The Next Generation

Started by Lady Jenn, September 06, 2017, 02:07:25 PM

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" thank you" she said to the computer " been a long time since I used been here or it feels like it is"

Lady Jenn

"Is that a good thing or bad thing?" Patrick asked as he went back to the cockpit. "I mean, you don't have to answer, I'm probably being too nosey."


"good I hope!" She looked at Katya and stroked her hair" call it first day nerves "

Lady Jenn

"Hey, it happens to everyone," Patrick called out. "I won't go into details, but the first time I flew one of these things...I'm amazed my grandfather ever let me go near one again."


" please tell me you landed it ok though " she laughed a little

Lady Jenn

"Oh, definitely," he replied, chuckling. "It just...may have been missing one of its landing wheels. My skills have got considerably better since then though."


" hum that sounds like fun" she was not easy with the up and coming landing

Lady Jenn

"Besides, I didn't have the world's second smartest AI helping me back then," he said. "Between me and him this plane couldn't land more safely if the landing strip was made out of marshmallow."


" where are you attending to land the area is pretty built up"

Lady Jenn

"You leave that to me," he replied. "Don't worry, I won't knock any buildings over in the process."


" ok  " she smiled " I trust you you know you considered being a consuler"

Lady Jenn

"What do you mean?" he asked as the plane began to descend. "Sorry, it's a bit loud in the cockpit so I missed that comment."


" have you considered couciling powereds ?" She questioned

Lady Jenn

"It's not really crossed my mind," he replied. "I'm not sure I could handle the really heavy stuff, which I'm aware sounds a little odd considering who I'm marrying."


" hey odd is what we do" she smiled " im sure whom ever trains you would help with that but up to you"

Lady Jenn

"I think I'll stick to flying," he said. "Well, that and I'm apparently the best cook on the whole base, not sure where they got that from though."


" well if you make a good listener too"

Lady Jenn

"Not sure I'd go that far," he said, laughing. "You just haven't known me long enough to know otherwise."


She smiled " hey im not often wrong when jiding character "

Lady Jenn

"We're almost there," he said. "And my landing spot is actually even clearer than I thought, it's usually the other way around."


" hum it does look a little quiet "

Lady Jenn

"Are you complaining about it being quiet?" Katya mumbled. "We're more than due a lucky break right now."


" yeah to be honest I am but I am actually worried for my bussiness"

Lady Jenn

"I wouldn't worry about that," Patrick said, with a chuckle. "I just noticed the time, the fact it's quiet is probably more to do with it being 2 o'clock in the morning."


" hum really? Feels later in the day then that"