The Next Generation

Started by Lady Jenn, September 06, 2017, 02:07:25 PM

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" we can I am changing things please" she screamed " we are one" she smiled " time to join the acfion

Lady Jenn

"Get to Sky and Clint," Luna said, beginning to fade. "That's where the trap is going to be sprung."

Clint and Sky were approaching the room, unaware that as well as Carreyra, the woman who had pretended to be Luna was stood nearby, just hidden out of view waiting for the right moment.


Gerri entered the fray joining her ba d of misfits and taking them to clint

Lady Jenn

"Oh, this is wonderful," Carreyra said, standing up. "I couldn't have planned this better if I'd tried. You even brought the boy to me, I was worried Mirage here would have to force him to come." At that moment the woman stepped forward, but as she stepped into the light she was changing, no longer appearing like Luna, now taking the appearance of a young woman with dark blue hair and green eyes.

"Luna..." Clint started saying. "What the hell did you do to her?"

"I'm afraid Luna has been dead for longer than you thought," Carreyra said, unable to stop himself laughing. "Ana here took her place, that crash was on purpose. All of this was my plan."

"Clint, ru-" Sky started saying, before realizing he had collapsed and was having a seizure. "Oh no...what we thought was protecting him from an made it so you could use his condition against him."

"You can save him," Ana said, a wicked smile playing across her face. "Surrender, help us fulfil our plan, and I will save Clint's life."


Gerri, looked at this and started to glow she was silent but the area was getting hotter

Lady Jenn

"We need to protect Clint," Sky said to her quietly, before thinking carefully. "You deal with Mirage, I'll take on Carreyra."


Gerri turns to flame and attacks mirage

Lady Jenn

Ana dodged, not quick enough to avoid being slightly burnt. "Oh, I dreamt of this day," she said. "I used to idolize you fools in the Corps, until I saw you for what you really are."


" I'm not from the corps " she smiled " I'm freelance " she points at Anna a circle of flames surround her

Lady Jenn

"Let me help you," the real Luna said, appearing suddenly next to her. "Mirage earnt her alter-ego for a reason, but when she killed me she showed me her weakness briefly." She touched Geri's hand and the Mirage in the flames became suddenly transparent, the real Mirage stood by the throne, her eyes glowing yellow. "Her tricks only work as long as you cannot see through her double." She turned to look towards Clint. "Look after Clint, if he makes it out of this he's...he's going to be changed." With that she vanished as quickly as she had appeared.


The fire ball that was once Gerri surrounded the throne and the girl next to it

Lady Jenn

"Carreyra, help me," Mirage called out, causing him to turn away from his duel with Sky.

"You will regret that girl," Carreyra growled, throwing a shadowy blade towards Geri...but it never connected, his face turning to shock as he found Nicole, her body surrounded by a purple glow, stood between him and Geri, the blade in his hand. " can't be here..."

"We have unfinished business old friend," Nicole said, smiling, before turning to Geri. "Leave Carreyra to Sky and I, Mirage is all yours."


The flames around mirage get hotter gerri stare at her " surrender now or fry, bitch"

Lady Jenn

"I'm not scared to die," she said coldly. "But would you risk Clint's life? Or even the lives of your friends in the vault?"


"'" I said fry not die " it started to get even hotter"

Lady Jenn

"Do your worst," she said, laughing as her visage changed, revealing a face already horribly burnt. "He found me like this, this wasn't even my power before Carreyra helped me."


Two seconds later the flames were merging with her, and she was becoming a part as Gerri " as you wish"

Lady Jenn

"Wait Geri," Sky shouted from where he was dodging an attack from Carreyra. "I know why she isn't resisting. Her and Clint...I don't know how, but they're linked." He flattened Carreyra temporarily. "You hurt her, you hurt him." He nodded to where the unconscious Clint was writhing in pain. "Damnit, they wanted us to attack, he knew this would happen."


" this won't hurt her we will become one the I will take her life and her power"

Lady Jenn

"Enough," Carreyra said, rising from the floor and sending a wave out which knocked Sky and Nicole from their feet before turning to Geri. "I did not survive 40 years at the heart of this place to be overthrown by a group of retired heroes and children who have no concept what they're facing. What if I told you your love's life is in danger as we speak?"


Gerri was already gone the flames had taken over a second later mirage smiled" your too late threatening me we are all ready one"

Lady Jenn

"Oh, I don't mean her," Carreyra said, laughing maniacally. "You think I've lasted this long without being able to see through party tricks."

"Oh no..." Nicole said. "The vaults...Carreyra let us see what he wanted us to see Geri, Cypher...Yuri...the others, those creatures in the vault must be waking up. He..."

"Mirage was a distraction," Sky said, feeling his heart sink as the realisation hit him. "Goddamnit, we've been doing exactly what he wanted the whole time, we just didn't know it."


Mirage/ Gerri " I have her knowledge including that if I hit this switch the vault self distraction will be enabled " she hit the switch

Lady Jenn

"You actually think I'd allow that?" Carreyra said, moving towards Clint and picking him up with worrying ease. "We appear to be at a stand-off, I could kill him before you could trigger that. And the little girl's...'partner' can't feed on me without harming him as well. What do we do now?"


" well the way I see it is simple" she hit the button " he is an unknown kid to me "