Looking for a small system game or three (list of systems enclosed)

Started by PixelatedPixie, December 12, 2017, 01:28:28 AM

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As the title says, I am looking for a small (ideally 2 or 3 players plus a GM, I don't really want to go beyond maybe 4 players total) game (or multiple) to play in using a system.  At a minimum I would like non-consensual, and I would like some smut, but it doesn't have to be the focus.

I would like some work on building the characters together so they aren't just thrown together at game start.  They could be related, employed together, or just know each other. 

Fantasy Flight Star Wars, Pathfinder, Starfinder, Conan: In an Age Undreamed Of, Buffy, CthulhuTech, Delta Green (new version?), Dresden Files, End of the World, Fate of the Norns, Masks: A New Generation, Mutant Year Zero, World of Darkness, Scion, Shadowrun, Star Trek Adventures, Warhammer 40k, Achtung Cthulhu, Deadlands Reloaded, Numenera, Gods of the Fall, Predation, Unmasked, and maybe a couple of others are all options.

I would prefer other players don't reply to this thread (as it is more intended as a personal advertisement than a recruitment thread) unless a GM has jumped in. 

Any chance anyone is interested in being a GM?  Or is looking for a new player?