimper. It doesn't die in a blaze, nor a snap. Romance dies in an INFERNO.