The Next Generation

Started by Lady Jenn, September 06, 2017, 02:07:25 PM

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" I'm sorry I can't risk it"

Lady Jenn

"Can you at least stay nearby?" she asked, trying to hide her disappointment. "I...I could do with you being somewhere I can grab you if there's a problem, I don't want to be alone right now."


" I'll be on the floor right here " she smiled and laid on the floor

Lady Jenn

"Geri," she said, as she laid back, closing her eyes. "Thank you, for everything, I don't know where I'd be without you."


Lady Jenn

"Take this," Lydia said, walking over with a pillow for Geri and a blanket for Katya. "I won't have you two being the only ones not sleeping comfortably."


" thanks " she smiled "sweet dreams "

Lady Jenn

"You too," Lydia said, smiling at the already sleeping form of Katya, her blanket pulled tight around her. "Just give us a shout if either of you need anything."


Lady Jenn

Before the other could stop her Anna ran up, a teddy bear hugged to her chest. "I thought you might like this," she said, holding it out to Geri. "Not that you have to take it if it's too silly."


Geri took it " thanks sweet heart "

Lady Jenn

All the lights in the house were soon out, the only sound near to Geri Katya's shallow breathing and the occasional drip from the IV machines. The rest of the house was just as silent.


Gerri looked around she was still a little scared of the whole attack thing

Lady Jenn

"We're safe," came Shade's voice in her head. "One of the side effects of my powers is I can never truly sleep. If anything approaches that threatens us, I promise all of you will know in good time."


Lady Jenn

A few hours later Katya woke up with a start, letting out a cry before remembering where she was, but her heart was still racing, especially as in the dark she couldn't immediately see Geri.


"ERGH!" came a voice from Below, " Katya are you ok?"

Lady Jenn

"I...I'm sorry," Katya said, her heart racing. "Go to sleep, I'll be okay." She didn't believe what she was saying, but she was too worried about Geri to let her know she was panicking.


Geri stood up and smiled " i am not going anywhere my darling"

Lady Jenn

She was shaking visibly, despite her best attempts to calm herself. "My went numb, it's probably meant to do that but..." she paused. "Waking up like that was scary."


" I am sorry, that happened but i'd imagine it is meant to be like that, you want me to check with the boys?"

Lady Jenn

She nodded. " quick, I can feel a panic attack coming on...I..." She closed her eyes, biting her lip. "What's happened to me?"


"Mark get it bum here "

What's up? "

Lady Jenn

"I woke up to my knee feeling numb," Katya replied. "And now I can feel a panic attack coming on."

"I'm sure it's nothing," he said, taking a walkie-talkie from his belt. "Isaac, have you got those painkillers yet?"

"I'm on my way back," came Isaac's response. "I'm going as quick as possible."

"So what's going on?" Mark said, frowning as he touched the knee, prodding it. "Kat, can you feel this?" She shook her head, concern written across Mark's face at her response. "Kat, do you mind if I just borrow my sister for a moment?" He took Geri to one side, far enough away Katya couldn't hear. "I want to get Isaac's second opinion but...this may or may not be something to worry about. It could be the nanomachines are effecting her nerves while repairing the damage. The other possibility..." he put his hand over his eyes, trying to calm himself. "Geri...if this goes wrong, she may need a wheelchair for the rest of her life, I've not told Kat because she's worried enough and I hoped beyond hope I was worrying about nothing."


" mark I can't lie to her and calling me over here she will know something is wrong so thanks for that"