Ready's Return - Searching (mostly) f/f stories [selectively seeking partners]

Started by ready4roleplay, May 28, 2017, 04:54:46 PM

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Greetings to all!

After taking a few years away from writing on-site, I am back and ready to write again!

A few things you may want to know before going any further:

  • I mostly prefer writing as a female character to other female characters but occasionally will enjoy writing a male character against a male or female character, depending on my interest in a story.  I tend to lose interest in solely writing a female character to a male one and so I rarely ever do those stories. 
  • My posting length depends mostly on my partner, but also on what is going on in the scene at the time.  In other words, it varies.
  • My availability varies from week to week.  I am mostly available for posting on the weekends.  I am usually not able to be very active during the week.

Story Ideas:

Here is a link to my world building page in which there are images that helped to spark these story ideas here.

Please note: I am not looking for immediate smut-fests.  I definitely adore the slow burn, romance building portion of writing.  None of these particular stories will be a rush to a sex scene.  All of them will be about discovering friendship, love, and companionship.

There are a couple of stories of my own that I am dying to create/recreate.  I made up some wonderful characters for stories that never really got off the ground, or stories I want to write again.  Titles are fluid/can be changed.  So can most of the ages.  I value input from my co-writers as long as they aren't trying to change the entire scenario into something completely different.

The ones I really want to write are:

Seven Year Itch*In discussion
MC is the granddaughter of a restaurant conglomerate - the only child of his only son.  She's 25 years old and has been married to a man who works for the company since she was 18.  She met him when she was 17 and at the time thought him to be charming and ambitious.  When he'd proposed, she accepted.  After marrying him, she realized he saw her as little more than a business opportunity.  She'd spent the last few years disliking almost everything there was about her life.  Here enters YC, someone (specifics can be worked out) who breathes live into her and shows her all the things she's been missing. (F/F role)

She Knew It All Along
So a long time ago, I had an idea pop into my head.  Not fully fleshed out because I am not 100% sure what I want it to be.... I think want it to be some sort of fantasy type story - definitely not vampires... but some type of 'superhuman' or other type of beings with some types of powers.  Or maybe humans who have a peculiar belief.  Details to be discussed with my partner.  They live separate from, but still together with humans... confused yet? :) Basics are this.. there's a 17+ year old girl who was raised only by her mother.  She's felt there was something different about her for her whole life.  But it's something she always kept suppressed.  Her mother is a human, her father is the superhuman/being.   Turns out, she has a twin sister and the belief of their race is that twins are a bad thing.   They believe that twins are one soul with two bodies and the presence of that second body cuts the first body's powers.  Their tradition is to 'sacrifice' the second born twin within three days of birth in order to give the first twin - who they believe is the rightful offspring - a chance at a full life.  The parents know this and when their daughters are born, they come up with a plan that causes the mother to escape with her second born daughter to save her life.  The first born daughter and father continue their lives with their clan under the pretense that the mother died during child birth.  For the mother and second born, their lives are pretty much normal until her mother get sick and is on the verge of death.  In an act of courage, she contacts her former husband and tells him of her predicament and begs that he looks out for their child.  She confesses her dying secret to her heartbroken daughter.  Enter the father and twin sister to come claim the girl so she won't be left alone in the world.  The main character I am looking for will be the twin sister - the father and others will be NPC written by either myself or my partner - to lead and guide her sister into the ways of her new world.

The King's Wives* In Discussion
Her Papa was dead.  Killed in a battle he should not have had to fight.  A battle for a greedy new prince who wanted to conquer more neighboring lands to prove his ability to his aging father.  She'd been there the moment they drug her papa back to home base to the healer's tent.  He'd barely been alive when she knelt at his side, begging him to not leave her.  He'd whispered only a few words.  A final warning to avoid..... something she'd never know, as he'd taken his final breath before then.   Days later, she'd knelt at the monument his fellow knights had created in his honor and knelt to say goodbye to the man who'd been her whole world.  She had no one now.  It was there that he found her.  The prince himself.  He spoke of her father's bravery and how such an honorable man deserved to not have his daughter cast out into the streets.  And so, he'd do her the honor of making her one of his wives.  It wasn't something she wanted.  But it wasn't as if she had a choice.  She was escorted, by the prince's most trusted guards, back to his castle to await his return so they could be wed.  She didn't love the prince.  Didn't even pretend that she could begin to.  However, it was there, at the castle that she found a love she'd never imagined.... with a woman the prince had already wed.


It has definitely been some time since I posted asking for new stories.  I guess this is considered a bump/overhaul of my request thread.