(GodBound) Guardians of the Galaxy

Started by ShadowFox89, August 06, 2017, 02:34:13 PM

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 In ancient times, the galaxy was defended by an order of knights known as the Godsire. The Godsire fought tirelessly against threats to the existence of all sentient life, both technological and supernatural. This culminated in a great war that spanned the galaxy. Entire star systems rose and fell, species decimated and elevated. At the end of this, two greatest foes of existence were sealed away, at a price. The extra-dimensional prison used to seal them away required a a warden. The Godsire offered themselves, using their energy to help contain the threat.

Now, thousands of years later, a crack has been breached within the seal. Luna, the Earth's moon, is the site of the breach, has been secretly turned into the base for these new foes, calling themselves Daemons. On Earth, a similar crack formed, and five of the shards from the ancient Godsire sought out potential new guardians.

GotG is a Godbound game with a starting focus on defending the earth from eldritch horrors and expanding out from there into the wider galaxy. Looking for five players using standard character creation. If you don't have the Godbound system, it is a free pdf download from DriveThruRPG.

Some more details:

Players are students or faculty at the University of Illinois in Chicago, and most of the starting stuff will be around the Chicago area. Characters should be at least 18 years of age. Looking for characters that will be motivated towards action, the Godsire shards don't go to just anyone. We'll start the game off with characters in class, so have a good idea in your background of where they'd be at. Anyone other questions, give a shout!

Character creation:

1) Roll 4d6, six times, dropping the lowest die each time. Assign these to the six standard d20 attributes (strength, dexterity, constitution, intelligence, wisdom, charisma)
2) Calculate Hardiness (15 - better of Strength or Constitution), Evasion (15- better of Dexterity or Intelligence), and Spirit (15 - better of Wisdom or Charisma)
3) Determine your three facts: origins, profession, and a relation to an organization/religion/group. Facts act like skill groups, giving you a bonus when they appear. If you've played FATE, this should be a familiar aspect.
4) Choose Words and Gifts. Words should be a representation of your hero's abilities and personality. You get three Words to bind. Gifts are condensed micro-miracles, like being able to move through shadows or turn the thinnest piece of fabric stronger than steel. You get six points for Gifts, Gifts for Words that you have bound cost 1 point for lesser, 2 points for Greater, and you can bind an additional Word for 3 points. You can acquire a Gift from an unbound Word for 1 point more, however you'll need to explain how that ties into your character's power set.
5) Equipment; fairly basic stuff, don't worry too much about mundane equipment.

You start without your Words or Gifts, however. Everyone will gain their abilities in the "first episode".

And house rules....

- Transformations! This is a game based on Super Sentai/Magical Girl genres. Of course there will be transformations. While in civilian form, you have access to one gift from one word as well as your basic word powers. It takes a single action to transform into your costume.
Call me Shadow
My A/A


Showing interest!

As a Material Sciences girl who is going to use that knowledge to basically be Iron Man. But without needing the suit. And a lady. So nothing like Iron Man. But you get it right?


Interested, but unsure in what I'm doing. 


Might as well throw my hat in the ring!

Not sure what I'll go with but I'll figure out something!


Nitpicking naysayers barking like beagles, through the tall grass of poisonous tongues
Slide down your throat like an antidote you can quote...



 Cool! We've actually had most of the discussion happen in discord, I can drop you a link if you wish, or poke the others to actually post in the thread and not be so lazy (granted, I should have had a lot of stuff up by now, soooo)

There's still room, only have three people right now, have space for two more.
Call me Shadow
My A/A


Well I like the concept. Not familiar with the system so still reading up on that.
Nitpicking naysayers barking like beagles, through the tall grass of poisonous tongues
Slide down your throat like an antidote you can quote...



What are the chargen rules?

Also where's it set! USA?


Chicago to start at University of Illinois.
Nitpicking naysayers barking like beagles, through the tall grass of poisonous tongues
Slide down your throat like an antidote you can quote...



Oh duh, I missed that bit of the first post!


Having trouble deciding what Words to go with. Should we coordinate?

Currently, I'm leaning into a History prof / After hours coach with starting words Beast/Bows/... Endurance maybe?
Nitpicking naysayers barking like beagles, through the tall grass of poisonous tongues
Slide down your throat like an antidote you can quote...



Going with Artifice/Sky/Wealth for an Aerospace Engineering student who wanted to become a rocket scientist just to prove to everyone she's not just smart, but the smartest. Preppy as hell and absolutely needs to relax a bit.


 Updated the first post with a condensed character generation info and some houserules.
Call me Shadow
My A/A


 Character sheet!
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Spent Dominion:




Fray Dice: D8



- Gift
- Gift

And for the character themselves:

Physical Description: (include both civvie form and hero form!)
Call me Shadow
My A/A


Are you still taking players for this, haven't been doing any in a while at least on this site, but Godbound catches my interest and I like the idea you have here.


Coordinating! Words-wise, I think I'm going Sun/Sword/Command, for "nobody gave me the memo that I'm not actually a Solar Exalted"

As to what the student ends up being, I suspect giving the LOUDEST and LEAST SUBTLE GODSHARD to either someone who fits the personality completely or fits it not at all would be best.


Seems we're all not stepping on toes so gonna go ahead with Artifice/Sky/Wealth for myself.

Sheet coming tomorrow!


Yeah. Did a rethink with might/alacrity/ and... not sure if deceit or beast. It's driving me nuts.
Nitpicking naysayers barking like beagles, through the tall grass of poisonous tongues
Slide down your throat like an antidote you can quote...



I searched for many a long time for a Godbound RP...I can't pass up the chance to join one if I see it right presuming there's still space in here?!
March 2020: Working Retail + Virus Panic = Brain not work so good. Expect slow intermittent replies as sanity slowly drains and is returned.


I hope so, since your one pretty much spawned this one XD


Bow/Death/Time is what I think I'm going with.


Quote from: Premier on August 14, 2017, 05:48:21 PM
I hope so, since your one pretty much spawned this one XD

....it did? Because I've never even seen this guy before :P
Call me Shadow
My A/A


They introduced me to it, I introduced you. The circle of liiiiiife~


Name: Mandy Benson
Age: 21
Gender: Female 
Personality: Stressed Overachiever
Physical Description:


I will write out physical descriptions when I'm dead.

Background: Mandy's worked her ass off to get this far, her family was a bottom rung as you can get without being on the street and the school she went to wasn't much better. She'd always been told she wouldn't amount to much and it bothered her, she was going to make them all eat those words. With sauce, she's not a monster.

She studied hard,  took every class and extra credit she can get, her social life went as far as sweet talking anyone she thought might get her closer to a good college and a long term job as a waitress where tips were her passion and she was just the sweetest thing you can imagine in her pursuit of them. When the fateful day of finals came she came out of it with a scholarship!

To the University of Illinois.

Well it wasn't Caltech, but perfect grades didn't mean shit if you couldn't pay the fees and how the hell would she ever afford to live in California anyway?

She's doing great in her degree in Chemical engineering and is looking forward to having money. Some day. For now she's still working her ass off and gotten a job as a UTA for just a little bit more cash towards her fees. She still feels she's got a lot to prove and is more than happy to tell people when she's proved it. Beating her in a test is pretty much an open declaration of war that ends only with suitable bragging rights. She naturally attracts towards anyone with a similar competitive spirit or at least a good tolerance to being teased about not matching up.

Maybe she'll try a social life with normal people someday. She's heard good thing about them.

Character Sheet

Name: Mandy Benson
Age: 21
Level: 1
Goal: Lead a life of accomplishment worth bragging about. Then brag. A lot.

Experience: 0
Dominion:    0
Spent Dominion: 0

Strength: 9       
Dexterity: 13
Constitution: 9
Intelligence: 15
Wisdom: 12
Charisma: 14

Hardiness:  6
Evasion:     0
Spirit:         1


Weapons: She's Artifice. So basically yes, giving a few seconds she has one.
Fray Dice: D8


Fact: Determined overachiever from a bad background.
Fact: Miss Stone's Chemical Engineering Teaching Assistant
Fact: Enthusiastic Captain of the Cheerleaders.

Word: Artifice
Heroes with the Artifice Word can create any non-magical object a normal man can carry as a round’s action, using whatever materials are to hand. While the ensuing creation may look odd, and any "foodstuffs" are inedible, it functions and lasts as well as a normal object of its type and usual substance. The hero’s crafting efforts for a day count as 100 laborers per character level when an estimate is needed.
- Transmuter. Minor. Commit Effort for the scene and turn one 10 x 10 x 10 foot cube of material per hero level from one physical substance into another. Items being used or held by a creature cannot be changed. If the effect is used to somehow harm targets, they take a 1d6 damage die for every two character levels of the hero, rounded up. If the substance being created is rare or precious, Effort must be committed for the day. Extremely rare and magical substances cannot be created this way, though mountains of gold can be fabricated.
- Faultless Repair. Minor. Commit Effort. You can fix anything with the available materials and tools. Up to a 10 x 10 x 10 foot cube per level worth of objects or constructions can be made like new each round, provided it is not completely destroyed. Every form of rot, decay, damage, and corruption is fixed, even for perishables such as foodstuffs. If repairing magical or enchanted things, Effort is Committed for the scene with each use of the gift.

Word: Sky
Heroes with the Sky Word are never harmed by falling, need not breathe, and have an invincible defense against electricity, cold and injurious sounds.
- Sapphire Wings - Minor. Commit Effort The hero can fly at twice their usual movement rate. If undistracted and able to fly in a straight line, they can reach speeds of up to 100 miles an hour.
- Stormsword. Minor. Commit Effort. Wield electricity as a ranged weapon out to 200 feet, or sheath your weapon in lightning. Damage done is a minimum of 1d10 and counts as a magical weapon. Attacks against wet or metal-armored foes always do at least 1 point of damage, even on a miss.

Word: Wealth
Heroes with the Wealth Word are never short of money, and can always afford anything that costs 1 Wealth or less. They always have sufficient food, drink, and clothing for themselves and their companions, drawing it from nothingness if necessary.
- Forever Sufficient. Major. You and your companions always have whatever mundane objects or mounts you need, provided they're no larger than a small sailing ship. Luck, foresight, and strange provenance conspire to bring you your desires exactly when you need them, every object needed appearing in their pockets, packs, or nearby surroundings. These objects tend to vanish or be lost after you stop needing them, and they cannot replicate precise other objects such as keys or seals.


Here's my basic idea, at least.

A passionate cashier whose parents didn't cosign on her loans.  She moved to the school to simultaneously get away from them AND to show them she could do it.  As it turned out, though, she missed her window to apply for Federal Financial Aid, and her SAT scores looked rather like the German Battleship Bismarck at the end of its naval career.

Of course, with her can do spirit, strong arms, and more than a few nights of pretending to be a student in the school library (they may not let you check out books, but you can always read them in the library, at least), she'll be a college graduate one of these days!

Unfinished Character Sheet

Name:  Cherry Durande
Age:       18
Level:      1
Goal:    Spite her parents by making something herself in Academia.

Experience:          0
Dominion:            0
Spent Dominion:  0

Strength:             18 (once Gifts kick in)
Dexterity:            13
Constitution:       13
Intelligence:       08
Wisdom:            14
Charisma:          10

Hardiness:     12
Evasion:        14
Spirit:            14

AC:    3

Weapons:   Unarmed
Fray Dice: D8

Effort:        3 (One purchase of Effort of Earth)
Influence:  2

Fact:  Hardy Farm Worker from the Countryside
Fact:  Reluctant Sales Professional
Fact:  Former Christian Soup Kitchen Worker

-Effort of Earth

Word:  Earth
-Obduracy of Stone (Permagift once we get our gifts)
-Jewel-Bright Eyes

Word: Fire
-Master of the Furnace

Word: Night
-Knives of the Night
-The Still Silence of Sleep