The Next Generation

Started by Lady Jenn, September 06, 2017, 02:07:25 PM

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Lady Jenn

Katya didn't reply, but suddenly passed out, collapsing against Geri.

"Shit," Isaac said under his breath. "Geri, lay her back on the bed, I need to check something," he said, grabbing a stethoscope from a nearby cabinet.


Jenni walked in " I came to say we are ready to test the nanites in Katya " she was instantly at katyas side " so can I do anything "

Lady Jenn

"We could do with figuring out what's happening to Katya," Isaac said, frowning. "Her heart sounds normal, so I'm not sure why she keeps blacking out."


Lady Jenn

"That's possible," Isaac said sadly. "I feel like she's more than earnt a bit of a good luck at this point though."


" well I'm here if you need me " said Jenni

" I was going to offer my help " said Gerri " but I see you and your nurse put her in excellent care "

Jenni blushed

Lady Jenn

"And we have AVA's tech if we need it," he said, noticing Katya's eyes starting to open. "Hey Kat, how are you feeling?"

"Not...not well at all," Katya mumbled, "I don't remember what happened though."


Gerri held ber hand “I’m here babes”

Lady Jenn

"You're about the only thing keeping me sane right now," Katya said, trying and failing to laugh.

"Well, we might have an explanation," Isaac said, studying AVA's readings. "Katya's blood pressure is unusually low, that may go some way to explaining why she can't stand up for very long too."


Gerri looked at little startled and walked sitting down outside the room

Lady Jenn

"Is everything okay?" Spyder asked, appearing suddenly before stopping himself. "Sorry, I might not be the best person to speak to right now."


" low blood pressure an old close friend of mine she died of that, and she gave me these powers "

Lady Jenn

"I may not know Katya that well," Spyder said, "but I'm sure with the tech we've got around here she'll pull through this easily."


“ but the tech takes her further from me”

Lady Jenn

"The alternative is she potentially dies," Spyder said. "Is that a risk you're willing to take?"


“ you think I don’t know that” she sighed “ this is all my thought, I blame my self for losing her “

Lady Jenn

"It's not your fault," Katya suddenly said telepathically. "Sorry, I forgot I could do this, and it was easier than asking someone to come get you."


“ I would give up my powers for katya, I would die for her, I couldn’t stop this and it is killing me” she told him “ and if this is a comic book like Jenni believes we had better get a good story line soon or I will get mad”

Lady Jenn

"Well..." Spyder said, biting his lip. "Much as I'd like to say I came this way just to cheer you up, Anya asked everyone to meet her in the map room, she wouldn't tell me why though."


On the way to the map room Jenni was talking to Gerri

J: do you really think I could be a nurse

G: Issac seemed to be proud of you so I don’t see why not

J: “thanks “ she blushed

G: and you helped to save katya, so thanks to you

J “aw” she hugged Gerri “ I know from the comics your always blame yourself for katya, and I know you won’t understand but I never blamed you and more does katya”

Lady Jenn

Anya was leaning over the map screen, her super-detector lady staring at a point on the map intently, as Isaac stepped in. "Well, this doesn't seem ominous at all, does it?"


Gerri looked at them " what is it ?"

Lady Jenn

"We've detected an unusually large power spike," Anya replied. "But it doesn't match anything we've previously detected."


" and this out problem? " Gerri checked " can't the Corp deal with it "

Lady Jenn

"That's where we have a problem," Anya replied. "This hero's current location...I'm not convinced the Corps can get to him, at least not in time anyway."