A Year of Helplessness. [Naruto/OC Crossover][Cheating/Breeding/Blackmail]

Started by Dath, December 01, 2017, 10:34:24 AM

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Wintertime in Konohakagure

Days in the Land of Fire had been getting colder and colder for a while now and as Naruto and Hinata walked in the forest outskirts of their village it had begun to snow. It wasn't long until the pair were taking shelter underneath a tree and watching the white flakes descend to the ground with all the grace that gravity and weight could muster. They enjoyed it, it was a beautiful sight and the scene between the two didn't require any words, the couple held hands and watched, huddling together to get that bit warmer and enjoy each other's company.

Dath on the other hand groaned, she was stuck in an unheated room in the Konoha Hospital where she worked, in what was now an abandoned wing where she was basically on constant standby. Dath was a 'traveler', she had been working on engineering a portal device back in Winterspring when an unfortunate accident - the kind that engineering was unfortunately known for - sent her hurtling through dimensions until she landed here. The locals were wary of the woman when she had arrived but took her in, always keeping her at arms length until she finally learned the language.

Even then they were wary. They had been burned by people that looked alien to them before and despite the accident also changing her skin colour to tan brown and her hair to a platinum blonde, Dath was obviously not from here. So for now she was given an abandoned office in the hospital after showing off her healing abilities... she felt alone.

In one moment everything changed.

Naruto and Hinata's blissful moment was broken up by movement in front of them, something neither of them had expected in the safety of their village. No intruders detected by the village security. No warning. A figure dropped from the tree branch above them, upside down. It was like time had slowed down to a crawl as an array of needles were thrown by this mysterious person, they didn't look like any Ninja Hinata had ever seen - they didn't have any headband on and their ability seemed completely different to how Shinobi operated.

Before the Hyuuga Heiress could react, Naruto was in front of her taking the hits from the needles. They were only needles right? He dealt with similar when he was younger... but before anything could be processed in her head she watched as he fell to the floor in front of her. Seemingly lifeless.

It would be a few hours before Dath got the paperwork on her desk, which was completely unusual. Dath wasn't used to having patients, this job was more like something to keep her completely out of the way, occasionally she would demonstrate her abilities in front of a high ranking Medical Nin before they would nod and disappear. Today was different, this was a case on Uzumaki Naruto and their own best healers were failing miserably at the job. Naruto was the boyfriend of someone she had her eye on... this could work out well for Dath if she played her cards right. As if on cue, Dath's sensitive ears picked up on a distant running in the corridors of her wing, Hinata was coming and Dath... well, she had ideas...


Hey there, thanks for reading. The above is a scenario in which Hinata has to turn to Dath to heal Naruto, but Dath will only do it if Hinata is willing to cheat on Naruto. As Dath is played as a shapeshifter she will be able to switch between fully female and dickgirl at will and will be somewhat Mary-Sueish. My main kinks for this are of course Cheating - along with Impregnation, Corruption of the Innocent and potential Bimbofication if that is something you would be interested in. I would of course prefer to discuss this further in Private Messages so feel free to hit me with a message and I'll respond in kind as soon as possible. I look forward to a long Roleplay with you!