The Next Generation

Started by Lady Jenn, September 06, 2017, 02:07:25 PM

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Lady Jenn

"Would that be so bad?" Marla asked. "From what I've seen of you so far I think you'd be a pretty good hero."


Lady Jenn

"Doesn't make you less heroic though," Marla said. "Being a hero is partly about being courageous."


Lady Jenn

"Doesn't mean you can't be courageous," Marla said. "You don't have to have superpowers to be heroic."


" that I agree with" she smiled " why I wanna be a lawyer

Lady Jenn

"Have you studied law at all?" Marla asked. "I had a friend who tried to become a lawyer but just found the studying a nightmare. In fairness she had a very short attention span though."


" I'm hardly outta high school"

Lady Jenn

"Ah, so not exactly running the trial of the century yet?"


" I was signed up to Yale at home "

Lady Jenn

"I wonder if there's some way we can help with this?" Marla asked, looking thoughtful. "I'll see what I can do."


" I don't mind I don't want you hurting your self for little miss doesn't exist in this universe"

Lady Jenn

"I'd be happy to help you," Marla said. "I've long since learnt I can do plenty without having to just rely on my spells."


" I'm not sure I get you sorry? "

Lady Jenn

(sorry for not replying for ages, apparently I looked at these, didn't have time to respond at the time...then forgot to go back to them lol)

"When your magic can physically harm you you learn to hone your non-magical talents," she replied. "I have a hell of a lot of talents, more than I know what to do with frankly."


" show off" she smiled " so I need to work in other skills first?"

Lady Jenn

"I'm just thinking it'll help you feel like you're as important as greenie," she replied. "Maybe you don't have her powers, that doesn't mean you don't have skills of your own."


" i know " she sighed " I don't really want the attention"

Lady Jenn

"What do you want?" Marla asked. "Tell me and I'll help if there is a way I can do so."


Lady Jenn

She was about to say more when she smelt something in the air around them. "I do believe lunch is ready, we'd better go to the kitchen."


" yeah" she sighed " need a hand?"

Lady Jenn

"I think I sho..." she started saying as she stood up, before wincing and sitting down again. "Okay, yeah, I could do with a hand."


Jen was next to her " lean on me" she smiled

Lady Jenn

"Thanks," she said, walking towards the kitchen. "You two will at least be glad to know I can slowly feel my strength coming back."