New and looking for Pathfinder games

Started by Heady Dionysus, November 28, 2017, 10:51:33 PM

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Heady Dionysus

Just checking to see if there are any Pathfinder games in need of another player, or a GM interested in starting one.  I'm usually up for most things, provided it's not overly silly.  For the most part, I enjoy playing non-evil types, with a strong front-line focus.  I enjoy building strong friendships with other PCs, so my characters are not acerbic (lightly snarky at worst).  That said, I have been interested in trying out an Arcanist, Bard, or Sorcerer as they've usually been outside of what I usually go for.

Aside from GMs, other players are also welcome.

Out of the Adventure Paths, the following are of interest (with bolded ones much sought after):

Carrion Crown
Iron Gods
Jade Regent
Rise of the Runelords
Ruins of Azlant
Skull & Shackles

I have a few character ideas that I might add in later.
Discord ID: Heady Dionysus#8726