Pathfinder GM for F. Extreme/NC

Started by PixelatedPixie, June 25, 2017, 12:01:18 AM

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I am putting this here as I am leaning towards running this solo.  However!  I would be willing to run this for a duo if I found a pair of interested players who can create characters with a shared background.

This would be run using Pathfinder, somewhere in the range of level 1-6, with creation rules up for discussion.  However I am looking for characters who are women, and preferably relatively innocent to start out.  They don't have to be virgins who have never left the monastery, but neither should their entire backstory revolve around having been enslaved and degraded.

My intent is to run a relatively traditional story, but in a world of chauvinistic men, horny monsters, and lewd magic.  I don't want to explore just the story, but what happens when the heroine(s) is inevitably (and I will be stacking the deck against them) defeated, violated, and maybe even enslaved.  I don't have a specific list of fetishes I want to include, but I am hoping to find a person or two comfortable with most things up through extreme and that don't mind the plot being derailed (or occasionally focused on) their characters being held captive, enslaved, or otherwise inconvenienced.  So bondage, gangbangs, torture (the mild kind, if that is something that even makes sense.  More punching and hitting with things, less ripping or cutting), beastiality, pregnancy (I’d like to include it as a risk barring precuations), and so on would all need to be things the player is comfortable with. 

If you are interested and willing to explore the fetishes I mentioned (I can drop some on discussion, but if too many are offs for you it probably won’t work) and don’t mind a relatively new GM please send me a private message with the type of character you’d like to play!  You can also let me know if you’d like me to try and pair you up with someone else, I’ll admit a pair of sister adventurers would be a plus.