Xavier's Institute For Higher Learning ~ Interest/Recruitment! (SLOW APPROVALS!)

Started by persephone325, August 03, 2017, 11:12:14 PM

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History & Setting

Charles Xavier, an extremely powerful Alpha level mutant, created Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters. The school is a mansion that belonged to his family for 10 generations. After the first two generations of X-Men who attended the school became adults, the school was renamed to Xavier's Institute of Higher Learning. Most, if not all, of the former students returned to become teachers to the later generations of mutants.

But, the world has changed. People have changed. After mutants became known to the public, there were those that opposed them. Called them "freaks", "abominations", and were afraid of them. It's true that not all mutants used their abilities for good. There were fights; wars even. Sadly, there were casualties for both humans, and mutants.

However, in the end, Xavier and his team were able to put an end to the seemingly never ending battle between the two opposing sides of mutants. As well as swaying the human opinion of mutants. At least, the majority of humans were swayed. There are still hate groups that despise mutants, and wish to see them wiped out.

There are still mutants that oppose Xavier's views to coexist with regular humans.

Magneto, whose complicated relationship with Professor X is known to many, saw himself as the most superior mutant. He surrounded himself with other powerful mutants, who shared his beliefs that humans should not - and will never - be considered equal to them. That was the sole purpose for the major strain on their relationship.

Magneto, Emma Frost, Mystique, Sabretooth, Juggernaut, and Pyro (along with many other mutants they had influenced) launched at attack on the school. Thankfully, no one was killed. Although there were many injuries to students and staff alike. Following the attack, Magneto, Juggernaut, and Sabretooth were all successfully captured and contained in special cells to prevent them from using their powers. Emma, Mystique, and Pyro managed to evade capture. No one knows their current whereabouts...

Injured Mutants
This should be taken into account when creating your character.

  • Angel
  • Havok
  • Iceman
  • Magik
  • Colossus
  • Gambit
  • Marrow
  • Banshee
  • Kitty Pryde
  • Dazzler
  • Jubilee
  • Bishop
  • Northstar
  • Armor
  • Several possible OCs

Information and Rules

  • So, what kind of character can I play/make? Mutant student or teacher! Omega level mutants will not be available for play at the start. Players must maintain an active presence in the game in order to be eligible to play such a high level character. (This includes any kind of OC Omega characters.)
  • I have an original character I want to play. Is that alright? Of course! Feel free to make whatever kind of character you like. Just don't make your character too overpowered.
  • Will there be combat? Yes!
  • How will combat work? The people involved in the fight will let the GM know who the winner will be, and just play out the scene as they wish. If they can't come to a decision, I'll be happy to step in and help resolve the situation. But, PvP will not be the primary focus of this game. So I doubt there will be any issues here.
  • I wanted to play "insert character here". But you have them listed as a villain. Sorry. I know some villains turn into heroes at certain points in the Marvel Universe, but that won't happen so much in this game. I have a specific set of villains in mind for this game.
  • OK. But you have some former villains listed as playable heroes now. Like I said, I have a specific set of villains in mind for this game.
  • Holy mother of god-modding! What's the deal with Layla?! I created Layla because I wanted a character that was on the same level as Apocalypse, but is a good guy. She's a GM only NPC. As of right now, she is listed as having every power in existence. However, I will not be using her as some kind of "everything proof shield". She's still unstable, and Professor X (along with some help from Jean) will be keeping her powers in check.
  • Can I play an Avenger/other Marvel character? No. This is an X-Men game. Sorry.
  • I have an idea for a class/club that you don't have listed. Tell me! I'm open to any suggestions!


  • Section the Game will be placed in and whether it is a system game or not. Probably Bondage.
  • Who is the RP open to? (Gender, Sexuality, etc..?) Anyone and everyone. :-)
  • Short Summary of Player Roles and General Story/Plot. Players can make a mutant student, or teacher. (Youngest is 16, as per Elliquiy rules.) The game will deal with the characters and the aftermath of the attack on the school, and everyday life in New York. (Humans might become available for play some point during the game.)
  • Setting. Modern day New York.
  • Plot Outline. Following an attack on Xavier's school, students try to resume going about their normal activities. Nevertheless, on edge wondering if another attack will occur.
  • Character creation info/guidelines if any. The character sheets.
  • Required Resources (If any) (If a system game - What books(ver.) or links to information needed such as an online guide or wiki?) There are numerous wikis available for people unfamiliar with the X-Men. Please use characters from the Earth-616 category! You may edit the history of canon characters if you'd like. The GM is slightly knowledgeable as well. Otherwise, she wouldn't be running this game. ;)
  • Game Pacing. Players should post when they are able to.
  • How much sexual activity is likely to occur or expected, if any? I don't want this game to be smut-driven, but I'm not leaving out the sexual element. Use in moderation. I will make a thread dedicated solely to sexual encounters, so as to not disturb the flow of the game.
  • Whether tagging will be used or not. Yes. I will provide a code in each IC thread.
Game Master Info / GM(s) Participation Level

  • Will there be a Co-GM? Lady Lunarius
  • How guided will the play be? Mostly freeform. I'll add in some major, and minor, events to keep things interesting.
  • What extent will players be allowed to create/use environment or setting details? Creating environments and setting details is something I'd like for the player to run by me first.
  • How NPC's will be handled. GM created NPCs should only be controlled by the GM(s), unless otherwise stated. Players creating NPCs can determine who controls them.
  • How active will the GM be? Very.
  • Will there be an OOC thread? Yes.
  • How to contact/approach GM with questions? OOC thread, or PM.
  • How will decisions be resolved? If players cannot reach a conclusion, then I will step in and do my best to help.
  • Will PvP be allowed? Yes. (See first section.)

  • Familiarize yourself with The Oath of the Drake, and Ember's Guide to RP Etiquette.
  • Please make note of other player's ons and offs. Blatant disregard of this rule will not be tolerated.
  • Player Participation Expectations. Players should notify the GM, and other players they are interacting with, if they will be gone for an extended period of time. I feel that after a month of unexcused inactivity (IE: just disappearing without notice), the character will either be: placed as inactive, or open for new players to play. This depends on whether the player is playing as a canon character or not, and if other players (new or current) have expressed interest in playing said character.
  • Discuss how new players will be brought into the game. I'm debating on having constant enrollment and recruitment, or using a "year by year" style of recruitment.
  • What Writing style/POV. Third person, past tense is preferred.
This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."


The table below is for reserved characters, that have no sheets yet. Please look below the claim codes to see characters already in play.

-Canon Character-
-Reserved By-

*Indicates tentative interest

Face Claims

[b][color=magenta]Celebrity name[/color][/b] plays PC/NPC [i]Character name[/i]
Reserved Females
[b][color=magenta]Celebrity/Character name[/color][/b] reserved for [i]Player[/i]

[b][color=blue]Celebrity name[/color][/b] plays PC/NPC [i]Character name[/i]
Reserved Males
[b][color=blue]Celebrity/Character name[/color][/b] reserved for [i]Player[/i]

[b][color=purple]Celebrity name[/color][/b] plays PC/NPC [i]Character name[/i]
Reserved Non-binaries
[b][color=purple]Celebrity/Character name[/color][/b] reserved for [i]Player[/i]

Nemo Valkyrja plays PC Rogue
Katie Cassidy plays PC Magik
Olivia Munn plays PC Psylocke
Elizabeth Olsen plays PC Scarlet Witch
Kat Dennings plays PC Prophetia
Anllela Sagra plays PC Wyldkat
Emeraude Toubia plays PC Terabyte
Lucy Hale plays PC Light Bringer
Emma Watson plays PC Wolfsbane
Allison Harvard plays PC Arctic Mist
Gina Carano plays PC Angel Dust
Aja Warren plays PC Pyre
Ruby Rose plays PC Callisto
Becky G plays PC Evo
Emma Roberts plays PC Spider-Girl
Lydia Hearst plays PC Flats
Hayley Atwell plays PC Eidos
Nyane Lebajoa plays PC Storm
Bianca Lawson plays PC Mimic
Katheryn Winnick plays PC Magma
Arden Cho plays PC Flicker
Ayame Gouriki plays PC Niten Ichi
Karen Gillan plays PC Teine
Joss Stone plays PC Pixie

Matt Lanter plays PC Vyrus
Sebastian Stan plays PC Incubus
Adam Ayash plays PC M
Andrew England plays PC Hulkling
David Bautista plays PC X-18
Justin Chatwin plays PC Flowerpot
Gaspard Ulliel plays PC Gambit
Ian Somerhalder plays PC Stripe
Stephen James plays PC Daken
Dane DeHaan plays PC Force
Evan Peters plays PC Quicksilver
Geoff Burns plays PC Uh...
Beto Malfacini plays PC Demolisher
Alex Pettyfer plays PC Havok
Stephen Amell plays PC Progidy
Luke Guldan plays PC TKO
Dylan Playfair plays PC Tattletale
Jared Leto plays PC Chamber
Austin Scoggin plays PC Venom
Jason Mamoa plays PC Shifter

Jana Knauerova plays PC Kreek
Sean Patrick Flanery plays PC Caliban

Sophie Turner plays NPC Phoenix
Sonja Kinski plays NPC Supreme Omega
James Mcavoy plays NPC Professor Charles Xavier
Hugh Jackman plays NPC Wolverine
James Marsden plays NPC Cyclops
Ryan Reynolds plays NPC Deadpool
Nicholas Hoult plays NPC Beast
Usher plays NPC Cloak
Natalie Dormer plays NPC Dagger

Amy Lee reserved for Persephone
Justin Hartley reserved for Sasquatch421
Tiffany Jill reserved for Karasu

Character Sheets
(This is to make sure they go under the proper label and don't get lost!)
Approval is by ALL GMs. Currently by SEPHIE and LUNA!
PLEASE, for the love of Bucky Barnes, try and stick to ONE PM for all character submissions. Character sheets are getting pushed down and missed because of the sheer number of multiple messages that could have easily been stuck in one PM conversation.
Players are limited to THREE playable characters! ONLY ONE of which may be a teacher. For now.

Thank you, Intimate Ink, for this helpful little chart!

                                                                               POWER LEVEL: LOW                             POWER LEVEL: HIGH
CAN THE MUTANT PASS AS 'NORMAL': NO           Epsilon Level                             Gamma Level
CAN THE MUTANT PASS AS 'NORMAL': YES            Delta Level                             Alpha Level

Student Sheet
Character name:
Hair color:
Eye color:
Hometown/Place of birth:

More Personal
Family: Immediate family, even if they're deceased. Don't forget any mutant family.

Personality: Ideally a paragraph here.

Hobbies: As many as you like

History: At least 3 paragraphs here, please.

Mutations and Powers
Classification: Please refer to this post. If you are unsure of this, the GMs will help you.

Type of mutant: Again, the GMs will help if you are unsure of this.

Powers: Nothing too powerful, or godlike. Especially for original characters.

Abilities: Things not given to your character by their mutation. Ex: multilingual, martial artist, etc.

School Information
Classes Taken:


Student Relations: Any significant relationships with other students.

Teacher/Staff Sheet
Character name:
Hair color:
Eye color:
Hometown/Place of birth:

More Personal
Family: Immediate family, even if they're deceased. Don't forget any mutant family.

Personality: Ideally a paragraph here.

Hobbies: As many as you like

History: At least 3 paragraphs here, please.

Mutations and Powers
Classification: Please refer to this post. If you are unsure of this, the GMs will help you.

Type of mutant: Again, the GMs will help if you are unsure of this.

Powers: Nothing too powerful, or godlike. Especially for original characters.

Abilities: Things not given to your character by their mutation. Ex: multilingual, martial artist, etc.

School Information
Classes Taught:

Staff Relations: Any significant relationships with other staff members.

NPC Sheet
Character name:
Hair color:
Eye color:
Hometown/Place of birth:

More Personal
Family: Immediate family, even if they're deceased. Don't forget any mutant family.

Personality: A few words/sentences to describe them.

Hobbies: As many as you like

History: NPCs don't need as much in depth information on their sheets. Just a little info about their past is good.

Mutations and Powers
Classification: Please refer to this post. If you are unsure of this, the GMs will help you.

Type of mutant: Again, the GMs will help if you are unsure of this.

Powers: Nothing too powerful, or godlike. Especially for original characters.

Abilities: Things not given to your character by their mutation. Ex: multilingual, martial artist, etc.

School Information
Classes Taken/Taught: (Choose one, delete the other)


Relations: Any significant relationships with other students/staff.

Level of control: GM only, player only, player with permission, everyone

Student Code
[float=left][img height=300 padding=5]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_eKNb8n6dB9o/StunWhM-d5I/AAAAAAAADnQ/b8BqYGoCO64/s200/place+photo+here.jpg[/img][/float][glow=blue,2,300][size=18pt][u]Basics[/u][/size][/glow]
[b]Character name:[/b]
[b]Hair color:[/b]
[b]Eye color:[/b]
[b]Hometown/Place of birth:[/b]

[glow=blue,2,300][size=18pt][u]More Personal[/u][/size][/glow]
[b]Family:[/b] Immediate family, even if they're deceased. Don't forget any mutant family.

[b]Personality:[/b] Ideally a paragraph here.

[b]Hobbies:[/b] As many as you like

[b]History:[/b] At least 3 paragraphs here, please.

[glow=blue,2,300][size=18pt][u]Mutations and Powers[/u][/size][/glow]
[b]Classification:[/b] Please refer to [url=https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=218116.msg10727092#msg10727092]this post[/url]. If you are unsure of this, the GMs will help you.

[b]Type of mutant:[/b] Again, the GMs will help if you are unsure of this.

[b]Powers:[/b] Nothing too powerful, or godlike. Especially for original characters.

[b]Abilities:[/b] Things not given to your character by their mutation. Ex: multilingual, martial artist, etc.

[glow=blue,2,300][size=18pt][u]School Information[/u][/size][/glow]
[b]Classes Taken:[/b]


[b]Student Relations:[/b] Any significant relationships with other students.

Teacher Code
[float=left][img height=300 padding=5]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_eKNb8n6dB9o/StunWhM-d5I/AAAAAAAADnQ/b8BqYGoCO64/s200/place+photo+here.jpg[/img][/float][glow=red,2,300][size=18pt][u]Basics[/u][/size][/glow]
[b]Character name:[/b]
[b]Hair color:[/b]
[b]Eye color:[/b]
[b]Hometown/Place of birth:[/b]

[glow=red,2,300][size=18pt][u]More Personal[/u][/size][/glow]
[b]Family:[/b] Immediate family, even if they're deceased. Don't forget any mutant family.

[b]Personality:[/b] Ideally a paragraph here.

[b]Hobbies:[/b] As many as you like

[b]History:[/b] At least 3 paragraphs here, please.

[glow=red,2,300][size=18pt][u]Mutations and Powers[/u][/size][/glow]
[b]Classification:[/b] Please refer to [url=https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=218116.msg10727092#msg10727092]this post[/url]. If you are unsure of this, the GMs will help you.

[b]Type of mutant:[/b] Again, the GMs will help if you are unsure of this.

[b]Powers:[/b] Nothing too powerful, or godlike. Especially for original characters.

[b]Abilities:[/b] Things not given to your character by their mutation. Ex: multilingual, martial artist, etc.

[glow=red,2,300][size=18pt][u]School Information[/u][/size][/glow]
[b]Classes Taught:[/b]

[b]Staff Relations:[/b] Any significant relationships with other staff members.

NPC Code
[float=left][img height=300 padding=5]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_eKNb8n6dB9o/StunWhM-d5I/AAAAAAAADnQ/b8BqYGoCO64/s200/place+photo+here.jpg[/img][/float][glow=black,2,300][size=18pt][u]Basics[/u][/size][/glow]
[b]Character name:[/b]
[b]Hair color:[/b]
[b]Eye color:[/b]
[b]Hometown/Place of birth:[/b]

[glow=black,2,300][size=18pt][u]More Personal[/u][/size][/glow]
[b]Family:[/b] Immediate family, even if they're deceased. Don't forget any mutant family.

[b]Personality:[/b] A few words/sentences to describe them.

[b]Hobbies:[/b] As many as you like

[b]History:[/b] NPCs don't need as much in depth information on their sheets. Just a little info about their past is good.

[glow=black,2,300][size=18pt][u]Mutations and Powers[/u][/size][/glow]
[b]Classification:[/b] Please refer to [url=https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=218116.msg10727092#msg10727092]this post[/url]. If you are unsure of this, the GMs will help you.

[b]Type of mutant:[/b] Again, the GMs will help if you are unsure of this.

[b]Powers:[/b] Nothing too powerful, or godlike. Especially for original characters.

[b]Abilities:[/b] Things not given to your character by their mutation. Ex: multilingual, martial artist, etc.

[glow=black,2,300][size=18pt][u]School Information[/u][/size][/glow]
[b]Classes Taken/Taught:[/b] (Choose one, delete the other)


[b]Relations:[/b] Any significant relationships with other students/staff.

[right][b]Level of control:[/b] GM only, player only, player with permission, everyone[/right]


Beginner Telepathy|Professor Xavier
Intermediate Telepathy|Betsy Braddock
Advanced Telepathy|Jean Grey
Beginner Telekinesis|Marcel (Monet) St. Croix
Intermediate Telekinesis|Layla Bayoumi (Temp)
Advanced Telekinesis|Jean Grey
Sorcery and Magic|Ororo Munroe
Teleportation Training|AVAILABLE
Mental Resilience|Betsy Braddock
History (Mutant & Human)|Ororo Munroe
Flight|Warren Worthington III
Power Control (All levels)|Professor Xavier/Layla Bayoumi
History 101|Logan Howlett
Strategy and Tactics|Scott Summers
Languages|Hank McCoy
Clairvoyance|Veronica Gabor


This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."


Is this an X-Men universe with other races/cultures/aliens? For example, if I played Hulkling would he still be part Kree here, or do the Kree as an alien race not exist and he'd just be a mutant? The main focus is on X-Men type characters. If the character is a mutant, but has DNA of another race mixed in, that's OK. I just didn't want people bringing in Avengers, or Fantastic Four members. Things like that. If a character is classified as a mutant, then you're good to go. If someone wanted to play a straight Kree, or Inhuman, then that wouldn't be accepted.

TL;DR - This game would like emphasis to be placed on mutant genetic. Tone down anything else.

How far can we bend canons? Can their gender be swapped? I'm not opposed to that at all. I think it's an interesting concept, and not something a whole lot of players would try to do. If you feel more comfortable with playing Angel as a female, or Blink as a male, (for example) then I say go for it. I don't like putting strict limits on player's creativity.

Are there any particular 'kinds' of characters you'd really like to see? Antagonistic types, more teachers, etc.? I wouldn't mind if you wanted to play a student that's maybe a bit of a trouble maker. Or a teacher that's not so friendly with the kids, but still gets his point across. As we all know, not all of the X-Men are happy sunshine and rainbows. *coughLogancough* :P

You have X listed under the Omega level mutants. But he/she isn't really like that. The list of mutants in the Omega section (as well as the other sections) are mostly there for examples. So people creating original characters can look at the lists and compare their creation to what's already established. Since this is a game based around a school, and mutants learning to control their powers, canon characters that are listed as Omega can be toned down to Alpha level or lower and be played as a student. I have plans for certain events to happen (later in the game, mind you) that can give characters a chance to be bumped up a level. This really only extends to toned down canon characters.

Deadpool! OMG DEADPOOL!!! Good lord. OK, here's the deal. Deadpool is a possibility for play. He's usually always connected to the X-Men in some way. That being said, I would prefer if new players wouldn't apply for this character just for the sake of having him. He would also most likely be an "in and out" character at the school. He's a mercenary, and is pretty much always doing his own thing without regard for authority. He would be some kind of staff member, but most definitely not a teacher.

Where is this going? The game? Well, I have long term plans and ideas about how down the line students who graduate can become teachers. This is far down the line, though. Events that happened in the comics may happen throughout the course of the game, as well as events of my own creation. I hope they're as fun for you players, as they were as fun to come up with. ^^

Is this a reboot? Yes and no. We're going to jump forward in the IC threads, so everything that happened in them still stands. The only threads that will be clean and new are the OOC thread and the character sheets thread. So, it's more like a soft reboot I guess you could say?

Character Thread - Please only post if approved!
OOC Thread - Please only post if approved!
This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."


So I'm calling Dibs on Deadpool. Not to play him, I am calling dibs on having fun, dirty RP with him. So who ever plays him. I called it!!! =P I will have a CS up soon!! =) So I am wondering. Short rang teleportation with with no cool down. By short range I mean 100 feet maximum, but she can do it as rapidly as wishes. That would not be alpha level, right? And at first she is going to have no idea what so ever how to utilize it in a fight other than running away.


Quote from: DinaFlower on August 04, 2017, 12:50:22 AM
So I'm calling Dibs on Deadpool. Not to play him, I am calling dibs on having fun, dirty RP with him. So who ever plays him. I called it!!! =P I will have a CS up soon!! =) So I am wondering. Short rang teleportation with with no cool down. By short range I mean 100 feet maximum, but she can do it as rapidly as wishes. That would not be alpha level, right? And at first she is going to have no idea what so ever how to utilize it in a fight other than running away.

Is that her only power? If so, she wouldn't be classified as an Alpha level.

If you'd rather leave that part blank when you submit the sheet, that's OK. Howling and I can tell you what level she'd be when we see the finished product. ^^
This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."

Orange Marmalade

Heyhey, glad to see this! Are characters from the previous incarnation of this able to be brought in to this one?


Quote from: Orange Marmalade on August 04, 2017, 02:54:50 AM
Heyhey, glad to see this! Are characters from the previous incarnation of this able to be brought in to this one?

I was wondering if you would come back! ^^

Yes, of course! The character sheet template is the same, so if you just want to copy your sheet from the old CS thread and send it in, feel free to do so!
This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."

Black Howling

Ace Flyer

Count me in! For...!


Can I stake out Gambit, Wolfsbane, aaaaaaaand...Deadpool, maybe? And I'll try and get CS's to you shortly-ish/end of the weekend?

Black Howling

Quote from: Ace Flyer on August 04, 2017, 06:21:41 AM
Count me in! For...!


Can I stake out Gambit, Wolfsbane, aaaaaaaand...Deadpool, maybe? And I'll try and get CS's to you shortly-ish/end of the weekend?

After reviewing how you played Remy last time, I'm more than comfortable handing over a deadpool claim.... and I don't see Sephy turning you down. :P

The other two are returning, right? So, yeah, I don't see why not.

Ace Flyer

Quote from: Black Howling on August 04, 2017, 06:27:13 AM
After reviewing how you played Remy last time, I'm more than comfortable handing over a deadpool claim.... and I don't see Sephy turning you down. :P

The other two are returning, right? So, yeah, I don't see why not.


Remy and Rahne are both returning, but I may be re-tooling their CS's a bit some anyway. Remy might be a rehash, but Rahne I might fix-up to be slightly more inline with her comic showings. I might make Remy a bit older as well...Not sure. I haven't had my coffee yet.

Black Howling

Quote from: Ace Flyer on August 04, 2017, 06:44:27 AM

Remy and Rahne are both returning, but I may be re-tooling their CS's a bit some anyway. Remy might be a rehash, but Rahne I might fix-up to be slightly more inline with her comic showings. I might make Remy a bit older as well...Not sure. I haven't had my coffee yet.

Yeah, I get that. I had to retool all mine. Glad to hear you're smart enough to do such after your coffee unlike some people I know....


That some person is me.

Ace Flyer

Quote from: Black Howling on August 04, 2017, 06:48:02 AM

Yeah, I get that. I had to retool all mine. Glad to hear you're smart enough to do such after your coffee unlike some people I know....


That some person is me.

*slides over a cup of coffee*

Trust me, it's only something I learned the hard way. Several times...lol. Quick question, though. Would it be possible to do a way to make Deadpool look like pretty-Ryan Reynolds as opposed to fugly-Ryan Reynolds? Np either way, just figured I'd float the idea.

Black Howling

Quote from: Ace Flyer on August 04, 2017, 06:57:48 AM
*slides over a cup of coffee*

Trust me, it's only something I learned the hard way. Several times...lol. Quick question, though. Would it be possible to do a way to make Deadpool look like pretty-Ryan Reynolds as opposed to fugly-Ryan Reynolds? Np either way, just figured I'd float the idea.

Sending you a message regarding this.

Black Howling


Anllela Sagra/Wyldcat reserved for Kokaine

Wyldcat is an OC of mine along the lines of Sabertooth. (In fact, sometimes he's her pops.)

Emeraude Toubia/Terabyte reserved for Kokaine

Terabyte is a technopath with electromagnetic control primarily over micro & radio waves, with some other parts of the spectrum accessible but far less reliable (if I go the student route).
Current Post Rate: Quick to Moderate
Current Solo Posts Owed: 1/5
Current Group Game Posts Owed: 0/3

I AM AVAILABLE FOR: Groups, Solos, F/Any, posting via forums

My O/Os
My Solo Ideas [New Ideas Added!]


I am most likely interested in returning! Need to get my bearings and remember who/what I was doing before I'm sure who I'm coming back as!
Like what you see? I am currently looking for new plots!

Detailed List of O/Os and Plot Seeds

All of my image links were previously photobucket and broken -- I'm fixing them as I use the avatars again, or for current games. Please let me know if there is something that needs updating!

Bekah Boo

Black Howling

Orange Marmalade

Woot woot alright going to touch up my previous sheets and send them over.


I'd like to join and use a couple of characters I created on a different site but I fear that one may be too OP.  Should I send the CS's in a private message to the GM's to hash out any details?

Black Howling

Quote from: Dragongoddess on August 04, 2017, 12:03:24 PM
I'd like to join and use a couple of characters I created on a different site but I fear that one may be too OP.  Should I send the CS's in a private message to the GM's to hash out any details?

All characters should be PMed to Persephone and I, but if you'd like to inquire privately about the powers before putting the work into sheet conversions, you're welcome to.


Quote from: Black Howling on August 04, 2017, 12:16:05 PM
All characters should be PMed to Persephone and I, but if you'd like to inquire privately about the powers before putting the work into sheet conversions, you're welcome to.

That's what I meant.  Thank you.


Quote from: Ace Flyer on August 04, 2017, 06:21:41 AM
Count me in! For...!


Can I stake out Gambit, Wolfsbane, aaaaaaaand...Deadpool, maybe? And I'll try and get CS's to you shortly-ish/end of the weekend?

Just remembered, I called dibs on dirty RP with Deadpool!!! =P So, I was wondering. Which Deadpool are we using here? Stupid level of regeneration Deadpool, or cursed by a god and truly immortal Deadpool?


Will be updating the first post with the new claims!

So happy to see returning faces, AND new people! ^^
This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."