The Next Generation

Started by Lady Jenn, September 06, 2017, 02:07:25 PM

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Lady Jenn

"I can't drive," Nicole said with an embarrassed laugh. "Katya's right, I'm the wrong person to ask about cars."


" ok Katya, can you get some food, Nicole please show me to the parking lot.

Lady Jenn

"I'm fine with the food," Katya said as Nicole lead them over to the car park. "If I was that bothered I'd have got it myself in the first placed," she said with a laugh. The car park seemed to have everything they could think of. "Part of me thinks we should take a sports car, but that doesn't seem very...subtle."


Lady Jenn

"Then we need a 4x4," Nicole said. "It's not like we have an off-road buggy just lying around, it'd be too simple if we had that."


Gerri walked over to an old land Rover she kicked the tyre " this look ok to you guys?"

Lady Jenn

"ooks good to me," Katya said, Nicole nodding in agreement. "Are we missing anything else we need?"


She smiled " no I think we are finally good to go! "

Lady Jenn

"Who's riding shotgun?" Nicole asked. "I know I'm not driving so I guess it's between me and whoever doesn't want to drive a Land Rover."


" I know the way" Gerri said

Lady Jenn

"You can drive then," Katya said. "And I'll keep the food with me where I can make sure it doesn't get eaten all at once."


" last chance to change your mimdss" she said as the sales man hands her the keys

Lady Jenn

"I'm happy to sit in the back," Nicole said. "I need to sleep a bit and I'll do better if I can lie down properly."


Lady Jenn

Nicola jumped in the back, lying down almost immediately, while Kayla jumped in the passenger seat at the front.

"So how long will this journey take?" she asked Geri. "Shall I put some music on?"


" between 3 and 4 days " she looked at her " we have 200 miles a day on average " she looked at the radio as she adjusted her seat " no classical please"

Lady Jenn

"We sure the boys can avoid blowing up the planet long enough for us to pull this off?" Katya asked as she put a soft rock radio on quietly."


" nope"  she sighed and started the engine " that's why I told them they are protection only"

Lady Jenn

"Yuri is well meaning," Skylar said. "He told me when we had some time alone that he hates he has to wear protective armour, he feels like even with powers of his own he's cheating by having...assistance."


" we should stop talking shop we need minds clear off powers "

Lady Jenn

"At least we have the option to switch ours off," Katya said, looking back to check Nicole was asleep. "That thing inside her...I think if she ever completely relinquished her powers that thing would overwhelm her mind."


" hum" she headed in to a forest

Lady Jenn

"She doesn't know this, but I knew her mother," Katya said quietly. "I tried to persuade the Corps to find another way to hold that creature, I could tell she was suffering from trying to control it properly."


Gerri was concentrating on the driving "ok "

Lady Jenn

"You'd have liked her," Katya said, smiling. "Not as much as me I hope, but she was one of those people who could light a room up by just walking in to it. And, I know it's popular to say it, but Nicole is almost her doppleganger, when I first saw her during this whole battle I had to do a double take that her mother wasn't still alive somewhere."