System Based Game

Started by MagicalPen, June 25, 2017, 10:46:33 AM

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So, I've never played a system based game IRL. (IE Boardgame or anything). The extent of my experience is via computer games....Baldurs Gate, Pillars of Eternity, Diablo, TES, Shadowrun, etc. All games that take care of the stats and roles for you.

I would love to play a pen-paper style game, where I have to manage all of that. Especially one where I can play a COMPASSIONATE ELF ROGUE FROM THE ENCHANTED FOREST WHO MAKES ALL MINOR DECISIONS BY FLIPPING A COIN, as that sounds quite fun!

Resources must be available for free/online of course!

My On and Offs
When the Ink Runs Dry

Looking/Available for New Games


Might I recommend Dungeon World?

It's a little lighter than D&D though has the same aesthetic. It's playkit is online in a pdf for free on the dev's site (link below). You take a playbook and fill it out, making your character.

Then you and the others and the GM talk over the actions and story of your party until you activate a Move (an action you roll for basically, most commonly when you attack something or need to roll for defence against an attack).

You roll 2d6 (two six-sided dice); 10+ is a success, 7-9 is a success but something occurs, 6 or less is a fail though you gain 1xp (learn from your mistake).

Modifiers to the roll may come in from what your character is good at, making some rolls easier or harder. Though that's basically the whole system in a nut-shell.

Here ya go;

Whilst the Rogue class only has Human or Halfling as it's racial choices, you can reskin either and be an Elf as there's no real differences between races. If you wanted to be an Elf from an enchanted forest and have some mystical stuff because of that, I recommend playing an Elf Druid.


Thanks...will take a look at that.

I guess what I want is a game like that here on E, if some one is willing to take on a newbie of such things.

My On and Offs
When the Ink Runs Dry

Looking/Available for New Games


5th edition D&D seems to be the big popular system on Elliquiy these days, with Pathfinder at a close second.
I'm sure there's a free SRD for it online, though it doesn't give everything you need to play there, it's mainly a resource of things.

That said, I wouldn't mind learning some 5th edition, so I'd like to jump in a game if a GM wouldn't mind taking someone else who doesn't own the system (though I do have a lot of D&D and d20 knowledge, owning AD&D 2 and also 3.5).


As much as I would love to introduce some new people to the hobby, I'm a bit full on my GMing docket right now. 

I did think it would be helpful to mention that Pathfinder has a comprehensive system refrence document that can be found here:

Fifth ediition dungeons and dragons system rerence document is nowhere near so all encompasing.  I believe it does provide the basics, though. 

Perhaps I can get an opertunity to play something alongside you both. 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)

Thufir Hawat

You might have a better chance at a more systems-friendly site, I'm sorry to say.

If you need recommendations, I have good experience with Myth Weavers and RPOL. Of course, neither of them allows for the explicit kind of RP that's the norm on E., but you never get everything you want ;D!
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Without going into details, I had a bad time over at Rpol, myself. Mostly getting trolled there. Here there's less anonymity and a better safety net for members for when stuff like that occurs.

Whilst it's rare to find group games here with a variety of systems outside of 5e and PF atm, solo games are another thing entirely depending on who you rp with.

I for one love system games and don't mind doing solo games with them and whilst they're rarer here than in other places, there are people here who have their own pet fave systems I'm sure they'd love to game in if they could.

Pen, I'd easily teach Dungeon World to yourself, in a solo game, though I veer towards more playing male roles and having feminine partners in my adventuring, which I'm not sure would be your cup of tea or not.

Thufir Hawat

Agreed, RPOL wouldn't be my first choice either, but it is a choice. I'm just sharing my assessment, much as I don't like the state of things.

And of course, if you are willing to run something for the OP, that would be problem solved.
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