Tokken Prodigy Academy REBOOT (Anime/hentai game)

Started by Tokyorose627, September 11, 2017, 03:11:51 PM

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The Tokken Schooling Program

There exists a school for the brightest boys and girls of their generation.  It's doors have been open for a proud hundred years, established with the best of intentions (and incredibly generous donations).  The greatest prodigies the country has ever known, all  to be placed under one roof.  The worlds youngest and most promising mathematicians, musicians, artists, athletes, and inventors: all interacting and working off one another.   

Thoughts and Hopes in relation to character creation:

Prodigy type:  The main focus here is making it varied.  I am pulling a little bit from Dangan Ronpa here in the sense that your character can be ANY kind of prodigy.  Yes, there are prodigies in art and music, but why CAN'T there be a prodigy in writing, or in baseball, or in fashion?  Have fun with it.  I want there to be as many different types of prodigies represented as possible.  So at least when we start out, I would rather that we get a good mix before doubling up.  For example, if we already have one art prodigy who specializes in sculpting, I'd rather we try out some new things before having another art prodigy who specializes in water colors. 

Country of Origin:  I love the idea of making this game as widespread globally as possible.  Characters can have multiple backgrounds for their characters from their parents, however, I do request that your characters have lived in one place permanently. So for example, if a character is half Japanese and American, please choose one of those places from their heritage to be from.

Character Sheet




Sexual Orientation

Prodigy Type:


Country of Origin:

Sexual Preferences:


Potential plots involving your character? What would you like to see your character do, be involved in?: 



Not every Prodigy is perfect! What is a weakness, or fault that your character has?:

After you have finished your profile, please post it in the recruitment page here for Mods to inspect it to be approved, or if aspects need to be changed!


1. Be respectful to yourself and other players.  This is a game.  We should be having fun.
2. No god-moding.  This is a game with characters who are incredibly gifted in one specific category, but even in that catagory they aren't gods.
3. OOC chat should only take place in the OOC.
4. 1 post a week minimum, but if you need to take a leave of absence just inform the group and its fine
5.  Quality writing.  I expect a two paragraph minimum.  MINIMUM.

The game would start on the first day of the first year of schooling, so most characters would likely not know each other personally.  It makes a lot of sense for them to have heard of one another however. They would all have been sought out for the program (there is no way of actually applying.  You have to be chosen) but acceptance is completely voluntary.

List of Prodigies Taken


Hmmm, well I'll express tentative interest in this for the time being.
I thoroughly enjoyed the first run through of Tokken up until the point I felt things were irreversibly going down hill...
Though I'm not sure if that was because of the cast, plot, or the GM at the time. (RIP Sephora, god bless her soul)


Quote from: Leki on September 11, 2017, 03:21:35 PM
Hmmm, well I'll express tentative interest in this for the time being.
I thoroughly enjoyed the first run through of Tokken up until the point I felt things were irreversibly going down hill...
Though I'm not sure if that was because of the cast, plot, or the GM at the time. (RIP Sephora, god bless her soul)

It could have been because a lot of us had so many plots that we all wanted to do, so I'm gonna try to make it so that we have a bit of a schedule going on, with some plots during the times we RP normal days and such.

If anyone is willing to help out, that would be great. D:

I'm thinking of looking for a co-GM just to be safe in the future.


Quote from: Leki on September 11, 2017, 03:21:35 PM

Though I'm not sure if that was because of the cast, plot, or the GM at the time. (RIP Sephora, god bless her soul)



Quote from: Sephora on September 11, 2017, 03:32:15 PMI AM NOT DEAD YET.
I just thought I'd get in early and wish you the best in the after life <3
I suppose I'll leave my bullying of Sephora there...
But I'm curious as to whether you'll be gracing this roleplay with your presence :P

Hmm it's pretty hard to determine what it was that I enjoyed.
Like any other group roleplay there were a lot of things I absolutely loved, and other aspects I wasn't overly fond of.
I personally liked the player-fueled progression of the first run through though, so hopefully that'll be occurring again.

I'm not sure if I'm understanding, but as a statement of preference;
I'm not really fond of the idea of multiple threads. Generally I only keep up with one (maybe two) IC threads at a time, and anything else just gets ignored. Sure it allows for increased creativity... at the expense of diluting everything else >_<
I personally think the issues was less about opportunity, and more about things scattering around too much and fraying out with OoC drama :P
Just my thoughts though, so it'll be interesting to see how things develop.


I'd be interested in giving this another go, probably with a different character.
What a thrill...with silence and darkness through the night....

Request Thread


Hows the game feel about trans people or other non-binary characters?
Are you afraid of me now?

On's and Offs-


Quote from: FeveredDreams on September 11, 2017, 04:29:01 PM
Hows the game feel about trans people or other non-binary characters?

Completely fine with non-binary characters! All genders are accepted for the game! :D


Quote from: pdragon on September 11, 2017, 03:51:48 PM
I'd be interested in giving this another go, probably with a different character.

Quote from: Leki on September 11, 2017, 03:50:02 PM
I just thought I'd get in early and wish you the best in the after life <3
I suppose I'll leave my bullying of Sephora there...
But I'm curious as to whether you'll be gracing this roleplay with your presence :P

Hmm it's pretty hard to determine what it was that I enjoyed.
Like any other group roleplay there were a lot of things I absolutely loved, and other aspects I wasn't overly fond of.
I personally liked the player-fueled progression of the first run through though, so hopefully that'll be occurring again.

I'm not sure if I'm understanding, but as a statement of preference;
I'm not really fond of the idea of multiple threads. Generally I only keep up with one (maybe two) IC threads at a time, and anything else just gets ignored. Sure it allows for increased creativity... at the expense of diluting everything else >_<
I personally think the issues was less about opportunity, and more about things scattering around too much and fraying out with OoC drama :P
Just my thoughts though, so it'll be interesting to see how things develop.

I do agree about some of the Ooc drama that occurred, but we'll do our best to make sure that it doesn't interfere with the RP. :3


Interested in this, I do wonder what's the goal of the RP or is this fully sandbox. And I'm thinking playing a prodigy in acting ^^


Quote from: Kathyan on September 11, 2017, 06:51:18 PM
Interested in this, I do wonder what's the goal of the RP or is this fully sandbox. And I'm thinking playing a prodigy in acting ^^

The game will mostly be sandbox, with plots and events planned out by myself and other players. :D

I'll be making a character profile very soon to give people any example, so by then people should be good to make their own and make connections for when the time comes.


Here is my own character, so feel free to use this as a template to know how exactly the profile should go, as well as ask any questions if people are confused. :D

Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide
Name: Mallory Kansho

Age: 16

Prodigy Type: Costume Design/Fashion

Personality: Right from the get-go, Mallory is a sociable and outgoing girl, with tons of energy and friendly charm with bunches to spare. She's kind and friendly to people, wanting to get to know others and make new friends, and is willing to help others when they need something. There are some times where Mallory can seem a bit too rambunctious or energized, but that's simply because of her excitement towards making new friends and seeing new things, only because where she lives is not as exciting as most places. On some days, you can see her have loads of energy, but that doesn't stop her from taking a breather to have a calm and relaxing day to herself, or even having a lazy day and sleeping in all day! It all depends on how she feels, but be forewarned, if anyone messes with her or tries anything, she's a ticking time bomb ready to hit back just as hard, and then some! All in all, she's a kind and caring girl with loads of passion and excitement towards what she wants to do, and nothing's going to get in her way, no matter what!

Country of Origin: Japan

Background: Rather then having the exciting and amazing life living in the heart of Tokyo when she moved with her parents, Mallory actually ended up in the real areas of Japan when she moved, with little to no technology, and having to commute about two to three hours just to even get close to the city life. Despite that, Mallory was always an interested and fascinated girl when it came to the beautiful and amazing designed kimonos that would be made by her mother in the shop her family owned. As a child, she would always have fun with picking out patterns and getting to choose them for her mother when she was sewing, and after a few lessons and some time in school, Mallory began to even help her mother when she went into Junior High.

It was then that her passion for designing clothes came to be, along with some interests in making cosplay from anime that she watched on some occasions.

With a goal in mind, Mallory poured all of her energy into making costumes, with blood, sweat, and tears ((None of them actually other then tears)) proving her commitment with such a task. With her skills, she helped her school with plays in theater, and even entered in some competitions and won awards that gave her money for scholarships to save up for. As she kept continuing, her skills became more and more honed, with her costumes and outfits becoming more and more detailed and elaborate as time went on. However as she soon later left the house to get her own apartment at the age of 16, she realized that she wasn't going to have enough money for food, her rent, or her supplies for her designing. Becoming desperate, and with no other options due to the legal age of working for teenagers needing to be 18, Mallory began to dabble in online sexual roleplaying for money. Simply writing out scenarios and getting requests to write out scenes with others was giving her good cash, and after some time, and a bit of curiosity and experimenting, Mallorywent farther and decided to try her luck at being an amateur cam girl, blurring out her face and recording herself in one of her costumes that she designed and made. It made a huge hit, and after gaining at least three weeks worth of money for one night, Mallory continued her double life as a cam girl, experimenting with sexual favors and requests to gain enough money for her everyday needs.

Who said that sewing supplies and rent were cheap anyways?

Sexual Preferences: Straight, but is a bit Bi-Curious. Has experimented in all kinds of sexual things, such as toys and self pleasure mostly, but has never actually had sex with anyone before.

Extra: She's become aware that certain students at the school watch her Orange Sapphire broadcasts. Some students have even made small orange-colored sapphire pins to wear in secret, with them being an indentifier of being in her fan club. Mostly boys have been seeing wearing them, but some girls have been seen as well.

Potential plots involving your character?: I'm hoping for a plot where some characters try to contact Orange Sapphire as a dare, or maybe something along the lines of Mallory getting caught by a higher official, like the student council or something like that!



I think I'll do someone new this time around, too. Put me tentatively down for a swimmer.
I'll get the sheet in, erm ... at some point. Probably.


Are you afraid of me now?

On's and Offs-




And my first stab.

Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide
Name: Tara Barrington

Age: 17

Prodigy Type: Swimming

Personality: Tara attempts to at least seem like the traditional British lady - calm, collected, practical and reserved yet she's not actually all that good at portraying herself as calm and collected and tends instead to overdo tht particular trait, often coming across as simply cold and unfeeling. She's not entirely sure how to dial this back and, at least to her, this ice queen persona is better than letting her true self out, given what a mess she feels she is at the moment. Always a late bloomer, she's only recently started to  notice others and while it has taken her a while to get to that point her subconscious seems to have dived right in to imagining all sorts of things about the people - mostly the other girls - around her and to Tara it seems better to remain silent and distant than get blushy and talk about people licking her feet like she really wants to.
Of course, bottling all of that up will only last for so long, but she hasn't seemed to realise that yet.

Country of Origin: UK

Background: Born into the sort of family that technically means she could add 'Lady' to the front of her name if she really wanted to, Tara had a fairly easy life to begin with, her greatest difficulties being her studies and the expectations placed upon her to succeed or, failing that, at least do adequately. While her performance tended towards that latter a bit more than the former, Tara found that she had, once again, an easier time of things than most, as people her age seemed to become distracted by each other for reasons that, at the time, escaped her.
The one area where she managed to actually exceed the expectations others had of her revealed itself quite early on in Tara's life - she was a natural in (and under) the water. At first, this was merely for exercise and fun, but her speed, endurance and grace in the water soon drew attention and Tara knew better than to disappoint. Besides, she really does love swimming anyway. Finally having something where her skill counted for more than her family's money, Tara threw herself into her training wholeheartedly, although a long-delayed change in her and a few comments to her (now former) coach made both her and her family glad that Tokken approached them for an entire second set of reasons. Hopefully while off on that quiet and very private island, she can figure out why she keeps thinking these things about other girls and women, things that lead to her getting stuck to her bedclothes during the night and, when she forgets herself, making comments that tend to revolve around licking things.

Sexual Preferences: Uncertain. (Lesbian, with some bisexual leanings)



heyyyy! I am interested in getting this started back up! I will definitely have to make a new character though however, as I mostly forgot everything about my old one.

Hmm... Is a history prodigy available? Maybe an economic prodigy?
"Plans are useless, however, planning is invaluable" -Dwight D. Eisenhower

"Lets see if I can put studying off for another day" -Me


Quote from: Nintentoast on September 12, 2017, 11:53:09 AM
heyyyy! I am interested in getting this started back up! I will definitely have to make a new character though however, as I mostly forgot everything about my old one.

Hmm... Is a history prodigy available? Maybe an economic prodigy?

Yeah a history prodigy is available!

And great job, Soaphie! Aww no teacher this time?


Hmm, I think I will participate after all.  <3

Still looking for a co-gm?  :3


Quote from: Sephora on September 12, 2017, 05:43:20 PM
Hmm, I think I will participate after all.  <3

Still looking for a co-gm?  :3

Yes please! ;A;



Then to start with Tokyo: You break one of your own rules you wrote out in the starter game with Mallory.  :p


Quote from: Sephora on September 12, 2017, 08:41:06 PM

Then to start with Tokyo: You break one of your own rules you wrote out in the starter game with Mallory.  :p

Did I? I haven't been able to look at the old profile I made and edit cause I've been in Uni all day. I basically posted the thing in haste and then went to class, which I probs shouldn't have done. Lol

I'll lol it over right now


Still mulling this over and seeing who/what comes through...
Though with that said, I'd appreciate it if the 'Prodigies Taken' list in the first post was kept up to date.
As it'd truly suck to think up a character (or even worse write it out) only to find the prodigy is the same as someone elses.

I figure the list is more for accepted characters, but I figure something like;
Acting - (Kathyan) [Claimed]
Swimming - Tara Barrington [Pending]
Hagging - (Sephora) [WIP]
Would be nice, a comprehensive list is always nice. *nods*
