Her Father's Footsteps (Supernatural RP - Van)

Started by RogueLady, January 07, 2009, 04:56:33 PM

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Sam Winchester was harder to track down than Alise thought he was going to be. Of course, he was on the move. A lot. Hardly ever staying in one place for longer then it took to clean up and finish a job. Alise wasn’t a very good tracker; she’d never been able to pick up on that particular skill as easy as some of the others. So she had to depend on connections to track the brothers for her. Those connections were very good and they generally steered her in the right direction, but not all the time. Sometimes she’d end up days behind the Winchesters. But other times she’d only miss them by a few hours and that was the most frustrating of all. Knowing that they had just been there; almost in her reach and then gone.

But all her hard work paid off and she knew where they were now. She’d gotten a phone call several minutes earlier, guiding to her to a crappy motel on the edge of town and when she drove by, sure enough there was a black Impala parked in the near empty parking lot.

She smiled but it wasn’t a particularly pleasant smile. Now … all she had to do was get Sam Winchester by himself...

Second Season Possible Spoiler Alert!


In the Supernatural episode 'Born Under a Bad Sign', Sam disappears for a week. During that week, he breaks into the house of a hunter named Steve Wandell and kills him. When Dean finally catches up with Sam, they go back to the house to see if they can find any clues as to why Sam would do such a thing. While Dean is trying to cover their footsteps, Sam finds a letter to Steve from his college-bound daughter. The letter is normal fare; she's thanking her father for the package he sent to her and filling him in on the goings on her life.

She never receives a letter back.

Upon finding out what happened to her father, Alise Wandell returns home from school with a desire to punish whoever killed her father. His friends, other hunters, tell her not to worry and that they'll take care of it but she says no. She wants to deal with this herself. She takes up her father's guns and prepares to hunt for the first time. But it's not some demon or monster she's going after, it's Sam Winchester...

A few more details:

Obviously, I'm looking for someone to play Sam Winchester (gender of player doesn't matter to me at all) while I play Alise Wandell. I'm thinking she's super intent on trying to kill Sam because he's the closest thing she can use as a scapegoat for her father's death. Waiting until she sees Dean leave, Alise bursts into the motel room with guns drawn, ready to gun down Sam. Of course, he has super-power Puppy Dog Eyes and he tries to reason with her, explaining what happened (IE, he didn't really kill her father as he was possessed at the time). Alise is rightfully confused as she knows that people who are possessed aren't in control of their actions and generally can't be blamed for what they do but it doesn't erase the anger and pain she feels.

Unsure of what to do, Alise puts off killing Sam at the moment because something else happens, something that they need to work together on even if underlying animosity remains on her side...

((I'm not sure what that something is yet, it can be discussed and hammered out in PM.))

If this sounds at all interesting or appealing, drop me a PM or respond in thread. Also note that I'm open to any other kind of RP set in the Supernatural-verse. If you have any ideas about other RP's, hit me with a PM.


The American Patriot

I would like to play this if you're interested. I had really loved the show, but i've not gotten to see it in a very long time. I had used it as the basis of some of my 'Shadow Chasers' d20 Modern Campaign that I had played for a while! 
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