Looking for a sub female for D/S story.

Started by Blinkin, June 02, 2017, 12:57:50 PM

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Before I get into the story concept, I want to say that your real life gender and the gender of the character that you play has no bearing on my willingness to play with you.

Potential Content: M/F, D/S, Cuckolding, Vaginal, Oral, Anal, Blackmail, Exhibition, Other Kinks/Fetishes as agreed upon.

They were newlyweds; just 4 months out from their wedding day when Emily sat down with her new husband and met his eyes, "Honey... I need to talk to you about... something." she started out slowly.

Rob looked at her and took her hands in his, "What's wrong Baby? Surely it can't be that bad." he said in a reassuring voice.

Emily closed her eyes and took a deep breath, "There's something that you don't know about me Rob... something in my past that I thought was locked away forever." She opened her eyes and looked into the eyes of the man that she loved, "Another man owns me." she said in a quick exhalation of air... maybe if she got it out, it would be easier.

"I don't understand..."

"When I was 18, I met someone... he was older, charming...intelligent... and I... became involved with him." She bit her lower lip and sighed, "I became his slave... when I went off to university, I thought that it was over... a little adventure that I could put into my memories... but when I came home for vacation or holidays, he was always there." She sniffled softly and a tear ran down her cheek, "Then, I met you and I told him that I was in love, that I couldn't do it anymore... he told me that I was free to love anyone."

Rob gave her a confused, concerned expression, "That's in the past Darling, it's not important."

Emily shook her head slowly, "No, it's not Rob... he has.... ordered that I return to him.... I can't disobey or my family will suffer... I love you Rob, but I can't refuse."

"That's horseshit, we'll call the cops, charge him with something-"

"No Rob. He has... information that would ruinall of our lives... I have to go to him... He requires my presence every weekend... you can have me the rest of the time... if you want a weekend, then he takes 4 days during the week." She was openly crying by that point, "Master is a very powerful man and he can take everything from us."

Rob shook his head slowly, "What will he ask you to do?"

"Whatever he wants Honey.... anything he wants."


Emily touched his lips with a fingertip, "You don't want to know what I've had to do in the past... trust me. The old agreement stands. He won't try to make any alterations to my body, but he can do with it as he wills... I'm sorry Honey." she wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in his shoulder, "Please don't hate me!"

Ok, what I'm looking for is a partner to play the role of Emily (Name is just a place marker) and commit to a long-term story about how she (and her husband) deals with the fact that she is a slave and their lives must revolve around that fact until such time as they can find a way to get her out of it.

The setting is a slightly altered world where, under specific and limited terms, slavery is legal and enforceable. The specific terms involve certain non-violent crimes in which the convicted criminal may opt to become a slave rather than serve a sentence in prison. The term of the slavery is the same as if the prison sentence was taken, without the opportunity for parole. In these cases, there are strict and firmly enforced regulations for the safety of both the slave and the owner and violation of these regulations results in the owner being sold into life-long slavery.

The second way in which slavery is legal is when an adult voluntarily enters into a slave contract. Such contracts are also specific and detailed as to what can and cannot be done to the slave and durations range from a few days to a life-long commitment. While the slave retains the control of his/her mind and can be employed, the slave's body is the property of the owner to do with as he or she sees fit for their enjoyment. The inslaved have no rights as a person, unless the terms of the contract are violated, and cannot own property of any kind. Any income goes directly to the owner for the care and support of the slave and some portion is set aside in the event that the contract lapses. Owning a slave is an expensive and demanding situation and the reasons for someone to enter voluntary slavery varies greatly and is usually a very personal reason.

In this story, our heroine entered a lifelong enslavement with an older man who she was, in some way, in love with. The exact terms of the contract is up for discussion, but when she told him that she had fallen in love with a man, she misunderstands his statement that she can love whoever she wants to mean that he would release her from her contract. Instead, he gave her time to work out her feelings and return to him. When they meet again by coincidence, he reasserts his rights and demands that she return to him and the responsibility that she abandoned.

Her enslavement is one of a firm hand, but it was also a life that included a bit of romance, intellectual and spiritual interaction and pleasure in many forms. Sex is a part of the story, but so is the rest of her life as a slave. The ultimate question is, can she hide the fact from her husband that she may want to return to her Master and what he gives her?

All details are open to discussion, I want to write the story because it gives me a chance to explore the dom side of a D/S story. I do have a similar thread that is currently stalled do to RL issues, but this would, I hope, be different because a different person is writing for Emily... So, anyone interested?
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