The Next Generation

Started by Lady Jenn, September 06, 2017, 02:07:25 PM

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Lady Jenn

"Maybe I can get Geri to teach you something then," Katya said, laughing. "I've never been much of a cook either so I can sympathise with you there."


" so erm do you read comics " she asked adjusting her glasses and sitting next to her

Lady Jenn

"Before I went on the run I did," she replied. "I used to love old-school Marvel, that feels like a long time ago now though."


" what's marvel?" She looked confused

Lady Jenn

"Sorry, I'm thinking of something else," she said, feeling embarrassed. "But yes, much like you I used to love comics, I lost the chance to read them some time ago though."


" I wish I had your one on me." She smiled " could do with a good read"

Lady Jenn

"Is the thought of talking to me so terrible?" she asked, laughing. "I'm not surprised being stuck with someone much older than you would be a bit of a pain in the ass."


" hell no this is amazing I am such a fan girl all I mean if want it signed " she smiled

Lady Jenn

"My signature isn't very exciting," she said, laughing. "It's like my fact, it pretty much IS my handwriting, without anything exciting."


" it would be worth millions to me " she smiled "still if I get back I can't really prove it"

Lady Jenn

"Well we have a load of transports available," she said. "I'm sure we could get you back easily enough."


" I doubt your transports can get me back to place where you a character" she suddenly realised what that ment " oh my God "

Lady Jenn

"What's wrong," she asked, reaching a hand out. "Is there something I can do to help?"


" wake me from this " she said starting to cry " just as Gerri and (( the medic who name I forgot )) walked in

Lady Jenn

"We're not sure you're from another reality," Isaac said as he walked over. "I have a memory of something...what's the name of your mother?"


"Issac the healer your hear too" she smiled " wow this is awesome, " she was awe struck " my mum is Daisy?" (( Again no idea of the characters real name ))

Lady Jenn

"Daisy Walters..." Isaac rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "There's a friend of Lucas, who's sort of...unofficially one of the Star Corps. Most people don't know her real name, but I've always known her as Daisy Walters. Could this be a coincidence?"


" yes " she looked at him " no one introduced us let I knew you" she said getting a little angry

Lady Jenn

"Calm down," he said, trying to sound calm himself. "Whether you're supposed to be here or not getting angry with us is going to do you no favours."


" yes that is true, I just don't like it when I'm not taken seriously"

Lady Jenn

"I'm taking you very seriously," Lucas said. "Your mother was...someone very dear to me. I knew she had a child but I didn't feel it was my place to go looking when I wasn't their father. Maybe this is a coincidence but...this is the kind of coincidence I'm not particularly fond of."


" in my world my mother died not long after my birth leaving me to grow with my daddy a cop' she smiled remembering her dad

Lady Jenn

"Crap," Isaac said under his breath. "Geri, she's describing Becky's daughter almost perfectly. So either we have my old team mate's long lost daughter...or she is from another reality and this is the most bizarre coincidence I've ever heard of."


Gerri looked at him " I believe her, sorry but no one in this reality would know us "

Lady Jenn

I...I guess," he said, sighing, but clearly bothered by something. "Anyway, are you feeling any pain?" he asked Becky, turning back to her and seeing if he could spot any obvious issues.