Awakening of a Vampire Empire (3.5 DnD/Custom)

Started by Zaer Darkwail, June 29, 2017, 12:35:39 PM

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Zaer Darkwail

You were the heroes who came to this forsaken land, land which was dotted with ruins of ancient empire and resettled by new settlers who ancestors were refugees from another country seeking place to live and farm and locals had avoided the land because it was highly feared by supersticion and tales of ancient curses and demons living underneath the soil. However despite the odds settlers prospered and lived well and they were led by charismatic lord who accompanied them and led them to these lands and showed were to find ideal places to live and he even refurnished the ancient palace in the coast anew as his personal residence and he married head priestess who had become settlers favorite. But then tragedy struck one night and priestess died in mysterious circumstance.

Considering future events which soon followed, some wonder was it accident at all? Soon after head priestess had slain, a cadre of vampires came to settlements, protected no less than by their lord who displayed dark magic and told he had sold his soul for dark powers lingering in the lands to gain power! Some symphatic though lord was under influence of the vampires and some others speculate lord raised these undead abominations as his personal royal guards! You, the heroes, came because one the townsfolk who had succeed escape the cursed land pleaded for help and you were the ones answer the call.

You one by one slew the vampire lords who terrorized the land, each one powerful and dangerous; Ragnos Sanguinar, who's bloodlust in battle was frigthening to behold and he easily infected same black and dark bloodlust on soldiers which he commanded; the Dark Knights which order you destroyed. Catherine von Macvail, a deadly duelist who thirsted for worthy challenger and found it in you and lost with wicked smile on her lips as her body turned to ash. Lord Thamos Darkwill, a brilliant tactician and most cunning of the vampire lords who used thugs, assassins and bandits to terrorize large swap of wild land outside the kingdom and hindered your every advance as he could. Until you backed him on corner where he fougth fiercely like a cornered rat but still lost, but not before taking one of your comrades with him as he fell to your magic and blades! Lord Crimson, a warrior without name who wielded dark magical powers and was entirely devoted to the dark lord of the lands and whom he served most faithfully and with absolute obedience and led personally crimson guard, the royal guard who guarded the lord who had made dark pact with the lands. Despite mix of blade and magic, he lost but he lost with honor and fairness unmatched by other vampire lords and he was only one showing regret being a vampire. Lastly but not least countess Miria, Miria who was the one who 'escaped' dark lands and called for your aid and helped aid and guide you to all vampire lords and provided details how defeat them and their organization and be 'face of the rebellion'. But in truth she was throat slicing cold hearted bitch who used you kill her comrades so she, all alone, could rule the dark kingdom and inherit their powers! She turned on you, poisoning you, but you overcame her treacherous trap and cornered her and she fought but despite her scheming and lust for power, she was weakest of the vampire lords.

Then finally came the dark lord himself who had made dark pact with land who's loved wife had died mysteriously; Lord Adrian Daerhaert, you confirmed that despite rumors lord was not under influence of vampires despite hope of people it being so (as he was much loved in the past), instead his entire heart had turned to darkness and he had used vampires as his personal retinue and tools. You fought him and he displayed dark magic and trickery, but he slipped and he was caught off guard and killed. More easily than any his lieutenants and he was then buried besides his deceased wife by locals who then formed party of celebration for their heroes. But at midnight party came a uninvited guest.....lord Adrian Daerhaert himself!

At the party he displayed power exceeding far what he displayed before, he was not merely human wielding dark magic.....but a monster! A vampire! Realizing you were tricked you used every trick you had used so far cripple vampires, but none of them worked! He slaugthered most townsfolk who were at celebration, as show of brutal force and clear way for the battle to come where he one by one killed, hunted and tracked each of you down and slew you.....or at least that's what your final thoughts were when darkness fell upon you.

Instead you wake up in coffins, kicking them open, rise up and lord Adrian greeting you in the throne room were you once slew him and his royal guards and said to you; "Ah, your finally awakened my children.....I hope you do not repeat mistakes of my earlier children what they did."

Welcome to yet another project of mine and this time it is 3.5 DnD game with lots homebrew/custom rules. Game which was inspired playing Total War: Warhammer as vampire counts and other stories relating to 'vampire courts' or 'vampire kingdoms' (also Dracula Tale Untold inspired me). Point of this game is to roleplay and live as fresh group of vampires under command of vampire lord, who got surprise jump on you as you dropped your guards during the celebration party and he single handledly owned you all (he played initially as if he was 10th level human lord but he in fact was 20th level badass vampire with evolved undead templates top of that). The story starts in aftermath of your 'deaths' and being raised by vampire lord as his new vampire lords (and his plans if any were unknown what he planned to do with vampire lords but you may had speculated them as you wish). Overall story focusing on living as new/fresh vampires and is up to you will you succumb to your 'undead condittion' or will you fight and struggle until you can defeat your own lord (and then either become yourself a vampire lord or seek ressurection + wish spell able turn back to life). Some kingdom building may be involved and founding a necropolis nation :P. I place strict five player cap for this but I pick players at next weekend (not this week's weekend but next one).

Details of the homebrew rules (including major changes to classes) is found in here (just ignore char generation part as I include the details in below);

STATS: 32 point buy, every 4th level gain +1 to two stats
STARTING LEVEL: Level 10 for everyone unless take LA races/templates.
RACE/TEMPLATE NOTE: All have vampire template for free (does not take away levels and such). Must pick race/templates which can be undead/take vampire template.
CLASSES: We use all published classes in 3.5, however I have house ruled or even outright redone some of the classes completely so it's well adviced you check the class change area for class changes in above link.
FEATS: We use pathfinder progression (feat at every odd level).
GOLD: You have 49,000gp which you can spend as you wish (you can craft own gear up to 25,000gp worth amount invested on crafted stuff but no more than that, remaining 24,000gp must spend normally). Also you need pick single item up to 30,000gp in value which is item which was used by one the vampire lords which party slew (so one expensive item with background fluff needed), any gold left over from item purchase is lost.
FOLLOWERS AND COMPANIONS: Cohorts if any through leadership are -1 level behind and they do not get free vampire template (unless you decide inflict them with said condittion as your cohorts are unaware of your change to become vampire under command of Adrian as this point). Same applies to followers (which can be turned vampire thralls albeit you unlikely can control all of them). Can also swap leadership for undead leadership if so desire. Any familiars/animal companions through feats/classes are lost but will be replaced shortly after opening scene is done.

Orange Marmalade

This sounds very cool - going to see what sort of fun concept I can come up with.

Zaer Darkwail

Nice hear your interested :). Start with concept/background and then hash work with mechanics. Thanks homebrew stuff you need take those account when making the char (lots changes to monk especially).


Whelp looks like we'll be getting a new countess. xD
My F-list:
My A/As: -My RPs and how many I can do at one time

Zaer Darkwail

Quote from: Kathyan on June 30, 2017, 04:43:36 PM
Pretty much interested myself too, maybe I can bring a leveled up Rauza

I accept recycle of old or present used chars for this story :)

Re Z L

Hmmm...  Think I'll see if I can piece something together.

I'm thinking Dread Necromancer so far.



I'd definitely be up for this if there's room. Not sure what to make yet though, but I also love the Vampire Counts campaign in TW: Warhammer :D
My posting rate is SLOOOW at the moment... sorry about that :(

On's + Off's                             
RP Search Thread


 Eh, screw it, I'll throw my hat in. Been a while since I played some 3.5. Psionics and/or Tome of Battle allowed? Not sure exactly what I want to make but want to have options open.
Call me Shadow
My A/A


Quote from: Drowdeviant on June 30, 2017, 05:34:55 PM
Whelp looks like we'll be getting a new countess. xD
You talking about me? blushes deviantly :-[ >:)

Quote from: ShadowFox89 on July 02, 2017, 09:42:16 AM
Eh, screw it, I'll throw my hat in. Been a while since I played some 3.5. Psionics and/or Tome of Battle allowed? Not sure exactly what I want to make but want to have options open.
Indeed they are, I'm updating an old character of mine who was a warblade with a dip on psy warrior, hope that doesn't affect your choice.


Quote from: Kathyan on July 02, 2017, 12:48:07 PM
You talking about me? blushes deviantly :-[ >:)
No my gal. Though they could be related to each other, lovers or BFFs if you want. ;)
My F-list:
My A/As: -My RPs and how many I can do at one time


Well I think we all know each from before becoming vampires, so BFF and lovers sounds good, mind if we add rivals competing for the tittle of new countess as well ^^


Quote from: Kathyan on July 02, 2017, 12:48:07 PM
Indeed they are, I'm updating an old character of mine who was a warblade with a dip on psy warrior, hope that doesn't affect your choice.

Nah, I'm just working out what I want to run for this. I'm thinking I might go bladesinger elf gal.
Call me Shadow
My A/A

Re Z L

Quote from: Kathyan on July 02, 2017, 01:04:57 PM
Well I think we all know each from before becoming vampires, so BFF and lovers sounds good, mind if we add rivals competing for the tittle of new countess as well ^^

The trifecta!


Rival Best Friends Forever With Benefits


Quote from: Kathyan on July 02, 2017, 01:04:57 PM
Well I think we all know each from before becoming vampires, so BFF and lovers sounds good, mind if we add rivals competing for the tittle of new countess as well ^^

I would imagine we might all be counts and countesses or dukes and Duchesses in title technically. Though having rivals to slay would be fun surely. My gal likely will be growing to love putting those worms in their places. xD
My F-list:
My A/As: -My RPs and how many I can do at one time

Zaer Darkwail

Quote from: ShadowFox89 on July 02, 2017, 09:42:16 AM
Eh, screw it, I'll throw my hat in. Been a while since I played some 3.5. Psionics and/or Tome of Battle allowed? Not sure exactly what I want to make but want to have options open.

Psionics and Tome of Battle are allowed sources. Rivalry if any is okay and it's true you one way or other get noble titles of your own choosing once you had been transformed into a vampire and you all know each other (you were party of heroes who just saved region from darkness but got owned in celebration party by vampire lord who took off kiddy gloves off).


So, before I throw together a character concept to pitch to Zaer, how hard should I try to "munchkin-ify" my character vs. just coming up with a fun concept?

Like, will a character be dead weight if they are more flavor and RP focused as opposed to being just pure combat powerful?
My posting rate is SLOOOW at the moment... sorry about that :(

On's + Off's                             
RP Search Thread

Zaer Darkwail

I say roleplaying and optimization are one and same thing, if you build 'weaker' char compared to others I keep it in mind when I design tasks/encounters and such. But most important thing for my games is to have fun.

Orange Marmalade

On vacation for the 4th but still very interested - possibly a Warlock character who makes a good 'face'. Will flesh out a proper concept to send over once I'm home and settled.

Re Z L


Amelie Christenson
Human Vampire Dread Necromancer (10)


  • Hair:  Black
  • Eyes:  Blue
  • Skin:  Pale
  • Height:  5' 4"
  • Weight:  82 lbs.
  • Gender:  Female
  • Sexual Orientation:  Bisexual


Appearance:  A petite woman of pale skin, though with the bearing of a noblewoman.  Given to wearing outfits of crimson, marble-white, or black.  Eyes an icy shade of blue and hair jet black, tumbling over her shoulders.  She has a look that cuts through the soul and can be felt almost like a knife through the flesh.

Personality:  Some would say haughty or proud to describe Amelie, which would be an accurate statement.  She casually dismisses those that she views as beneath her attention, taking an interest in only those few that seem noteworthy or exemplary in one category or another.  She is a woman of strong convictions, willing to do whatever needs to be done in order to meet her goals, whatever they might be.  She is naturally domineering in her relationships with others.


Her family would have preferred if she had simply stuck to studying the violin to her more...odd tastes.  Being one of the younger children of a noble house she wasn't in line to really inherit much, but was still expected to uphold family traditions and help expand their power and influence.  While not necessarily the most sociable, she was still adept at either frightening others into subservience or tricking them into doing things her way.  When she began to show signs of magical aptitude her family was overjoyed at the prospect of having a powerful sorceress within their house to help expand their influence.  Their happiness quickly soured when it became clear that her talents were on the...darker side of the magical spectrum.

She became something of a black sheep in the family and was secreted off to various schools to continue study and practice--mostly to keep her away from the rest of the family.  This suited her fine.  The dead had become more interesting companions, and the cycle of life and death had become the focus of her studies.  Arcane power steadily grew within her blood as her knowledge expanded, allowing her the benefit to go out on the occasional "adventure" to help further her study, acquire rare materials, and help others.  Most spurned her offers to assist, but others were more open-minded and allowed her to help.  Specializing in the undead made her a natural choice for dealing with such creatures, either in knowing how to best dispatch them, or in turning their minions against one another.  Her methods were sometimes questionable, but her results were typically for the betterment of all involved.

When news of rampaging vampires had reached her she was glad to offer her assistance to help dispatch them.  When she discovered an old, and long since tainted, magical item of Wee Jas's order of Necromancers she held onto it to discover a way to turn it back from it's evil path to a more neutral area--or destroy it.  She took it from the corpse of one of the defeated Vampire "Lords" and stowed it away for later, though "later" took a much different course for her than expected.

Other Information

Clawed Hand of the Sanguine Witch

Amelie pictured wearing the gauntlet
This +2 Bloodstone Spiked Gauntlet was originally made by Necromantic followers of Wee Jas.  It's power was focused to draw upon the life-force of others while also enhancing the spells that her devotees were most accustomed to using.  Formed of aged metal and stitched together with leather made of the flesh of ghouls with a tear-drop ruby upon the back of the hand, the glove-like gauntlet occupies the Hand magical item slot, even though there is only one such glove.  In addition to the normal powers granted by the Bloodstone quality the gloves grant a +2 Luck Bonus to all melee touch attacks used to deliver spells.  This luck bonus does not apply to touch attacks made through the weapon (such as with Spell Storing magic weapon quality, the Duskblade Arcane Channelling class feature, or the Bloodstone magic weapon quality).  Finally, it grants a +2 Enhancement Bonus to the wearer's Dexterity as though it were a Glove of Dexterity +2.

Item Cost Breakdown

Gauntlets of the Blood-Lord (Hand-slot item, +1 Spiked Gauntlet) 5120gp
Increase item to +3 (Increase Enhancement bonus to +2, add the +1 Bloodstone quality)  +16000gp
Add Hand slot bonus +2 Dexterity +4000gp

Total cost = 25120gp

Note:  I also dropped the quality from the weapon that automatically would Empower any touch-attack spells.  The Bloodstone has a similar property, but only for the stored Vampiric Touch spell.


  • Mundane:  Intelligence, learning, humiliating others
  • Sexual:  Being dominant/worshipped, rough sex (a little bit of blood), bondage (of others), sensuality


  • Mundane:  Being humiliated, being subservient
  • Sexual:  The usual extremes, being forced, being submissive

Zaer Darkwail

Looks interesting Re Z L :). I assume even before death Amelie was gray (neutral) necromancer who used necrotic craft against vampires and their undead minions to counter them. But in death and rebirth as vampire is less shocking to her thanks familiarity in the undead state (and vampire nature perverting her go more evil). Or was she more anti-hero in the party? Either case you cannot become lich (nor get undead related improvements from dread necromancer). But considering flavor of undead dread necromancer (or lich in general) I have ideas what bonuses/perks dread necromancer gets once they turn lich in 20th level (or undead otherwise).

Re Z L

Quote from: Zaer Darkwail on July 02, 2017, 10:46:25 PM
Looks interesting Re Z L :). I assume even before death Amelie was gray (neutral) necromancer who used necrotic craft against vampires and their undead minions to counter them. But in death and rebirth as vampire is less shocking to her thanks familiarity in the undead state (and vampire nature perverting her go more evil). Or was she more anti-hero in the party? Either case you cannot become lich (nor get undead related improvements from dread necromancer). But considering flavor of undead dread necromancer (or lich in general) I have ideas what bonuses/perks dread necromancer gets once they turn lich in 20th level (or undead otherwise).

Yup!  That was my basic idea.

One good way to deal with undead (instead of turning them to dust with cleric turning) is to control them.  She'd have been pretty solidly neutral on the alignment spectrum:  "Doing bad things to get good things done" more or less.

Yup, I knew going into it the undead stuff wouldn't stack, those are mostly secondary bonuses anyway.


If this isn't all full up already, I've been actually having somewhat of a craving for something like this.

Like, literally, my own thoughts on what I've been looking for is "something inspired by the Vampire Counts from Warhammer and Dracula Untold."
O/O: I was going to make a barebones F-list as a rough summary, but then it logged me out and I lost my progress, so I made a VERY barebones F-list instead: Here.

Zaer Darkwail

Game is not full and so far only one player has given name, class and pic of their char but no sheet :). Also I pick players (despite number of submissions) on this week friday. As idea is that game starts in this weekend.


Since I see someone's applying for a necromancer, I was thinking of maybe throwing in the idea for a knight. Though, then the idea hit me to instead play a Fallen Paladin. Like, maybe she was a Paladin as a mortal, but being turned has corrupted her and remade her into a Blackguard.

(initially edited this into my last post, but when I saw you replied, decided to post it as a reply instead xD)
O/O: I was going to make a barebones F-list as a rough summary, but then it logged me out and I lost my progress, so I made a VERY barebones F-list instead: Here.