Political Pressure Valve! (M seeking Any)

Started by TheSithChicken, July 27, 2017, 09:58:52 PM

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Let me be upfront as to the nature of this roleplay. I want to vent as much stress as possible about the current state of American politics. A place to vent all the frustration that the hypocrisy, open bigotry, and blatant corruption currently at play in our system. A place to work out the stress of a large portion of the populous openly supporting a crying man child would be dictator. A place to viscerally vent anger and frustration at the events that plague America. A political pressure valve if you will.

And just in case it's not clear yet I firmly oppose the Trump Administration, the GOP, and the Religious Right. So if you do not don't contact me or comment here. This isn't for you and to the best of my knowledge this does not violate Elliquiy's rules - and if I am wrong about that last part just have a mod contact me and I will discuss this with them. I am not making this post to start an argument. This is not a plan or a fantasy. It is straight up a place to blow off steam so I can go about my day to day life with as little stress as possible.

Everyone on the same page? Excellent. Let's get to the meat of this then. First off what I am looking for in a partner and then the story.

What I Am Looking For In A Partner:

Literacy - I need a partner who has at least a moderate grasp of the English language. I'm not expecting perfection. I'm not perfect and I'm going out on a limb to say that you probably aren't either. Spelling and grammar just have to be in the ballpark. You don't have to write a novel but let's not do a one liner.

- Talking to me about our story lets me know you're interested. That you're excited. That gets me excited. Excitement gets my muse up and running.

Understanding - My health is not great right now and my posting rates will fluctuate. Sometimes I can respond multiple times a day. Sometimes I will only be able to respond once a week. Just depends on how badly my body screws me over at any particular moment.

What I Am Looking For In The Story:

The idea is fairly simple even as it addresses less than simple issues. My idea is literally vigilantes fighting back against the bullshit. Attacking rallies, condemning churches that claim to be Christian but only worship money and greed, taking out politicians whose corruption cannot be denied, and having all the kinds of drug soaked decadence that these people condemn as being anti-American. For fun we could include several Info Wars conspiracies as facts and run into real bizarro scifi conspiracy land.

Yes ...this is basically terrorism the game - or freedom fighting the game if you prefer that term - and is not that by accident. I want this to be a story about people pushed to the edge and then kicked over it. A violent, decadent reaction to the country that those in charge want to make. Now we don't have to use real politicians - in fact I prefer to use stand ins and analogs for this - but I would like to keep the real issues of the day. I want characters who can't just sit back and watch anymore as the country is torn apart. They don't have to be patriotic or have a hard on for America. They can just be ordinary or not so ordinary citizens who can't deal with it anymore.

So, yes, this is meant to be harshly violent story. It is meant to be one of judgmental reaction without the restrictions, compromise, or consequences of real life tempering it. It is meant to have decadent sex and drug fueled fun of the kind decried by the kind of people who believe their religion gives them the right to legislate your sex life. It is V for Vendetta with sex and drugs.

And the setting does not have to be America. It does not have to be modern day. It is simply inspired by it. It could scifi or pseudo historical or fantasy or whatever. The important parts are fighting against a government that has turned on itself and it's people. To fight hypocrisy and corruption directly. To indulge in every vice they condemn.

Any takers?


Variations on the Concept:

Dark Domains - D&D Ravenloft setting. Go gothic fantasy and have the corrupted nation be swallowed by the mists of Ravenloft. Then we can add literal monsters and black magic to the mix.

Black Voids - Scifi Colony Ship. Populist leader overthrows the government officials light years away from Earth and imposes a new harsh regime turning people against each other in a big metal box in the dark depths. Could bring something Lovecraftian into this too.

Setting the Tone:



Got one in the works but would not mind another take on it. Definitely wouldn't mind targeting white supremacists and neo-nazis!



I can't imagine why this idea sounds interesting again.  ;)
