The Next Generation

Started by Lady Jenn, September 06, 2017, 02:07:25 PM

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" not me but I have found some kids that seem to have e leads me know one seems to understand what's happened to me, myself included so I will just slope of and retire

Lady Jenn

"Geri, we need you," Yuri said, trying to hold in his emotions. "Sky...Sky is dying, he asked for you."


" the Gerri you need is gone just protect these kids"

Lady Jenn

"Don't make me beg," Yuri said, his voice shaking. "I will if I have to, it is not a pretty sight."


" I'm not making you do anything even begging won't make me go back all I know is I've never ever been a part of his team or welcome near him so I am outta here "as she said this the vaults explode as she had told them to"

Lady Jenn

"I do not care who you are," Yuri said, sounding more irritable than he had intended. "We need you, Sky is asking for you...we need all the help we can get. One of our group is dying, Clint...I don't even know if he will wake up. At least take this," he said, a small, disc-shaped object suddenly appearing at her feet. "You're right I can't make you, but...if you're worried how the others will react, leave that to me to deal with."


She sighed " send the plane or what ever 3passengers"

Lady Jenn

It wasn't long before the plane arrived, Lucas by himself and appearing far more sombre than when Geri had last seen him.

"You guys ready to go?" he asked, trying to manage a smile. "We've at least found something a little more...scenic than our last base."


Getting handed him the kids and paused before climbing aboard " I'm not who you think I am"

Lady Jenn

"I'm not the one you need to explain that to," Lucas said as he helped the two children to their seats, before turning to her. "Join me in the cockpit, need to know what to expect when we get there. I don't think saying it in front of the kids would be a good idea."


" I'm only here for the kids " she looked at him " the old guy is dying I get that I'm not sure I want to see him any way he always ignored gerri and shot her ideas down I'm staying with them " she sat down and helped them with there seatbelts

Lady Jenn

"That 'old man' is the only reason Cypher was persuaded to allow you in the same room as her," Lucas said as he turned towards the cockpit. "For some reason she still loves you, you have no concept how much she and Sky are hurting right now." With that he shut the door, unwilling to let her see how upset he was at that moment.


She looked at the kids " how the hell can I explain?" Ergh!"

Lady Jenn

"This probably sounds silly," Ana said as she stroked the hair of Tyler, who had rested his head on her lap. "But Tyler actually thought you were an angel. I think that's why he was so fearless in approaching you."


" I have died, she looked at them both " wish I had stayed there "

Lady Jenn

"I don't know what's going on," Ana said quietly, in the hope Tyler was too sleepy to hear what she was saying. "But...if what Tyler saw is right, everyone is in danger. If I was old enough I'd fight but..." she fell quiet for a second. "I mean, if I could do something to help them I would at least try." With that she found herself suddenly yawning. "Wake me up when we get there," she said, shifting to make herself and Tyler as comfortable as possible as she drifted off.


She used mirages power to appear in the co pilots seat " they are asleep in there kind of cute "

Lady Jenn

"She reminds me of Nicole at that age," he said, a faint smile playing across his face. "Before she..." he paused, looking away from her. "Well, I'm sure you don't want to know about that, I've spent most of her life unsuccessfully trying to forget what happened that night."


" ok you want to talk the talk "

Lady Jenn

"The creature inside her," Lucas said, changing the plane to autopilot. "Nightwalker it's called. Nicole wasn't always its host. There was a time her mother was, in order to stop it feeding on innocent people. But..." He paused wiping away a tear. "It was slowly killing her, then one night, when I was on a mission for the British government, Nicole came across her mother having a seizure. The creature said he'd let my wife live if Nicole would become its host instead, in desperation she agreed. lied, when it joined with Nicole her mother died instantly. That is why she fears allowing Nightwalker to posses her entirely, that creature's hunger is near insatiable at times." He put his head in his hands. "What I fear is that may be the only way we can truly stop Carreyra."


" I died " she looked at him " my body was under some one elses control I got it back no one believes me " she hugged him I am sorry you saw all that"

Lady Jenn

"You have to see things from their perspective," Lucas said, not looking at her. " essentially just killed the woman she loved, and while I don't think for a moment you meant to, your confrontation with Carreyra has left Clint...I don't know if he can ever recover. Sky only persuaded her to let you come by saying we cannot afford to be divided when we're faced with events like this. He feels betrayed by you too of his last wishes was to persuade us that there are more important things in this world right now."


" I am out ofthe hero business I am not welcome in the hero family I know that" she looked at him " I never meant to hurt any one and had I been myself it would not have happened that was not me ok!"

Lady Jenn

"They don't hate you," Lucas said. "At least, if they do, their need for your help is far more powerful. They will accept you, just...maybe be careful around Cypher. She may be more normal around you eventually, but for now you two need to put the fate of the world ahead of your own feelings."


" the vault  blew up you get that right?" She smiled " I mean I think it was the vault something defiantly blew up"