The Next Generation

Started by Lady Jenn, September 06, 2017, 02:07:25 PM

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" I am sorry to hear that " she smiled " but the Katya I read about the one growing up I so respected the one that stood in front of the machine gun, she would not let this hold her back " she smiled

Lady Jenn

"I've tried but..." she stopped for a moment, tears forming in her eyes. "For every step forward I take, I seem to take about twenty back."


" oh" she stood up " I'm so sorry I do not know why I respected you" she looked at her " this is for you not anyone else you should take pride in this *

Lady Jenn

"I'm sorry," Katya said. "I should be used to the pain by now but...I've always been able to do something before, now I can't do much more than lie down and talk."


" don't be sorry I do not wish it hear it"

Lady Jenn

"Maybe we should allow her to sleep," Isaac said to Jenni, resting his hand on her shoulder. "We can talk to the others for a bit."


“ ok “ she took his hand

Lady Jenn

"Jenni, we're worried it's not just her knee," Isaac said once they were out of earshot. "The pain fluctuations...her body shouldn't be reacting like this, that's why she's upset."

"We're trying to avoid just dosing her up on painkillers," Andre said. "This rig on my back was designed for a similar purpose but...I was younger than she is when it was designed."


" I think it is pyscological" she looked at them both"

Lady Jenn

"You maybe right," Andre said, sighing. "But-"

"Jenni," Isaac said, cutting Andre off. "I know your heart is in the right place doing it, but even ignoring her injuries Katya is fragile, at least for now it might be better to tread carefully around her."


Jenni looked at him " maybe just maybe she does not need smypathy "

Lady Jenn

"You don't know..." Katya started saying as she tried standing up, Andre catching her before she fell over. "She thinks I'm weak, you're not helping Andre."

"There are times to show you're strong," Andre said to her sternly. "If your knee buckles under you that's not going to help anyone." He helped her back onto the bed, before turning to the others. "If we're having this conversation we have it elsewhere, if this was a hospital the doctor would be telling us to stop stressing her out."


Jennifer stepped forward walking away before she got too angry

Lady Jenn

"The comics you've read didn't tell you everything," said a young, green-haired man who she walked past. "Don't ask me how, even I don't know how, but I've read comics from your universe."


“ I know they don’t mention us for us”

Lady Jenn

"Some do," he said. "That's the problem, I've seen at least three different versions of this story, and those are just the ones I know about."


“ so? Want a medal.”

Lady Jenn

"We got off on the wrong foot," he said with a sigh, offering her his hand. "My name is Peter, my powers are...really complicated to be honest with you."


She walked of clearly angry

Lady Jenn

Andre's drone was stood outside, watching the treeline intently, one hand hovering over a gun at its waist, not noticing Jenni's approach.


Jenni was glowing as she started to hulk out

Lady Jenn

"I would not advise that Miss Walters," the drone said, still not looking at her. "We have company, I am uncertain of their intentions."


“ i can’t stop it” she said as she started to hulk out

Lady Jenn

"I am unable to..." he suddenly froze, turning back towards the house. "Location of threat misidentified, it is within the house." At that moment Katya limped out of the house, bleeding from a wound on her head, before collapsing onto the grass. "Something is wrong, I am no longer detecting the other occupants of the house."


Greenie walked over to katya and picked her up “ you leaking”